wp blog themes w/ lead capture atop page

3 replies



I'd love to do the exact same thing - have my lead capture form atop the home page, prominently, right where people can see it.

Are there blog templates like this out there, or is this a custom coding type thing?

Thank you!
#atop #blog #capture #lead #page #themes #w or
  • Profile picture of the author RyleyDonkersgoed
    I'm not sure, but I believe you could probably make that with optimizepress
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Well I know of 2 that can replicate this...

    1.) OptimizePress has a homepage feature built-in that enables various optins at the header

    2.) FlexSqueeze has a similar layout for optins

    I actually have the full unlimitted version of OP2 so, and FlexSqueeze was a bit more pricy, kind of like Lead Pages... so I recommend Optimize Press, it also has a built-in membership plugin, pre-templated themes, and a WYSIWYG builder called "Live Editor" which if your not php, HTML, and CSS savvy.. has quite a bit to offer for the price, and they have a lot of CSS tweaks, tutorials, and vids to help get the look and feel you want.. plus, users who regularly add stuff on YouTube as well.

    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Check out Thrive Themes: Thrive Theme Demos
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