by ally0
15 replies
#ebook #success
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Originally Posted by ally0 View Post

    Does anyone know any good websites where I can buy targeted great, quality, and real converting traffic that would purchase my e-book. I have e-books in different niches. I would like the traffic I target, a great percentage would buy the e-book especially if the book is in the same category as the traffic. My goal is several thousands of units of the e-book. Does anyone know which of the sites can give you this?
    Really? Do you think if anyone had access to a goldmine like you just described they would just post it here on a public forum, or that they would give it to you?

    You have to go down the same road every other successful marketer travels on, and that is hard work and long hours of searching and testing.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Originally Posted by ally0 View Post

    Does anyone know which of the sites can give you this?


    How are you going to get members of this forum to tell you where buyer traffic is when they don't even know what niches you're targeting? And especially when you say you have ebooks in different niches?

    You're confused because you're looking for a place where all the traffic is targeted, all are buyers are ready to purchase, and you want them to give you their money on first contact.

    Focus on people instead of traffic sources. Treat them as individuals that you'd like to assist or help in your niche. Try to get people that are interested in your niche to allow you to contact them to help them. Get subscribers to your web site and treat them like individuals.

    Good luck to you,


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
    Ebooks target niches - non-fiction ebooks typically solve problems or help people achieve something in their lives...that, of course, dictates the audience you need to put your e-book in front of.

    There is no magical market called "e-book buyers" - but instead markets such as "people who want to lose belly fat" and will be open to buying a solution they trust, perhaps as an e-book.
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  • Profile picture of the author CityCowboy
    Having a lot of Ebooks in different niches in one site is not good, People will get confused and won't trust your expertise on the topics... you can't be a master of everything, but you can definitely be a master of one thing!

    Choose your best Ebook, set-up a good sales page and send high quality traffic to it, and hopefully you will start to see some ROI.
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  • Profile picture of the author ally0
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    • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
      Originally Posted by ally0 View Post

      Thank you to everyone posting answers I gave you a thanks. I'm just learning and everything so I really appreciate your feedback and responses. For the one person who's response is constantly hostile please refrain from answering any of my questions. You have been bullying me in any question I ask ever since I arrived on the forum. What is your problem? Do you just want someone to constantly talk down to?

      Think about what you are asking on a public marketing forum where anyone can answer and place a reply ,I know who you mean forget it he is just old and cranky

      One thing you need to learn to take some heat or you wont last just dont take it personally! think of it as a person having a go at the eBook you wrote and not yourself

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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Don't know about the other threads, but read his response on this thread again: he's right. You need the info you asked for, but he's right: you're not going to get it the way you're going about here. Though you may get some good pointers as to how to go about it so that you CAN get the answers you're looking for.

      Originally Posted by ally0 View Post

      For the one person who's response is constantly hostile please refrain from answering any of my questions. You have been bullying me in any question I ask ever since I arrived on the forum. What is your problem? Do you just want someone to constantly talk down to?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Harris
    Put your ebooks on affiliate networks and look for people to promote them for you.
    Free Video Course
    How To Sell Affiliate Products
    Find out how you can get instant traffic to an affiliate offer and be making sales within an hour!
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  • Profile picture of the author rockydx
    Btw what is your niche??
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  • Profile picture of the author Hooda M Kismet
    I would advise you to start building your list and connect with your target audience. This stuff doesn't happen overnight as you may know.

    Offer something for free in return of their contact details, build a relationship and nurture your list, then attempt to sell to them. Once they know, like and trust you, they will trust your recommendations and they will buy from you.
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  • Profile picture of the author vienchaua10
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    • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
      Originally Posted by vienchaua10 View Post

      Thank you to everyone posting answers I gave you a thanks. I'm just learning and everything so I really appreciate your feedback and responses. For the one person who's response is constantly hostile please refrain from answering any of my questions

      It would be very exciting if it were that easy my friend.

      The best suggestions would come from knowing the niche, also what exactly would all that traffic be arriving to? A well tested high converting sales page/landing page or garbage unprofessional spammy mess.

      Getting traffic and it converting into sales that is a whole different animal.

      Also public forums are a little bit like shouting into a a public never know what responses you might get back's a challenge but try to never let that bother you.
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  • Profile picture of the author infomom
    I would focus on building a list for each niche, then sending them valuable free content. They will then be more apt to purchase your ebook after they know and trust you.
    Hope that helps!
    Now You Can Build Your Email List And Get Paid At The Same Time!

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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    he is just old and cranky
    I disagree.

    "Yes" men are of no help to anyone and can be a detriment. A lot of these people need a cold slap in the face to shock them into reality.

    Also, for lack of a better word "hazing" is a long standing right of passage in many occupations. They will do everything they can think of to drive you off. If you can take the heat and come out the other side standing, you will gain a lot of respect.

    If you wanted to invest the time and effort, you could search some of Paul Myers posts after I first joined. You would find a few that are basically telling me I am being an idiot. I didn't cry about it. I thanked him for his post, because he was right.

    If you can't handle a harsh dose of reality when needed, this business is not for you.
    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author scottj6
    I agree with the others that said build your list. Entice people to a quality give away, offer value and then pitch your books. Another method is to put the books on JVZoo and build relationships with affiliates who can help promote your books as well

    Discover 3 Hot Methods I use to make REAL and Consistent $$ Online-

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by ally0 View Post

    I have e-books in different niches.
    That's problem #1. Focus on making money in 1 niche with 1 product before you try and sell to the world. If you continue down this path, you will need a super heavy advertising budget. But i'm hear to tell you that you should stick with 1 niche, and create backend products to sell to the customers who buy your first lead-in product.
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