[Legal Question] Using "Playboy" in Domain Name

7 replies
Anyone with legal expertise/knowledge, would love your input.

Can I use a domain with the word "Playboy" in it?

The website has nothing to do with porn.

It has to do with a specific sport...for now, let's just call it bowling (that's not the one, I'm just trying to keep the niche hidden for now).

So if a domain is BowlerPlayboy.com, will this get me into legal trouble?

#domain #legal #playboy #question
  • Profile picture of the author BradVert2013
    Trademark Notice - Playboy Enterprises

    Playboy is a registered trademark.

    You need to talk to a lawyer about the risks. Don't rely on an Internet forum for legal advice.
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    • Profile picture of the author ContentPro22
      Originally Posted by BradVert2013 View Post

      Trademark Notice - Playboy Enterprises

      Playboy is a registered trademark.

      You need to talk to a lawyer about the risks. Don't rely on an Internet forum for legal advice.
      I went straight to the source and emailed the Playboy privacy department.

      I'll keep you guys updated.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    I'm not an attorney, but my understanding is it depends on the context of the site.

    For what you are talking about, I think you are fine.

    If you were creating something like PlayboyReviews.com and reviewing issues of Playboy, then it would be a problem.

    What you are doing is separate entirely from the Playboy brand.

    No matter the answers you get here or from Playboy, I would really consult an independent attorney.
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  • Profile picture of the author wentzco
    Well I've been in the domain biz for 16+ years now & I know that Playboy Enterprise indeed launches WIPO cases against those that use "Playboy" in their domain name.

    I did a search at WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) & found 12,700 search results regarding the term "Playboy"
    WIPO Search

    Yes - Playboy also has filed lawsuits seeking damages in some cases.

    Now - on the other hand I see a site up at TechPlayboy.com so "maybe" Playboy doesn't go after everyone? Here's another one at Disclaimer | Welcome to the Blog of the Arab Playboy number One

    I think using a generic term like "Playboy" or "Apple" that happen to be trademarks can be done as long as you aren't piggybacking on their business & your business is seperate. Example - ApplePosters (OK) but AppleTechAdvice (Not OK).

    So do you really want to go through this process & worry that Playboy may or may not take action? I sure wouldn't...
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  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    Only a fool takes legal advice from anonymous strangers on public forums.

    Don't be a fool.
    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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  • Profile picture of the author ContentPro22
    To my surprise, they said it was okay. It took a few weeks for them to reply.
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    • Profile picture of the author aizaku
      Originally Posted by ContentPro22 View Post

      To my surprise, they said it was okay. It took a few weeks for them to reply.
      Thats great news, but what if they change their minds?

      Can your email exchange be considered a legal document?

      Anyways, i hope it works out for you..

      Best of luck,
      Ike Paz

      Truth be told, I wouldn't do it.
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