There's a new IM disease spreading like a Kim K upskirt photo

8 replies
Actually, the disease has been around forever, but I'm going to give it a new name.

The biggest symptom of the disease is an inability to pull the trigger and start on a project. It's often confused with Analysis Paralysis, but it's not quite the same.

What is this dreaded scourge?


Fear Of Better Options

You've seen the threads. "What should I do - affiliate marketing, CPA, list building, YouTube..." and so on and so on and so on, ad infinitum ad nauseum. Or "which [autoresponder, theme, plug in, affiliate network, etc. - you get the picture] is best".

All of these poor souls are suffering from FOBO. If I do this, how do I know that won't be better? And unlike SOS, where people jump from shiny thing to shiny thing, FOBO sufferers never jump at all.

Have you ever had a FOBO attack? How did you beat it?

Inquiring minds want to know
#disease #kim #photo #spreading #upskirt
  • Profile picture of the author danieldesai
    Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

    Have you ever had a FOBO attack? How did you beat it?

    Inquiring minds want to know

    I came to terms with the fact that there might always be a better way of doing things, but success doesn't come after you get everything perfect...

    Success comes from consistently doing the right things in a way that's good enough.

    After all, successful businesses still don't have everything right, and they're doing fine while making changes.

    The bottom line is this; you will always have opportunities to do better, and waiting to figure everything out is exactly how you don't discover better ways of doing things.

    I'm not sure if that really answers how I "beat" FOBO but it was definitely a strong contributor to my mindset shift.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gallag97
    its always a good way to give more than one option a try, some people have personalities where they are very shy and that stops them from going out and attempting more than one alternative. Try both, maybe they'll end up successful in both areas.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

    Actually, the disease has been around forever, but I'm going to give it a new name.

    The biggest symptom of the disease is an inability to pull the trigger and start on a project. It's often confused with Analysis Paralysis, but it's not quite the same.

    What is this dreaded scourge?


    Fear Of Better Options

    You've seen the threads. "What should I do - affiliate marketing, CPA, list building, YouTube..." and so on and so on and so on, ad infinitum ad nauseum. Or "which [autoresponder, theme, plug in, affiliate network, etc. - you get the picture] is best".

    All of these poor souls are suffering from FOBO. If I do this, how do I know that won't be better? And unlike SOS, where people jump from shiny thing to shiny thing, FOBO sufferers never jump at all.

    Have you ever had a FOBO attack? How did you beat it?

    Inquiring minds want to know
    Yeah John. A lot of it is Fear of Putting in Time and dwelling on the fact that it may not pan out and the lost of that time. We are born into this World where everything evolves around Time and accomplishing things within a certain Time frame. I think each of us to a certain degree has struggled with this .

    - Robert Andrew
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    "A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." Gen. George S. Patton
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  • Profile picture of the author dana67
    Maybe men who date Kim K have FOBO

    Fear Of Better Options

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by gotthrowaway View Post

    Yep, saw that one on local TV. Decided to apply it to IM. Your point?
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  • Profile picture of the author Trey Morgan
    What helped me cure this disease was to increase my belief in myself. I decided that it wasn't about the business model, instead I decided that "I" would be the main factor to my success. I decided that no matter what business model I go with "I" will make it work.

    So, my advice would be to choose a business model that has been proven to be profitable and make the decision to be the best version of yourself and make it work no matter what.
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