How should I include a landing page in this situation?

5 replies
I've heard that the only way a user should be able to navigate to a landing page is through the call-to-action that got them there and they should not be able to navigate away from that page except to claim whatever the landing page is promoting.

1. Is this a good rule to follow?

I have a site that teaches Android programming and I do this through blog posts and online courses. One of my courses has a landing page that I take people to through Facebook ads. If I follow this rule they should only be able to see this page from the fb ad. I would then need another page to promote my course in the form of a blog post or another dedicated page. So that brings me to question 2.

2. What would be the best way to include this course on my site?

Thanks in advance, you guys rock.
#include #landing #page #situation
  • Profile picture of the author jimwayde
    First off make sure your landing page abides by facebooks TOS so you dont lose your account.

    Use your landing page to capture the information of your visitors. A one field email submit will do.

    Also give your visitors a free ebook that warms them up to your offer in exchange for their email address.

    Now you will have a list of targeted visitors that you can market to. You can promote your offer or drive them to your blog.

    I wouldn't run paid ads to a landing page that doesn't capture your visitors information in some way. You would be leaving alot of money on the table if you did that.

    Hope this helps you out buddy.
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  • Profile picture of the author VidasVegas
    My suggestion is send your visitors first to the presentation page with video ( not to scare them about asking they email ) to pre-frame them second is a email capture page and then thank you page with tracking pixel after that sales page. Personally for me works better this way
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffsg605
    Thank you guys. I have made a landing page, although it still needs work, but I plan on showing a video and asking for email although I still need to create a lead magnet. I guess maybe the question I'm really asking is whether I should allow users to navigate to this page through my site or only through the fb ad?
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    • Profile picture of the author JohnZ
      To give somewhat of a general response, it doesn't hurt to have different types of pages and/or related lead magnets that all funnel to your offer in different ways and can be used with different traffic sources or audiences you are targeting.

      Having multiple types of pages can be good or even necessary in my opinion since you'll probably need to run some traffic to find out what's working or not for your offers...

      As a hypothetical - maybe you run some FB ads and burn up some cash only to find out you're not having luck getting the opt-in straight from the ad to the landing page... so next you try a slightly different type of ad and this time send the traffic to a blog post that first educates and has a soft call to action for clicking through to your landing page - and maybe you find this tends to work better because they have been pre-sold a bit more and have gotten multiple exposures over time to you're brand or product etc.

      In that case, even if you don't get a subscriber, you can also take advantage of using tracking pixels to potentially re-target /re-market to those who clicked to your post but didn't click to your landing page etc.

      Anyway, my bad for the long response...hopefully your question got at least partially answered somewhere in there...
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffsg605
    Thank you John, that did help to answer my question. What I got from it is that there is no one right answer. Try a few things and see what works. That makes sense. I wish there was a more straight forward way to do it but it seems that different things work for different types of businesses. I'll see what works for me.
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