Best Way to Setup Video On Demand Site

by Bruha
1 replies
I'm looking to build a video on demand website and wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what to use?

I've looked at some of the pay services, but am wondering if there is a Wordpress solution in combination with a video hosting service that may work for cheaper to get started and test the idea out.

I've thought about maybe using a membership wordpress option in combination with Youtube or possibly AMazon AWS to host the videos?

Thanks in advance.
#demand #setup #site #video
  • Profile picture of the author skipper83
    Definitely is the best. They are similar to YouTube, but they allow you customize the video player with your own logo/colors, use your own ad tags, and give you content to monetize. In order to get their content, you need to be accepted into the publisher program which requires you to be big. In either case you can join the creator program without any minimums and should solve your problem.
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