WarriorPlus (W+) lifetime commissions?

2 replies

I'm creating a new product and want to promote it via WarriorPlus. But I was wondering if there is a way to setup it up so that any affiliate that promotes this product also gets credits for my future product launches also?

Is it possible with WarriorPlus? And while we're on this subject, what about JVZoo?

Appreciate any advice.

Thanks in advance,
#commissions #lifetime #warriorplus
  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    Originally Posted by San Kumar View Post


    I'm creating a new product and want to promote it via WarriorPlus. But I was wondering if there is a way to setup it up so that any affiliate that promotes this product also gets credits for my future product launches also?

    Is it possible with WarriorPlus? And while we're on this subject, what about JVZoo?

    Appreciate any advice.

    Thanks in advance,
    I believe there are ways to set it up so that when a certain affiliate applies for any of your new launches, they are automatically approved. As far as them only applying once and then being approved for every product you launch, I don't think so.

    In other words, they need to apply to promote any new products you launch. Like I said, though, I believe there is a way you can set them to auto approve so that you won't have to manually approve their applications for every product you launch.

    In a way that works for what you want, but the affiliate will still have to apply for every new product.
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    • Profile picture of the author San Kumar
      Originally Posted by nicheblogger75 View Post

      I believe there are ways to set it up so that when a certain affiliate applies for any of your new launches, they are automatically approved. As far as them only applying once and then being approved for every product you launch, I don't think so.

      In other words, they need to apply to promote any new products you launch. Like I said, though, I believe there is a way you can set them to auto approve so that you won't have to manually approve their applications for every product you launch.

      In a way that works for what you want, but the affiliate will still have to apply for every new product.
      Appreciate the advice. Thanks. I really wish there was a way because it is only fair to any affiliate promoting my product. Maybe I'll drop this suggestion to Mike Lantz

      Coming Soon...

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