$1000 an hour, field report

35 replies
Alright so it's time to share my findings on the mysticalitiy known as $1k an hour.

Short answer, I dont have $1000 in my square, paypal, or bank account.

Long answer, i'm rich.

So what happened was i took everything i learned over the past 5 years and went an pitched a friend of mine, this took over the course of 3 days, actual time put in was about 3 hours of work. And i mean like, dont bother me right now im working work.

So what ended up happening was he was trying to understand my business plan, he was trying to understand how you can you charge me $1000 and i go make $1000 then you do this over and over and over and over, i guess because he saw the limitless possibilities.

So he hit me with question, after question, after argument, after argument, after question, after question, after argument. I sorta figured if i dont solve this equation right now ill never move ahead in my career. So instead of getting pissed off and walking away, i persisted. I questioned every question he had, eventually it got to the point where he was convinced in a way, but he needed to see it to believe it.

So he threw every nasty and hateful objection at me that you could imagine, and i disarmed every single one.

Eventually he asked well maybe ill consider the deal if you show me testimonials of your work and what you can do. I laughed thinking of all the people ive helped, but i realized, look man, im mentoring like 10 people at the moment personally, ill open up my messenger and you can talk to any of them and they will vouch for me.

So he did that, the first guy lol'd but then i showed him all the conversations i had with people messaging me from WF and all the conversations with friends, and essentially after all that he said no. Man was i in a mood.

Now heres the beautiful part.

As i said good bye and parted ways, he looked me in the eye and said, "Chris, you have convinced me beyond the shadow of a doubt that you can deliver, everything you told me is true, it is the truth, and you proved it to me every single way i asked, i can't get you, you are right, you are worth it, it is worth the investment to work with you"

My reply "lol i know"

So thats how my day went yesterday, 3 hours, $0.

Now lets extrapolate on this data a little bit.

I realized when i came home, that i went after probably the hardest customer i might ever have to face in my life, and i did it on purpose simply because i wanted to test myself.

After getting over the saltiness, i realized that the market is huge, like i spent way too much time with this guy, it shouldve been hit me with me all the hard questions and swipe now or ill talk to you tomorrow.

You shouldnt spend more than an hour with any prospect, and make sure the deal with money is clear and upfront, i charge $1000, either pay it in full or $500 this month and $500 next month, its on a payment plan, so have the money, otherwise youre getting backcharged by the bank.

Am i going to close this guy? Maybe. Am i going to chase him. Nah. Will i move on, abso*******lutely. Do i think this was a solid attempt at making $1k an hour? I'll let you decide.

One thing one of my mentors taught me was that no doesnt always mean no, it means, not right now, or im not ready.

So i guess ill pay friend larry a visit in a day or two when hes calmed down.

oh and btw the 3 hours i spent working with my friend larry we were also getting drunk and high, so try and pull that one off with your boss. And ask your boss for a raise too
#field #hour #report
  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Great ,so now we have members here talking about making $0 dollars and being able to get drunk and high at the same time.

    Just beautiful
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    • Profile picture of the author agmccall
      Originally Posted by discrat View Post

      Great ,so now we have members here talking about making $0 dollars and being able to get drunk and high at the same time.

      Just beautiful
      I can do that and I do not even need a WSO to accomplish it


      "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

    oh and btw the 3 hours i spent working with my friend larry we were also getting drunk and high, so try and pull that one off with your boss. And ask your boss for a raise too
    Any pro sportsman who gets drunk and high get's punted off the team and usually has their contract torn up and very often depending on circumstances also conviction recorded.

    It doesn't matter what your personal stance on drugs and alcohol is but any suggestion of mixing them with business is very poor advice perhaps drawn from watching too many movies.

    Perhaps there are professions where $1000 an hour and drugs are involved but usually those professions have a victim and perhaps you are one of those who've been put on the spit and roasted.

    Drug talk is not appreciated on this forum.

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  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    idk man when you got people working for you its a different story

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    So, to sum this up, you talked to your friend for 3 hours yesterday and accomplished nothing. Got it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
    [QUOTE=cjsparacino123;11109100]Alright so it's time to share my findings on the mysticalitiy known as $1k an hour.[QUOTE]

    So, you misspelled mythicality
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11109289].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Money responds really, really well to clarity, and to folks who have a sense of purpose. And not too well to unclear folks who are not umm....too purposeful LOL.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11109299].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    yeah man, we got another guy today, $1k in 20 mins, didnt close, oh well move on, and my employee brought him to me

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11109303].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rhealy29
      Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

      yeah man, we got another guy today, $1k in 20 mins, didnt close, oh well move on, and my employee brought him to me

      Got another guy today. 1k in only 20 minutes. Didn't close, of course and got no actual money. But NAILED IT AGAIN! That's 3000 (imaginary) dollar an hour!

      Time for a NEW WSO!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11109338].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rhealy29
    Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

    Alright so it's time to share my findings on the mysticalitiy known as $1k an hour.

    Short answer, I dont have $1000 in my square, paypal, or bank account.

    Long answer, i'm rich.

    So what happened was i took everything i learned over the past 5 years and went an pitched a friend of mine, this took over the course of 3 days, actual time put in was about 3 hours of work. And i mean like, dont bother me right now im working work.

    So what ended up happening was he was trying to understand my business plan, he was trying to understand how you can you charge me $1000 and i go make $1000 then you do this over and over and over and over, i guess because he saw the limitless possibilities.

    So he hit me with question, after question, after argument, after argument, after question, after question, after argument. I sorta figured if i dont solve this equation right now ill never move ahead in my career. So instead of getting pissed off and walking away, i persisted. I questioned every question he had, eventually it got to the point where he was convinced in a way, but he needed to see it to believe it.

    So he threw every nasty and hateful objection at me that you could imagine, and i disarmed every single one.

    Eventually he asked well maybe ill consider the deal if you show me testimonials of your work and what you can do. I laughed thinking of all the people ive helped, but i realized, look man, im mentoring like 10 people at the moment personally, ill open up my messenger and you can talk to any of them and they will vouch for me.

    So he did that, the first guy lol'd but then i showed him all the conversations i had with people messaging me from WF and all the conversations with friends, and essentially after all that he said no. Man was i in a mood.

    Now heres the beautiful part.

    As i said good bye and parted ways, he looked me in the eye and said, "Chris, you have convinced me beyond the shadow of a doubt that you can deliver, everything you told me is true, it is the truth, and you proved it to me every single way i asked, i can't get you, you are right, you are worth it, it is worth the investment to work with you"

    My reply "lol i know"

    So thats how my day went yesterday, 3 hours, $0.

    Now lets extrapolate on this data a little bit.

    I realized when i came home, that i went after probably the hardest customer i might ever have to face in my life, and i did it on purpose simply because i wanted to test myself.

    After getting over the saltiness, i realized that the market is huge, like i spent way too much time with this guy, it shouldve been hit me with me all the hard questions and swipe now or ill talk to you tomorrow.

    You shouldnt spend more than an hour with any prospect, and make sure the deal with money is clear and upfront, i charge $1000, either pay it in full or $500 this month and $500 next month, its on a payment plan, so have the money, otherwise youre getting backcharged by the bank.

    Am i going to close this guy? Maybe. Am i going to chase him. Nah. Will i move on, abso*******lutely. Do i think this was a solid attempt at making $1k an hour? I'll let you decide.

    One thing one of my mentors taught me was that no doesnt always mean no, it means, not right now, or im not ready.

    So i guess ill pay friend larry a visit in a day or two when hes calmed down.

    oh and btw the 3 hours i spent working with my friend larry we were also getting drunk and high, so try and pull that one off with your boss. And ask your boss for a raise too
    So the same guy giving tips on how to make $108,000 a day in another thread just explained to us how he spent 3 hours trying to get $1000, without success, resulting in zero dollars. Somehow this was still a solid attempt at making $1000 an hour.

    The sheer lunacy of the math alone is mind boggling. Luckily the smell of BS is enough to distract from it.
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  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
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    • Profile picture of the author rhealy29
      Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

      breh, i mean if you wanna get smart ill show you $108,000 in an hour on a bank receipt, try me GFY lolol GL&HF

      itll be on this thread too, and when i do ill forgive you because thats who i am

      I'm sure many of us look forward to seeing your *snicker* "$108,000 an hour" bank receipt.

      (Because bank receipts indicate how long it took to make any given amount of money, of course. Not to mention that the other day it was $108,000 in a day. Now it's in an hour.)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11109341].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rhealy29
    I can't tell if this guy is a troll or if he actually thinks he's actually building his brand somehow.

    If 10 people actually paid for coaching...*shudder*.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11109343].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author quadagon
      Originally Posted by rhealy29 View Post

      I can't tell if this guy is a troll or if he actually thinks he's actually building his brand somehow.

      If 10 people actually paid for coaching...*shudder*.
      I think the 10 people are as imaginary as the $1000 a hour and the $108,000 a day but on the off chance they aren't:

      Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

      i need the beginners to lose money
      Also op wasn't you get rich quick scheme property last week?
      I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11109370].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rhealy29
    Here's his business page:

    It has one review, given to him by himself.
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  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    i need a few days

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11109376].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rhealy29
      Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

      i need a few days
      Why's that?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11109448].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KinneyJ2014
    Your business model sucks. You need to rethink your business strategies and come with a better solution.
    I charged $ 2500 an hour for my services and my products is close to $ 10,000. When I approach a client I normally don't pitch them my services and just give them a PDF how they should market online and give a free no charge consultation.

    You need to talk to your mentor again. You have to be professional in any business you doing. Getting high and drunk is the worst thing you can do, while doing business with someone.
    Set S.M.A.R.T. goals
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11109381].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    i agree, i am going to become legit and professional, thank you, i believe in your level of success and i think thats absolutely correct and im going to master that

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

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  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    to bless the forum

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

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  • Profile picture of the author Nina Petrov
    well here's my thoughts.....

    I like the idea of making 1000+, especially per sale. I try come up with ideas like that too. But seems a lot harder to sell in the real world. Not many are gonna fork out that kind of money online. Either they just don't have it, or they are too afraid of getting burned or maybe I just don't have the right strategy. So you have that part good if you can pull it off somehow.

    The problem you don't understand though is that the super rich never ever ever exchange time for money. $ for hours is generally not a good idea. Because realistically at most you can only be in work mood for say 40 hours a week (without getting burnt out). So out of those 40 you have lag time, and so you can't bill your clients for all that time. Maybe conservatively 25% of it. So if you could pull that off that's not bad. that's still 40k per month. But again, your trading $ for hours. The moment you stop working so does your income. Your creating a job for yourself is what your doing, instead of creating an income producing asset. You should focus more on a website or system or network that creates income 24/7. That way you can eventually retire one day and have the site or the system do the work.
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  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123

    i know all that, but no one would tell me

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11110036].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    and heres the golden nugget where you can take it all to the bank with as fast as you want, however long you, and whoever with

    Theres a lot of rich people that have no idea about money

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11110037].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Gambino
      Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

      Theres a lot of rich people that have no idea about money
      How many rich people have paid you to date?
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  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
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    • Profile picture of the author Gambino
      Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

      bro shut the **** up with your bullshit, i almost got 4 so far, so quiet, and it took me 5 mins of prospecting
      So... Zero?

      LOL, so you make $1,000 an hour ALMOST making sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    @Nina, thats why i multiply myself

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11110064].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    @Gambino how much do you make an hour?

    how much did you make in the last working hour you were alive?


    were in the same industry, were gonna take that one to new heights actually, maybe you can be apart, maybe not

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11110065].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Gambino
      Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

      @Gambino how much do you make an hour?

      how much did you make in the last working hour you were alive?

      Bank from Blank | Make Money Anywhere

      were in the same industry, were gonna take that one to new heights actually, maybe you can be apart, maybe not
      Removed post.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11110067].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    isnt it

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11110075].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    got the first contract, 12 months

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11110527].message }}


    Welcome to the Princess Balestra
    Plan / stroke / Initiative


    You got cash gowin' in, cash comin' out -- yet still NO CLUE how much money you actchsly got!

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    So here is how we gonna STRAIGHTEN YOU OUT --
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    I got INFINITE ZEROES gonna recalibrate your PERSONAL WORTH so you can cast off UNCERTAINTY'S CHAINS & MOVE FORWARD.

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    Why not go crazy an' send A WHOLE BUCK?

    I GUARANTEE to return -- to YOU an' your currently screwed-up LEDGER -- a whole ONE DOLLAR FIFTY's WORTH of TOTAL FRICKIN' ZILCHO gonna FIXYA FOCUS an'...

    -- JUS' FOR YOU --


    Offer ends 6 June.

    Pitch me NOW
    if you are NEW
    on my

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11110706].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post



      You have such a extraordinary way of cutting to the chase . . . were you a prosecuting attorney in another life? Or an insurance fraud examiner?


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    I deliver $1000 of value every hour

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

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  • Profile picture of the author ZephyrIon
    The only time in my life I was making $1000 even a day was when we were doing big volume with insurance leads. Some days we'd see $2500+ but that only lasted a few years.

    Buy new book and be entered to win $100 to your Zelle, PayPal or CashApp! Plus, check out the free sample on https://Amazon.com/dp/B0BPL5VQ34. Thank you for your support! Contest ends at 1,000 purchases.

    See the life of a real affiliate on Instagram https://instagram.com/ckrecicki

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  • Profile picture of the author cjsparacino123
    3 deals today, Over the course of a long time, and what i have to do, read, it makes sense

    Grab a Free copy of my investing/marketing eBook!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11111385].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author rhealy29
      Originally Posted by cjsparacino123 View Post

      3 deals today, Over the course of a long time, and what i have to do, read, it makes sense
      I did 12 deals today. Each one took no more than 7 minutes to pitch and close, and each deal was worth $950,000. So by my count I made $11,400,000 in 84 minutes, for a whopping $8,142,857 per hour. Anyone making less is doing it wrong, or is a noob, or a chump, or all three.

      I will now open up 10 exclusive coaching spots for only $4997.

      Also, I forgot to mention, since I wrote that last sentence nine of the spots have filled. ONE SPOT LEFT. Don't miss out!

      Also, weren't you going to produce a bank statement somehow proving you make $108,000 an hour???
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11111484].message }}

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