4K USD per month guaranteed from Niche Sites. True?

by Finn99
20 replies
Hi everyone, I am new here hence I don't know who to trust. Hence I thought to ask you all. I saw a thread where a guy is selling a bunch of Niche Sites and guarantees at least 4000 USD per month.
I am talking about this thread :
It is too good to be true. He is asking around 3k USD for this.

What I wanna know is that does premade niche sites fetch this much of money automatically? I also asked him that would I have to do anything and he said no. I just wanna be absolutely 110% sure from you guys before I go on with such a huge amount.

Kindly help me out.

Thanks and regards,
#guaranteed #month #niche #sites #true #usd
  • Profile picture of the author Wile E Coyote
    Let me ask you this.

    If they did in fact guarantee $4,000 USD every month...

    Why would you sell it for $3,000?
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  • Profile picture of the author Gambino
    Lol no. Truth is, nothing is guaranteed.

    There's an old saying... if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

    If you're looking to buy something, buy a tried and tested system that will help you build a viable online business.

    If you're looking for a quick and easy way to make $4,000 per month without much/any work... save your money.
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  • Profile picture of the author echelon
    I don't think you should do it. Unless you have experience launching that type of site and making them profitable, you may miss red flags (if there are any). $3000 is a lot of money. It seems better to save it, learn an internet marketing business/skill to the point of becoming profitable. Learning does not have to mean spending.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
    A few red flags:

    1. The same sites are for sale by another vendor for something like $47. I'm not sure who stole from who or what the licensing is or whatever. But I'd rather spend $47 than $3000 any day of the week for the same basic thing.

    2. The vendor's website testimonial pictures aren't real.

    3. Based on what the samples look like in the pictures on their site and ads, I doubt the demo site linked to on their website is actually theirs.

    4. Guarantees, they say, are only good for 30 days but it takes 90 days for the "guaranteed, automatic" money to come in.

    5. If they can do this with absolutely zero work, no updating, etc. and there is a 100% guarantee of $4,000 a month, why in the world wouldn't the vendor just set up hundreds or thousands of sites themselves? Maybe there are upsells or other hidden costs to make up the difference.

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  • Profile picture of the author ImRoment
    Hi "Wile E Coyote"

    Did you mean that the guy should charge him more than $3k for this program..? This really doesn't make any sense to me my friend. And "Finn99" my friend, you better learn before investing on anything.. When you learn then you know if you can do it or not.. Otherwise, the program may generate you real income but if you don't love to do then this will be a burden for you in near future...

    Hope this helps...

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Of course it doesn't make sense - you don't understand what he was saying.

    If you had sites making $4k a month, month after month, with no effort from you....what kind of idiot would SELL those sites for one payment of $3k? How could someone believe that is a real 'offer'???

    You have to use some common sense in life - even when you are online.

    the program may generate you real income
    No - it's a scam. This belief that "it COULD work" is harmful to people. Scams don't work - they aren't meant to 'work' - they are SCAMS meant to take your money.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Think about it if i was had a busines that was making me 4k per month ,do you think i will sell it to you for 3k .Of course no .If you want to be sure ask him for proofs to be sure
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  • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
    I'm sorry, I'm normally not like this. But, why would you even ask a question like this?

    If you REALLY need to ask something like this then you should rethink your online career as you're going to have a really hard time.

    The reasons why it's a no have already been discussed.

    But, the answer is no.
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    Yes, Any Business!
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I have never, ever ever, ever ever seen an inanimate object like a niche site make money on its own

    Here's what you do: since you are new, spend the next month reading, studying and patiently getting to know, like and trust top mentors here. Then, you can buy into their advice, stop chasing money, begin to develop real skills, start to solve other people's problems and you'll learn how to build a thriving, sustainable biz for the right reasons, in effective fashion, which is more fun than paper chasing. And much more profitable too.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by ImRoment View Post

    Hi "Wile E Coyote"

    Did you mean that the guy should charge him more than $3k for this program..? This really doesn't make any sense to me my friend. And "Finn99" my friend, you better learn before investing on anything.. When you learn then you know if you can do it or not.. Otherwise, the program may generate you real income but if you don't love to do then this will be a burden for you in near future...

    Hope this helps...

    In the real world, businesses typically sell for a multiple of earnings. A business that could reliably make $4k per month (~$50k/yr) would sell for around $200k to $500k (4-10 times earnings).

    As Kay said, if you had a system that guaranteed $4k of income every month, what kind of idiot would sell it for >0.75 times monthly income?

    If you're dead set on throwing some money away, head off to the WSO section and pick a random $7 system.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamie3000
    I'd say no unless he can show you absolute proof video/pics of earnings and even then it will probably be fake. Why would he sell that anyways.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    with $3K you can start a "Done for you business" that makes more than $4K

    I get $2,700 - $5K per single customer and you can too. plus you have positions on criptocurrency world that it's the future
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    • Profile picture of the author Wile E Coyote
      with $3K you can start a "Done for you business" that makes more than $4K
      This is why IM gets a horrible wrap. The basis of the fraud of the original OP is that no one in their right mind sells an "autopilot", "DFY" that is supposed to make multiples of what the initial investment.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tanya Lee
    If in doubt do further research. There are so many options out there and so many free ways to learn online. Anything worthwhile will take a lot of effort at least initially, I wouldn't trust anyone who 'guarantees' your results. The advice that ryanbiddulph gave is useful, the hard part is finding the right mentor for you. good luck
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  • I don't think so that is true, do some google search for the product and customer review then decide it. There are lot of marketing to earn good income.

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  • Profile picture of the author FNIvan1243
    Haha, ONLY TRUST YOURSELF, If you have time, Reseach it, If not, Ignore it
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  • When it seems too good to be true, it is.
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  • Profile picture of the author PPG19
    If i had a bundle of sites making me 4.000$ per month i would not sell it for less than 2 years net income, so not less 88.000$. This is generally what sites are sold for on Flippa. 1.5/2 years profit, so yes i think what you have seen is a scam. Nobody would sell a business making 4k per month for less than 1 month net.
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  • Profile picture of the author uzoezie
    Typical answer NO.

    Save your money.
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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Asking price shouldn't be less than in the neighborhood of $50K
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