Ad Sense Revenue or Affiliate Commissions?

29 replies
Would you rather monetize your website using...

1) Ad Sense?
2) Affiliate Offers?


I have an opinion, but curious to know what you think.

If you have experience with both, please share.
#affiliate #commissions #revenue #sense
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    Affiliate offers, by building an email list first.

    With Adsense you're just sending visitors way and profiting once from a single click.

    With affiliate offers you're sending visitors into a mailing list first (or should be).

    Then you can send them as many offers as often as you like.

    You end up building an asset.
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  • I started a blog in 2015, when I requested to AdSense it is not approved then I started promoting affiliate offer , I made a good income still continue..
    Affiliate marketing pays more than AdSense
    It's easier to get into an affiliate network, AdSense take times to get approval

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I requested to absence
    I've noticed you consistently refer to 'absence' multiple posts.

    The program Google has is "Adsense".

    Before someone says "doesn't matter" - yes, it does when you are giving advice about it.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Yeah - a lot of that going around.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    Affiliate offers works great for me. However if you are completely new to affiliate marketing than you can go with AdSense.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author seomental
    i would go fro affiliate because its will make your own fortune if you do it properly
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  • Profile picture of the author golden sun india
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny


    Cause once you have a's YOURS!

    On the contrary, with Adsense, you can be beaten anytime they want, you can suddenly be banned, and your earning will go to ZERO.
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  • Profile picture of the author davntt
    I would go for affiliate offers
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  • Profile picture of the author Risktaker89
    Both are different forms of advertising.

    For affiliate offers, you will be able to craft your content based on what you want to sell. Your offers will come as a recommendation to your readers. You know what you are promoting.

    For Adsense, you will just be putting ads up and random ads will appear. For a site which does not have a lot of traffic, you might just be redirecting your reader of yours away and you might lose your reader for good.

    I would prefer affiliate offers. And as Connann said, build an email list too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    The problem with adsense? It doesn't pay much. So ROI for all your hard earned efforts will be for pennies...and they don't seem to be as targeted as they were over 10 years ago.

    So you could have a website about cats. But ole Google will show ads relating to speed boats etc. I know that may be a little extreme of an example but not too far off lol.

    Why is this happening to Google?

    It's Karma (and you know what Karma is called..starts with B). Google kicked all of us affiliate marketers and home business owners off Adwords back in 2008 - 09(from direct linking to lead capture pages) after a bunch of wanna be entrepreneurs started some program called Google Money Tree (it had nothing to do with Google) that made big G look bad.

    Even John Chow called them welfare for webmasters (back in 2008).

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  • Profile picture of the author Roland Bradford
    use only ad sense, so prefer it. for me here all good and convenient.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    adsense = penies
    affiliate marketing = $
    What do your prefer ? If work with adsense you loose your time man
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      If you're in a niche where 1 adsense click makes you $4.79 while I'm an affiliate in a niche where I make $20 per sale


      if I get a measly 100 clicks a month while you make 20 sales a month

      I'm ahead. And I work a bit less each month (after setup, at least) to maintain my little brook o' money.

      Notice... I'm not saying being an affiliate isn't great... if you're doing it well... but it's more involved than the AdSense thing.... Just that the AdSense thing can be lucrative too.

      Not to mention that, for some people, creating content that gets people to click on an ad is easier than creating content that gets people to buy.

      Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

      adsense = penies
      affiliate marketing = $
      What do your prefer ? If work with adsense you loose your time man
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Insisting adsense is 'pennies' means you haven't done well with adsense - or that you have not used it. That doesn't hold true for everyone.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Janice Sperry
    I have friends that are killing it with Adsense. Many thousands of dollars per month per website.

    I have other friends doing the same with affiliate sites.

    A lot (let me change that to EVERYTHING) depends on the niche and also where you are primarily driving your traffic from. If you know what you are doing one is not superior to the other. They are just different ways to monetize your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexMan
    Affiliate. I have been with Adsense for a very long time. Adsense pays immediately, but it's uncertain because of the ups and downs and it pays far less than affiliate (if you know what you're doing) or your own product. Sometimes when the traffic increases, you don't get paid more. It's very frustrating. Plus the Adblocks are a big risk as well. This is just my experience and opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheMentorGuy
    Affiliate offers for sure. Adsense requires a lot of tedious work.
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  • Profile picture of the author rritz
    I really think it depends on the kind of site you have and the kind of traffic you can get from it.

    Some sites will produce high volumes of untargeted traffic that can be much better monetized using adsense, other PPC ads or PPV.

    Affiliate and even more list building need targeted traffic to work.

    And even if you have targeted traffic of non-buyers you will do much better using ads.

    I had a music review blog in a rather small niche, very targeted traffic of music afficionados, most of the readers were musicians themselves.
    But they weren't buyers.
    All my tempting links to rare vinyl editions, used CDs, downloads, merchandise, concert tickets ... no good at all. Lots of clicks, no sales.
    My email sign up form .. a waste of space.
    Adwords - only thing that actually made me money.
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  • Profile picture of the author hsahadath
    Adsense and affiliate marketing both are good. But I think Affiliate Marketing is the best method if you can do it properly.
    Google Adsense is the easiest way to earn money but you need huge traffic for earning enough. You can not earn a good amount with the little traffic using Adsense.
    Affiliate Marketing is the best and most recommended way to make money online. Most of the famous bloggers are doing affiliate marketing. You have good chance to earn enough with your little traffic. But you have to work hard to be a successful affiliate marketer.
    Thanks, Munna Hossain from Mytechgoal.
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  • Profile picture of the author depotgang
    Wow...I was addicted to Adsense 7 years ago. 30 Grand a month...everything automated... I started buying traffic to enhance my revenue... Turns out Google don't like arbitrage...which makes NO sense to me what so ever. So they dumped me.... ARG!

    List building done right is always in your control IF you follow some simple guidelines the Autoresponder like to see. This had nothing to do with single or double optin, and everything to do with how you use or abuse their service. But done right...Affiliate Marketing is simple

    But remember you have to reinvest 50% of your affiliate income back into your list health. People that do never hear from them, but they are make so much money its crazy.

    Good luck

    Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable.

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  • Profile picture of the author ma247
    Both are the profitable methods. I personally prefer affiliate marketing because it is the most profitable money making method. Google Adsense is also good money making method but it needs huge traffic to your site where for affiliate marketing, you can earn a good amount of money if you have not enough traffic to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author joncoates89
    At this point from scrolling down this thread, I've come to the conclusion that for the most part, I agree with the majority consensus here...

    ...Affiliate Marketing (in my opinion) is the best way to go to long-term sustainable growth, with any given niche, but more especially for evergreen profitable niches.

    ..If you have a blogtalking about arthritis pain and you are up there with graphics, pictures, keyword rich artciles etc...the whole nine, and you got compare charts talking about different solutions on the niche.. and just discussing it. Yet all you are relying on is Adsense?.. & if you just so happen to also be looking for fast track measurable results/ that you can hold accountable and track,..

    ...then you are definitely going to make sure you want to have affiliate links in those "keyword rich posts"

    ..Now just take a second to imagine how profitable it would be for you to do that in conjunction with Adsense along with other profitable options out there. There are a million opportunities locally or online right...

    ...Just imagine adding that to the equation, whatever idea and the creative business method you come up with imagining that and take action on it. I believe that is the key, along with patience and consistency...

    ..The best part of the fact you will have a blog monitoring it daily posting a new blog post consistently is the fact that you go to websites like Quora & Yahoo Answers to simply answer questions in your niche ad reference folks right back to your blog, and within that blog they are able to make an educated "informed/logical/emotionally" driven decision on whatever problem it is that your "arthritis product" solves. Got me?

    Hope this helps anyway!

    Jonathan Coates
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    • Profile picture of the author buiductuan182
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  • Profile picture of the author Lavar Ball
    Affiliate commissions if you've got a huge list
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    I had AdSense on almost all of my sites at one point. Then Google started getting too fussy about content, so I switched to affiliate offers. I actually made more money from CPA offers - I think it was around 20% more.

    I would always put CPA offers on a site ahead of something like AdSense or its lower paying alternatives.
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