Is it against Amazon Affiliates rules to link images on your blog to Amazon products?

8 replies
Hi all, stupid internet marketing question here, but is this allowed?
#affiliates #amazon #blog #images #link #products #rules
  • Profile picture of the author quadagon
    Ignore what random people on the internet say and go check with Amazon - it's there house and there rules.I

    More people than I care to mention get their accounts banned over images because they assume or follow advice like above which is at best dangerously incomplete.
    I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan93
    Best check their policy, I know these things change over time. You can also contact their help desk to clarify technicalities. I personally have a niche site the looks something between a blog and a store. I have my images link up to amazon and I also have a 'check it out' button as well. So far all has been well for almost a year now. I do however indicate that the product is on amazon though and I think this is important.
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  • Profile picture of the author moowooshoe
    Thanks guys this is great to know. I noticed a well known website linking to Amazon without any disclosure, but regardless I guess your better safe than sorry to add a disclaimer under each image "anyways" just to be safe. Thanks again.
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    • Profile picture of the author quadagon
      Originally Posted by moowooshoe View Post

      Thanks guys this is great to know. I noticed a well known website linking to Amazon without any disclosure, but regardless I guess your better safe than sorry to add a disclaimer under each image "anyways" just to be safe. Thanks again.
      Here's the thing dont just copycat what you see other people doing.

      If it's a well known site they might still be in breach of the TOS or they might have their own rep and have unique terms applied.

      Here's a little hint for you - how you get the images is really important.

      Please take notice and don't become one of these people that ends up posting 'Amazon banned my account and I don't know why?'
      I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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  • Profile picture of the author ampeloi13
    Yes! Always go to the source and check with them. Don't see it clearly get in touch with them. Take action!
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  • Profile picture of the author DWaters
    I am a big believer in learning lots of useful info here on the Warrior Forum. But as mentioned above the best thing here is to check with Amazon and get the correct answer straight from them. Document their answer if possible just incase there is an issue later.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by moowooshoe View Post

    Hi all, stupid internet marketing question here, but is this allowed?
    What does Amazon say?

    The same could be said for any question about conforming to a site's TOS - go straight to the source. If you can produce an email or chat transcript of a company official saying you can do something, it's a far more powerful defense than "DopeyDumbass2017" on a forum said it was okay.
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    • Profile picture of the author moowooshoe
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      What does Amazon say?

      The same could be said for any question about conforming to a site's TOS - go straight to the source. If you can produce an email or chat transcript of a company official saying you can do something, it's a far more powerful defense than "DopeyDumbass2017" on a forum said it was okay.
      I decided not to do it. Problem solved.
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