What is the main reason for the 95% failure rate in internet marketing?

182 replies
Here is my take on the matter:

Look, a lot of people get into the internet marketing business only because of its huge money-making potential without having a love for that type of business at all. You may say if they love it for the money then they do love it after all. Well, that is not a good enough factor or reason for getting involved.
95% of the people who get into internet marketing with making money as their only motivation are doomed to fail because they will not have what it takes to hang in there when the going gets tough. They will always be in too much of a hurry to see results, will always find it hard following instructions, and would eventually give up. This is the main reasons why most people fail at making money online.
#failure #internet #main #marketing #rate #reason
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  • Profile picture of the author Brent Stangel
    No business experience, education or acumen.

    Get Off The Warrior Forum Now & Don't Come Back If You Want To Succeed!
    All The Real Marketers Are Gone. There's Nothing Left But Weak, Sniveling Wanna-Bees!
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    They don't have a system(process) that works and run out of funds before they figure it out or they give up after too much failure.

    I think what Brent said is totally valid as well. Some people are never meant to run their own business.
    How to Build LARGE EMAIL LISTS on a Budget and MONETIZE Like a PRO
    20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    Everything a person needs to know about making some money online is freely available on the Internet.

    There is no lack of opportunity in thousands of niches.

    There are multitudes of different selling systems, funnels, and business models that can be applied and you can learn about these in many different places online including the Warrior Forum.

    There are some good ebooks, reports, courses, and web sites that have all the information a person might need to make some money.

    So where's the disconnect? the problem? the roadblock that keeps people from success?

    The problem is with the would-be business owner. For whatever reason (and there are many), the person is not able to put the information, knowledge, and systems into place that it takes to generate a return. Maybe it's lack of action, procrastination, doing things wrong, working with a system that doesn't produce, . . . there are a myriad of reasons why things don't come together for any particular person.

    I say it again . . . YOU ARE THE BUSINESS.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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    • Profile picture of the author Kilroy042
      So I'm almost a newbie to all of this. I've developed web sites, was a successful entrepreneur for 15 years, know technology and business. We want to get into making and monetizing YouTube videos. I have the technical and business acumen, my partner has the outrageous and loud personality that many successful YouTube personalities have.

      My first impression of all of the internet monetizing opportunities is that diversification of efforts and building an "ecosystem" of sites, links, content, sponsors, etc is key. It's not about any single effort being a wild success (though it's nice to hope for), but of having multiple prongs or efforts that feed each other and provide multiple paths for visitors to reach content, which should not be restricted to a single site like YouTube.

      Leveraging twitter, Facebook, and multiple other social media in affiliate and video marketing also seems necessary for success.

      I'm just spitballing right now, but those are my first impressions. Any feedback will be appreciated; I'm pretty much starting literally today on this so factor that in, as I have no concrete strategy mapped out yet at all. I know it's going to be an ongoing learning process. I'm just wondering if I'm even in the ballpark, or I'm misunderstanding the very basics.

      But it seems at first glance that tapping into or developing that ecosystem of mutually supporting and cross feeding initiatives to promote and attract the audience is critical. As in it's not enough for just a YouTube or twitter or Facebook successfull effort, but a blend of platforms and strategies and monetizing infrastructure. Including multiple venues for hosting video content.

      Sorry if this is too wordy or otherwise clumsy, but this is literally my first post here. I've utilized this forums knowledge in the past, by purely lurking, for SEO and audience building for a small personal computer business and a nonprofit that ultimately had a loyal following of about 4,000 email users.
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      • Profile picture of the author Liam Smith
        My first impression of all of the internet monetizing opportunities is that diversification of efforts and building an "ecosystem" of sites, links, content, sponsors, etc is key. It's not about any single effort being a wild success (though it's nice to hope for), but of having multiple prongs or efforts that feed each other and provide multiple paths for visitors to reach content, which should not be restricted to a single site like YouTube.
        In the long run perhaps. If you're just starting out, however, then you'd probably be best to focus on a one or two traffic sources.

        It's hard enough to master one traffic source. It'll be super hard to try master YouTube, Facebook, Twitter plus others from day one.

        My advice would be to focus on the Google network to start, for example, YouTube and Adwords, and perhaps Google+.

        Good luck with your new venture!
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        • Profile picture of the author ruqayya
          Hi, thanks for the advice. Am a newbie, newly introduce to cpa network. I don't even know which to start with so am studying Various social media usage. I will take your advice by mastering one first.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Sanderson
      Yes I agree. Procrastination is something I personally struggle with.
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    • Profile picture of the author pikatchu
      simple and valuable explain mate , congratz steve
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony S
    A lot of folk jump in before the really do any research into what making money online takes. When they find out that they really have to do the work, and that they won't be millionaires overnight they get disappointed at the reality of it and quit. A lot of times they're just overwhelmed with the process. One of the big ones is a lot of folk simply don't give the online business system they use any time to work for them. They go from system to system before one has the chance to produce any real results.
    There are many more reasons why folk fail and many of them have to do with a persons mindset. Your mindset has to be correct to find success.

    "Give a person a fish they can eat for that day: teach them how to fish they can eat for their lifetime".

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    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Sanderson
      Yes a lot of upfront work. Takes awhile till you start making passive income.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alan777
      Thats so true, thank you tony I have really been searching for a system but I think I commit the error of just trying everything and seeing what works best.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    The internet changes very quickly, servers fail, email fails, etc etc. Once someone doesn't keep up with the pace/changes.failures they usually are gone. You have to be a person willing to change/work/fix stuff (optional spend also) and be a good seller (Great products, good customer service, over deliver). Evaluate yourself are you willing to flow with the pace/changes/errors/crashes and be That Seller? Many can't make the cut.

    And thats why imho.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    If marketers tell people that they made a quick $10,000 in 3 days, and anyone can do they same... it's setting unrealistic expectations.

    No wonder they give up after 2 weeks when they haven't even made enough to cover the training they purchased, and then jump to another shiny object, only to give up after a few weeks.

    But if marketers start telling people the truth; it's hard work and it's gonna take time and persistence, then maybe more people will succeed.
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    • Profile picture of the author michdubs
      Thanks for that one needs to master the art of affiliate marketing before they jump into another object where I am from they say a rolling stone does not gather any mass
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      • Profile picture of the author discrat
        Originally Posted by michdubs View Post

        Thanks for that one needs to master the art of affiliate marketing before they jump into another object where I am from they say a rolling stone does not gather any mass
        Yeah Mick needs to definitely put on some weight. Old age getting to him

        Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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    • Profile picture of the author Alan777
      I wish marketers would tell the truth. I just started online marketing and realized boy is it hard and there is so much info out there some is good, some is ok and some is just plain garbage. Thanks Michael for what you wrote.
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  • Profile picture of the author korekuping
    you only fail if you give up, the road to success is curved
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Definitely. My journey has been filled with zigs and zags. Took me about 5.5 years doing it full time to really figure it out. I'm still a work in progress but do quite well now.

      Fail. Fail. Fail. Learn. Fail. Learn. Fail. Fail. Fail. Learn. Succeed.

      That's what my journey has been like.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by Kilroy042 View Post

        But it seems at first glance that tapping into or developing that ecosystem of mutually supporting and cross feeding initiatives to promote and attract the audience is critical. As in it's not enough for just a YouTube or twitter or Facebook successfull effort, but a blend of platforms and strategies and monetizing infrastructure. Including multiple venues for hosting video content.
        You are definitely in the ballpark.

        What I would warn you about is thinking that you have to have everything mapped out to the nth degree and in place before you start.

        Map out the broad strokes, get started, and refine the plan based on experience.

        As they say, no battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.
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        • Profile picture of the author Kilroy042
          That's probably very good advice for me; I do tend to plan to the nth degree because it's always served me well professionally.

          I certainly understand SEO and audience building basics, at least those in use 7 years ago. Haven't touched it since then and I'm sure the rules have changed a whole lot.

          Any advice for where to start, or where to find a comprehensive and legitimate guide to either YouTube or affiliate marketing?

          I've found Affilorama, AffiliateFix, and blackhatworld for affiliate forums, but no idea yet how helpful those will be. Yttalk is the only YouTube focused one so far. I've found warriorforum a solid place, but the affiliate world seems to be dominated by very general and similar advice, with promises of unlocking secret riches for only something dollars and 99 cents. I need a starting point overview or tutorial can study, a written one as viewing videos is painful with satellite for internet access.
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          • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
            Originally Posted by Kilroy042 View Post

            That's probably very good advice for me; I do tend to plan to the nth degree because it's always served me well professionally.

            I certainly understand SEO and audience building basics, at least those in use 7 years ago. Haven't touched it since then and I'm sure the rules have changed a whole lot.
            SEO tactics that were commonly accepted seven years ago will get you banned nowadays. A good site to get caught up is yoast.com. Best known for an excellent SEO plugin, the site also does an excellent job providing information. The MOZ blog is another good resource.

            Originally Posted by Kilroy042 View Post

            Any advice for where to start, or where to find a comprehensive and legitimate guide to either YouTube or affiliate marketing?

            I've found Affilorama, AffiliateFix, and blackhatworld for affiliate forums, but no idea yet how helpful those will be. Yttalk is the only YouTube focused one so far. I've found warriorforum a solid place, but the affiliate world seems to be dominated by very general and similar advice, with promises of unlocking secret riches for only something dollars and 99 cents. I need a starting point overview or tutorial can study, a written one as viewing videos is painful with satellite for internet access.
            For YT, check out Kurt Melvin's High Voltage forum right here. It's a private forum with a small subscription fee, but Kurt knows his stuff.

            For affiliate marketing, check out Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income blog, and Charlie Page's blog at charliepage.com.

            I'd stay away from blackhatworld, for obvious reasons.
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      • Profile picture of the author McColmer
        You got through hard work and discipline. Nice
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    • Profile picture of the author Alan777
      very true I figure this one out really quick but I havent gave up yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Bad direction, lack of strategy and unrealistic expectations
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  • Profile picture of the author seofreetips
    People Fail, But the system does not. 95% internet marketer fail because they don't follow the system. They are in hurry to see the result.

    They came in this field after seeing some one else. There is no passion. They don't keep patience.

    And that's the reason, my friend!
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOptimization@1
    In addition to above, there could be a number of factors for failure of internet marketing business or as a matter of fact for any business:
    1. Your knowledge
    2. Money backup
    3. The way you execute your strategy
    4. Patience
    5. Guidance
    6. Tech support
    7. How do you serve your customers
    8. Learning from your mistakes and updating your strategies
    9. Business Presentation
    10. Business Networking
    11. Your selling strategies and so on.

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  • Profile picture of the author discrat
    Fear !!

    Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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  • Profile picture of the author goldenbold
    Main reason is unstable. Take one good product and action now. Work for get result! That's it.
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  • Yes. The fail percentage is high, but not 95% fail. In this business patience is required.
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  • Profile picture of the author .
    Not sure where 95% comes from exactly.... and what you define as failure. It's a process. I failed 1000 times for sure in so many biz. Adsense, Clickbank... until I found my niche (SEO)

    But I agree... may be the reason is because is not taken as a long term biz.... vs a quick money making solution / one time wonder.
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  • Profile picture of the author michdubs
    Well where can I start?, Getting into the wrong niche, Poor marketing strategy, ferocious competition from seniors who use ad spying tools to keep their competition while they remain on top?
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  • Profile picture of the author Rajeev Gaur
    Hi there,

    I think if you work ethically and genuinely no failure can stop you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maxxx333
    this is a reason, but i know it's a wide field, and we need to build our knowledge very well, if we want to have some success, this is even the reason why we are on blogs and forums everyday reading all those threads and people experiences to be inspired also, and avoid mistakes!
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  • Profile picture of the author sega001
    This number one reason is simple. Most wannabe business owners are trying to do something they are not built to do. They go into business thinking that is what they are supposed to do. When actually they are employees, not employers.
    The Best Signature Coming Soon!
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Michael Gerber talks about that in his book "The E-Myth Revisited". He says that most people who start businesses are not entrepreneurs at all. Instead, they are employees who had an entrepreneurial seizure. Because they are good at the technical work of a business, they think they can build a business in that niche. Big mistake. Building and growing a business require different skill-sets then the technical work of a business.
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  • Profile picture of the author cybernext
    Exactly ... Internet is an independent platform and marketing here is not a short term and an easy process. It is a continuous process and we cannot expect magical results in a few months. People generally think that being on the internet will make a huge difference but everyone is promoting their business now on the internet.

    It is required to have a strategic approach, good investments and continuous efforts to get success here.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Good points. It's important to step back and look at things from the 30,000 foot view, and not get overwhelmed with the minutia. Yes, the tactical work needs to be done, but we don't need to be the one to do everything ourselves. It wasn't until I started outsourcing things that my business started to grow. Bottom line is don't confuse busy work with income producing activities.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    People who have never held a job - don't qualify for more than low paying work offline...expect something magical to happen online. No investment, no stock to buy for a store....IM has a low barrier to entry.

    But - once you start working you can't just sit there. You have to learn to build and run a business...and how to financially manage a business. Relatively few people are ready for that or capable of doing it well enough to generate a full time income.

    So many 'new marketers' have no concept of the PEOPLE at the other end of their online blather or their constant emails or their "get on my list" landing pages. Without an understanding of and connection to the 'potential customer' - what's the point?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Easy come, easy go. That's one of the problems I have with finding quality reps in the MLM industry. When you only have a few hundred bucks invested in a business, it's easy to put it on the back-burner, and let life get in the way. On the other hand, if you act like you have one million dollars invested in your business, you will do things much differently.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    A better question might be -- What are the 5% (or whatever percentage we make up off the top of our heads) doing to succeed?

    The many reasons for failure are easy to see. Discovering the reason for success can be more difficult.

    I would say number one is the ability to research and figure things out for yourself. Though it never hurts to ask questions -- those that want hand holding and step by step directions are going to have a hard time running a business. As already said above, they are better suited to be employees.

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  • Profile picture of the author st0nec0ld
    I don't want to speak in general but I believe most people fail in internet marketing because the just dive into it. I mean business is not for everybody, especially online. You should always think about your actions ten times or more just to make sure of your decisions. I am not saying everything should be smoothly perfect because we can learn from our mistakes. All I am saying is that it is always a must for every businesses to do a feasibility report, marketing analysis and also a marketing plan. It will really take time but at least it can avoid possible mistakes. And you can forsee and prevent bad things from happening. Besides alternative plans is a must.

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  • There e many reasons to fail in the IM section. First of all I will blame to the Lack of knowledge. Due to lack of knowledge most of the people are failing in the IM section. Then Patience. Due to lack of patience, many people are trying to earn money after working a few days.

    Here I will suggest everyone, Learn first, then the money will come to you automatically. Thanks for your advance.
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  • Profile picture of the author Khinglufem
    I think what Brent said is totally valid as well. Some people are never meant to run their own business.
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  • Profile picture of the author mike hanneman
    There's really only one reason: LACK OF DESIRE
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by handyteamworker View Post

    What is the main reason for the 95% failure rate in internet marketing?
    I think the real question is "what is the main reason that the failure rate in internet marketing (and business in general) is ALWAYS 95% - year after year?"

    My answer is aliens. Or advanced robots.

    Either those or just simply underestimating the difficulty of making money online. There are alot of people who've trying to make money online for years - and STILL don't make a weasly $100/month online.
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  • Profile picture of the author n3o
    one word "grit"
    India Casino Affiliate - Best Casino Affiliate Programs in India
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Everyone can succeed online. But not everyone is willing to follow through the process.

    Most people won't follow directions.

    Most will QUIT before they really get started.

    Most people have an 'entitled' attitude and feel that they should have success just because they see the leaders having it.

    So there really isn't any failure...there are just a whole bunch of people quitting before they actually put in the work required (and time commitments) to succeed.

    The biggest reason why the masses quit comes down to beliefs and attitudes.

    Most people have 'self' limiting beliefs going on in their subconscious Mind and they aren't doing Enough to change these beliefs (or anything at all).

    Most people on this planet have attitude issues that we see every day off line...people cutting each other off in traffic...people having a me first attitude...people pushing, shoving and down right bullying each other.

    And you wonder why most people keep sabotaging their own success over and over?

    Success online means a lot more FREEDOM in your lives!

    But sadly the great majority of minds can not yet handle freedom nor will they do anything to free their minds.

    Freedom start (or stops) right inside your very own mind.

    Most people on this planet just can't behave themselves.

    And if you can't behave you will never even work on removing those self limiting beliefs and even let yourself work towards your success online.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    95% of failures belongs to the lack of a SYSTEM.

    Most of the people start dabbing here and there, just thinking that some magical tool or program will make them rich.

    But the System is here: Email Marketing. It has proven to works and have solid rock roots, like identifying good niche, driving traffic to an opt in page, giving away something valuable, nurturing and selling.

    The second factor is CONSISTENCY: lots of people start, see some results, then as every business there's a period of consolidation or even less then before and here they stop working, before watching the growing and learning curve to go up.

    So you need a method and stick to the plan, constantly improving it
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  • Profile picture of the author elgharayoub
    yes frend god job
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  • Profile picture of the author Enfusia
    The same reasons there is a 1%.

    The same reasons most people don't achieve their goals.

    The same reasons less than 5% of America will retire with more than enough to last until death.

    The Reasons:
    1. Ask them what their 30 day, 1 year and lifetime goals are and you'll get a blank stare.
    If you have no goals, you're guaranteed to hit them.

    2. Ask them how many books they have read on their business topic in the last year and you'll get a blank stare.
    Leaders are readers and earners are learners - guaranteed.

    3. Ask them to show you their step by step business plan laying out exactly how they will achieve their goals and again you get a blank stare.
    People don't plan to fail, they just fail to plan.
    Free eBook =>
    The Secret To Success In Any Business
    Yes, Any Business!
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi H,


    Most people go online not because they enjoy their niche, but they are afraid of working a job, or fear losing money, or fear they won't earn enough money, or fear they are less than.

    They bring this energy online, apply it to all they do, and they get results that make them even more afraid.

    Fear causes you to totally ignore the fact that we full timers became full timers by patiently developing skills, over years, or even closed to decades or more, to become full timers.

    If you feel the fear, and clear it, you can develop the passion and patience to hone a skill over years, which will help you rock it out online.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author DeciBoy13
    Hello everyone,

    I agree with "handy". Too many people step into internet marketing for all the wrong reasons.

    Personally, I think marketing online has nothing to do with making boat loads of money.

    Digital Marketing is all about leading with value and helping people who are looking for answers.

    The more content you create will feed the brains of your audience and enable you to build a loyal list of subscribers and followers.
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  • Profile picture of the author dsimms
    I will tell you exactly why they fail!

    Never done it before...
    No/improper research...
    ie: niche, keywords, etc...
    Bad/lousy unworthy content
    Bad link building...
    Bad design will kill conversions.
    cant wait, got to have it now attitude...
    then you find out, they are not willing to do the work...
    lack of funding....

    most people simply do not have the needed skills to pull
    it off, and they constantly have to hire unreliable people
    to make changes they are never happy with, then they
    bounce off to the next new wave project, etc....

    It takes time building any type of online business, in some
    case studies, it may take 10-12 mo to get your site off the
    ground, and that is if you have done everything right....

    sorry, wham, bam, thank-you mam does not work
    anymore when it comes to succeeding.....

    you put up crap design....
    then your bounce rate will be high...

    If you buy just any old crap backlinks....
    google will certainly cut your feet off....

    you hire just any $5 writer....
    google will certainly cut your feet off.....

    at the end of the day....
    not everyone will be able to pull it off....
    and it is simply not meant for everyone either...

    So if you continue to fail online...
    maybe you should be thinking....
    "Should I really be doing this?"

    People also get discouraged really easily; they setup a site,
    and think they are going to make some fast cash, and when
    that does not happen, often, they are off to their next failed venture,
    then the cycle of failure just repeats itself over and over....
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  • Profile picture of the author HarrieB
    Jumping from one product to another quickly in the hope of making money quickly ..
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  • Profile picture of the author thiennp
    I think's so, most of fail the people don't have passion.
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  • Profile picture of the author ko77
    Read the 10X Rule by Grant Cardone. It's because people see someone making money and think it'll happen super fast - it doesn't. It takes hundreds of hours of work to get anywhere with IM, and that's why most quit before they make anything.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    Business requires education as every other thing.

    you can make $5K - $10K per month on autopilot without internet marketing, so really... I don't understand why people point to do web marketing only.
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  • Profile picture of the author projectmind
    Many things are missing for people who do not succeed. It's a mix of lack of knowledge, business know-how, and patience. The lack of patience is the biggest of all. Nothing happens overnight.
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  • Profile picture of the author Davidtakh
    Lack of strategy and some good relevant research
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  • Profile picture of the author Sharon Jones
    well, there are many factors one could possibly work on to achieve his goals.But, patience is the key to success in any field.
    And I think you are exaggerating facts. If someone wants to become a millionaire with internet marketing who is to blame here besides that person, as his expectations are not real.Yes, you can say that one could become a millionaire but how many can do that, not everyone can do that. If your expectations are not real then you are only to blame not internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nafis Hasan
    I think the main reason of the failure rate in internet merketing is no Business experience & education acumen.On the otherhand many of our people want's to earning easily in online merket place.That's why they fail this place at the time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior
    Having read some of the answers on this thread and how off the mark they are really make me think they are part of the 97% fail rate in MMO

    But in all honesty the majority reading this thread will fail and the ones who have not read it will do the same !

    There is to much " why is this so hard" and " why am I failing" no one plans they just think that some idiot who sold them a course is right and if you upload it they will buy ...!

    Online is like any business so treat it like one and make a plan and knowing minimum 3 moths till you see sort of funds in the account , just because some fool puts out course which headline screams I MADE $X IN 1 WEEK AND YOU CAN TO
    what they dont tell you is that they have been doing this for 5 yrs so they know the easy way and they think you are the fool buying the Bull Shit

    Try this. employ yourself and your worth is now $100 min PH , so for you to watch and read a course thats $400 you just invested how would you pay that back to yourself? and then make the so called money you have been promised in the course, so when you look at it you are $400+(course cost) so you have to plan how you would make a plan so the time& money you invested in the course and by when you will make the funds back

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  • Profile picture of the author Karl Karrlander
    The issue is the aspiring business owners.

    Most people wanting to build an online business without any prior business knowledge or experience tend to fade into the masses.

    It's actually really simple, most people will not be deemed financially successful in life.

    It's no different when it comes to internet marketing.

    This is by no means meant to be discouraging to those starting out, since anyone can be the minority, which is in this case is a potential successful business person.

    Numbers will only take a business so far, the rest is up to the human behind it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cathy Cone
    The Internet is full of scammers and "gurus" who are promising people to get rich overnight just by pressing a few buttons. People are falling for it because they want fast and easy solutions. The money someone is making is in direct proportion to work they put into something. That's also one of the reasons why there are so many people failing at internet marketing.

    Another reason is that a lot of people give up. They tried something, that did not work and they simply said this is not for me. Making money online is a journey. You should fall in love with the process. It brings you many happy moments but also a lot of tough moments. Success takes time. I can tell you this from personal experience. It takes me 6 months before I made my first sale.

    Nothing is easy, especially at the beginning.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      I'm with you. It took me almost a year to make my first sale online. That day was life changing, even though I only made like $6.

      Nothing is easy at the beginning. So true. Things get easier with time, as we get in the trenches, roll up our sleeves, and learn through on the job training.
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  • Profile picture of the author adrianpag
    I think the main reason is not having the right mindset, regarding money, business, opportunities and understanding that your money is going to be directly related with amount of value your provide to the market
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  • Profile picture of the author QuaziSazzad
    After a basic knowledge gaining most of people starting marketing ,So most of theme have not get success
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  • Profile picture of the author webmarke
    The main reason 95% fail is because they have unreal expectations.They buy these courses that claim that you can make easy money online, and they find out that the courses require you to actually do a lot of work, then they look for the shiny object.

    In short...they don't stick to any one thing long enough.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Definitely. I see this in network marketing, make money online and blogging. People are excited for a month or two and if they aren't making money yet, they jump ship and head off for the next shiny object. Truth is, most businesses of any kind take at least a year or two to start making money.
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  • I do agree with the fact that most people are only in the network marketing area, due to them just wanting to make the money, although, I have aslo found that most online marketers are also missing information about how network marketing actually works. instance "Capture Pages" "sales funnels" " tiered product mix" " attraction marketing" and the biggest one " AN EMAIL LIST". there are a lot more things that i can mention, but those are the main ones that i have people come to me for advice for.

    #networkmarketing #moms #parents #workfromhome #makemoney #business
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    The reason people fail at Internet Marketing is that they hit an issue or obstacle and quit. You have to keep working hard researching, learning and taking action. Nothing in life worth having comes easy. The dream won't work if you don't work.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Yes, tons of people quit at the first sign of defeat. It is frustrating. It's just human nature to quit when things get tough. What's funny is if you talk with successful entrepreneurs, you will often find that many of them struggled for years before they had their breakthrough. They had a vision and saw it through. They were finishers, not starters.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Maegner
    Good opinion. I'm starting my own business few months ago. Seems like there's a lot of failure is waiting for me!
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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    Business Jumping => is one of the ENEMIES

    stick to your business and improve it every day, it's the main rule. actually too many people jump into the new business of the day by dropping their first project...
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  • Profile picture of the author ninosem
    I also think, that the main reason is right why. You need to have deeper why as only money. Along the way, problems will appear, and if your why will not be strong enough, you will give up and fail. I think this is the most important reason why so many people fail.
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  • Profile picture of the author TonyRoberts
    Patience and traffic! Also, most people think it's a quick rich scheme and give up too easily once they realise it's not. Patience and being prepared to discover the rabbit hole is key.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Traffic is huge. It took me a long time how to figure out how to get qualified traffic to my blog, capture pages and affiliate offers. Most people fall in love with a product or service, but they don't realize that marketing that product or service is their real business. Once you learn how to get traffic, you can promote just about anything online and do it profitably.
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  • Profile picture of the author Maria Colon
    Most of the people try to earn from internet shortly without experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nishad Rahman
    Maximum people think online marketing is good way to earn money.
    they do not any experience for internet.that's why they fail online marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author hsahadath
    Lack of proper experience perfect goal are the main reasons behind this issue.
    You must set up your goal and then select right products that the audience are looking for.
    People want to get the quick result but when they don't get then they will give up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Abul-Hussain
    Not taking a business minded approach... taking shortcuts to make a quick dollar, rather than building the foundations of something longer term...as the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day!
    Author | Speaker | Digital Marketing Coach

    I help ordinary people achieve extraordinary results online. Get in touch to see how we can help you build a 6 figure business.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      A lot of people take their employee mindset and apply it in their new business. This instant gratification, trade time for money, is a key reason so many people fair. There are not shortcuts. I've looked! Like anything, you have to take the time to develop your skill-set and mind-set if you want to succeed in a new business.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by chuckholmes View Post

        A lot of people take their employee mindset and apply it in their new business. This instant gratification, trade time for money, is a key reason so many people fair. There are not shortcuts. I've looked! Like anything, you have to take the time to develop your skill-set and mind-set if you want to succeed in a new business.
        @chuckholmes, if you're going to post individual replies to half a dozen posts in every thread you enter, at least hit the "Quote" button so we know who and what you are replying to.

        I hit the quote button to make this post, and it shows the post I'm replying to. Makes for much clearer communication.

        Otherwise, you start to look like you're just looking for sig exposure.

        You could also hit the Multiquote button for each post you want to reply to, then hit Reply. Puts all of the quotes in a single post, so you can write each reply.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Just like in the offline world, too many people want to have a successful business, but they have no real desire to build or run one.

    Put them in touch with snake oil salesmen promising no work, no experience, totally passive quick riches, and failure has an exceedingly fertile field to plant in.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Good point. You never see ads online that say:

      You will have to invest hundreds of hours, thousands of dollars, and most likely fail for a year or two before you have a breakthrough and start making money with our business model!

      Most people are looking for something for nothing. That's why you see so many ads like that. It appeals to people's short term thinking and instant gratification mentality.
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  • Profile picture of the author madzstar
    Very true! At the end of the day they see internet marketing as the see all,
    be all
    when it is just a powerful engine used to drive what you are already doing and are passionate about.

    That is my take
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  • Profile picture of the author Genie Squad
    I am going to reference Bus 101 - Supply and Demand.
    It simply comes down to:
    Is there demand for the goods or services you are going to offer?
    If there is demand, are there others providing the goods/services to meet the demand?
    If the answer is no - go for it.
    If the answer is yes - then you need to ask yourself, how are you going to differentiate yourself? Why will someone buy from you? (you need to answer this before you start.)
    Now you know if you have the potential to make money.

    Internet Marketing is the various online channels you leverage to drive awareness and traffic to your Goods/Services. If there is no demand, then it doesn't matter how cutting edge your Internet Marketing is, you will not make money. Worst yet, you will be spending money to drive traffic to something nobody is willing to buy.
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    i Would say people its much higher than that, people try one thing and it never brings sales, so they just move on, and get a job.

    There is so much to this, hard work. If you gave up, its because of you, not anyone else.
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  • Profile picture of the author AmandeepKaur
    Lack of proper planning & goals, lack of knowledge, choose the wrong niche, etc...
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  • Profile picture of the author theleadsguy
    The reasons many newbies fail at Internet marketing are the same reasons most people fail at anything. Taking action is the only path to success and most people simply don't take enough action to achieve their goals. Whether they're afraid of failure or just simply overthink things, a lot newbies lack that competitive spirit, persistence, and most of all an action-oriented mentality to get things done.

    You'll find many people plan intensively and read tons of articles on how to be successful in internet marketing, but never actually take any action to test these strategies out themselves. Internet marketing is game and a sport. Like with any sport, hesitation and overthinking things will never produce any results. Those who are successful in this field are "doers." They practice daily and find ways to work smarter, and not harder.
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  • Profile picture of the author howardbailey
    I think what Brent said is totally valid as well. Some people are never meant to run their own business.
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  • Profile picture of the author faisal630
    lack f patience and thirst to earn quick money
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  • Profile picture of the author softprodigy
    I agree with you, research of new techniques plays a viral role in internet marketing. If you stop experimenting with new things than you have no scope. Marketing is all about the ideas and implementation which in result calls the sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shafiul Azam DU
    I think You should love what your are going to do. I can give my example. I have a long cherished dream to be a freelancer. I have done a lot of researches. after that, I have been able to build my own website. Miraculously it was accepted by google adsense within 15 days. Now I am getting regular traffice in my website. I think, there is no alternative of knowledge.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamie3000
    Shiny object syndrome is a big one. Also lack of persistence. People need to realise your website might not make any real money for years till it's established.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Mine took about 5 years to build up steam and about 7 to get established. I figure by the ten year mark they will provide the income I have always desired.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by jamie3000 View Post

      Shiny object syndrome is a big one. Also lack of persistence. People need to realise your website might not make any real money for years till it's established.
      Great post!

      I remember the day I jumped in 12 programs at once, and each time you try to do one, you had another problem or traffic needed for the other 11. LOL.

      What a waist of life that was.

      once I learnt to FOCUS, and build up leads, and make $10,000 a month in one niche, then its time to move over to another one.

      I can tell you, take it from someone who failed hard in 2008 and now I do very well, xxx, xxx a year.

      Unless you are making sales daily and do not have a list of 10,000 highly targeted leads for a list. Do not move, do not do anything, you need to make this your goal first.

      Once you can do this, and are making $10,000 a month in your preferred niche, and FOCUSED and have it on autopilot, then do nothing.

      its about FOCUS< FOCUS, FOCUS first...... without focus on one thing, you will be going and doing 5% of a job in 10 other things.

      What you want to do is 100% in one thing, instead of spreading yourself to thin. I see peopel do this all the time, and its a very BIG PART of why people fail online. they never sit down and do something till the end. They never FOCUS!!!! You might be reading this now and thinking....."ahh yes this is where I am going wrong, I keep jumping from new shiney ball, to new shiney ball without working it for weeks, and months!!"

      Its one of my biggest secrets I share to my clients.

      Once you sit down and work this out, not only do you get more done, you make more money in the end.

      Hope this helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author aishaaiyana
    Very good Discussion. I believe most of the people are failing in the Internet Marketing due to lack of Knowledge, patience, greed of money etc. If one wants to do business long term, he should avoid these problem. Thanks for your advance.

    Happy mood

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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Sanderson
    The people that fail internet marketing were most likely taught by the wrong people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Convergence
    Originally Posted by Gary Handy View Post

    Here is my take on the matter:

    Look, a lot of people get into the internet marketing business only because of its huge money-making potential without having a love for that type of business at all. You may say if they love it for the money then they do love it after all. Well, that is not a good enough factor or reason for getting involved.
    95% of the people who get into internet marketing with making money as their only motivation are doomed to fail because they will not have what it takes to hang in there when the going gets tough. They will always be in too much of a hurry to see results, will always find it hard following instructions, and would eventually give up. This is the main reasons why most people fail at making money online.
    Well, I guess my take on it is, most people think that it is easy money, far from it, there is one heck of a learning curve involved...
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  • Profile picture of the author sarah01
    I think lack of business knowledge is the biggest factor.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      That is a big factor. Business knowledge can be learned though, even if you have no formal education. I learned from my mentors, books and by watching YouTube videos. Few people are ever taught how to be an entrepreneur. We definitely don't learn it in college or school.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
        Originally Posted by chuckholmes View Post

        It can be tempting when you see all the crazy ads online about people making millions. What most of these people don't say is they've been doing it for years and then spend six figures plus per month in advertising to make that kind of money.
        Nor do they mention that the millions they are talking about are revenue, not profit.

        If I end up making $1 million in revenue (including back end sales or whatever other stat people will put up to justify their loss) and it costs me $1.1 million to do it, have I really succeeded?

        It's exceedingly difficult to "lose a little on every deal, but make it up in volume."
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      • Profile picture of the author dansbanners
        That as an affiliate marketer, my perception was that there were too many members that were working too hard and not smart. The ones that were willing to do tons of clicks in some of the paid-to-clicks programs just to take out a few bucks. Underestimating the extent it would help to have a good referral base in their downline. That would enable them to make more with less, with the referrals earning more and doing some of the work for them and so forth.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shafiul Azam DU
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  • Another reason why most people fail at internet marketing is they think it's easy. If so and so was able to do it, they can do it too! They don't know it takes time, dedication, money and motivation to make internet marketing work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Marcell
    I think the reason is because most people simply don't have what it takes to start and run their own successful business.

    They see internet marketing as some sort of get-rich quick business that requires little to no effort to get started.

    As soon as they come to this realization... these people tend to give up and move on the the next shiny object.

    Running an online business is hard work and 95% of people are to weak to make the cut.
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  • Profile picture of the author djnz
    Lack of dedication and ambition.
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  • Profile picture of the author sherrykoontz
    They don't have a system(process) that works and run out of funds before they figure it out or they give up after too much failure.

    I think what Brent said is totally valid as well. Some people are never meant to run their own business.
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  • Profile picture of the author RestlessBlaze
    Takes too much time in decision making. If they spend .5% time in thinking and 99.5% time in taking action, We will have many more successes.
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    • Profile picture of the author anay
      Some popular success recipes:

      (1) Constantly search for answers
      (2) Be hungry for guidance
      (3) Fish around for books and blogs
      (4) Find constant motivation to get up off your butts and get going.
      (5) Grow your social-media presence
      (6) Fail enough times and fake it long enough
      (7) Follow the rich and famous
      (8) Stay positive.

      That's what passes for common wisdom these days. Simply put, you're in the wrong line of work.

      If online success is your goal, the extact opposite is what you should be doing. You need to raise the bar, not just a little, but a lot. You can do that by following these:

      (1) Have faith in yourself, face your fears, overcome your obstacles, and stick with it.
      (2) Don't push yourself to do something you were never meant to do, instead fine the work you love doing.
      (3) Focus on being the best
      (4) If you lack in expertise, you may need to go back to school and work at it for quite a few years (I'm not kidding)
      (5) Get better at your craft
      (6) If you're smart and savvy, you'll rise above the pack and untimately beat the competition.

      Good luck!
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      • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
        I am a big believer in the 10,000 hour rule. Not sure where I first learned about it, but it basically says it takes 10,000 hours of focused work to master a craft. That means if you're doing the online thing full time, it would take you Five YEARS to really master it. Most people throw in the towel in less than 90-days.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Yes, analysis by paralysis is the kiss of death. It's much better to dive in and learn as you go than wait until you know everything to get started. Just my two cents.
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  • Profile picture of the author Prosam
    I think nowadays all the new internet marketers are joining this world to earn some quick money after seeing the income potentiality of this online market.
    But, where they lack is patience and proper education or guidance. I think if these new blood keeps some patience with them and also educates themselves properly before investing some time and money, the fail ratio should fall drastically.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shirlyn
    I would completely blame the strategy makers.

    We need to start thinking about Digital Marketing in new way. We applying the traditional marketing rules to this newly discovered indutry.

    Here is an article talking about new approach to Digital Marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author discrat
      Originally Posted by Shirlyn View Post

      I would completely blame the strategy makers.

      We need to start thinking about Digital Marketing in new way. We applying the traditional marketing rules to this newly discovered indutry.

      Here is an article talking about new approach to Digital Marketing.
      User Centric Approach: The Future of Digital Marketing
      I would partially blame the people who keep buying the "strategy makers' " programs over and over again thinking there is some magic button to push to make money, imho

      Nothing to see here including a Sig so just move on :)

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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B
      Originally Posted by Shirlyn View Post

      I would completely blame the strategy makers.


      With all due respect, I find this reasoning total nonsense.

      You are suggesting that a person's failure at IM has nothing to do with the entrepreneur. That he/she has no control over his own success - the high failure rate is completely the fault of others that are teaching IM.

      If that is true, I suggest we close this forum down right now and we all go home because regardless of how hard we work at it, being profitable online only happens randomly to 5% of those who try.

      This is the victim mentality . . . the near opposite of the entrepreneur mentality that goes something like "I am totally responsible for my own business success and failure." And while I don't believe in absolutes, I would say the truth lies much closer to the latter than the former.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    Many people study too many strategies while they don't put in practice the first things they know

    if you do business learning, then practice makes $$$$$$$$ ( learning does not make million )
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  • Profile picture of the author Gustavo Karakey
    Lack of patience, no system for selling, technology overwhelm, information overload, no big "why" so they quit when things get rough, they do not master any skill.
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  • Profile picture of the author altar22
    - analysis paralysis x procrastination
    - lack of real value in what's offered
    - trying to sell before having created a trust relationship
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Originally Posted by 3936296 View Post

      Excess knowledge, lack of action..
      Getting ready to get ready. The kiss of death in most businesses. Or, busy spending all of your time on anything and everything except making sales and making the cash register ring. That is the only real job of any entrepreneur.
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  • Profile picture of the author Entire Cannabis
    Taxes, especially to begginners.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sergey123
    All by the fact that the market is very dynamic and what worked yesterday - today is history. You have to be all the time in a trend, that's the key to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Mcalorum
    Well, in order to succeed, first you must fail. Like, a LOT.
    I don't think a lot of the newbies out there have the grit to keep
    failing... They go from one thing to the next, to the next.
    I'll put it this way... If you want to play guitar like Jimmy Hendrix,
    but never played the guitar before.... Do you think you just pick
    up the guitar and start playing like him? The answer is no.
    And the same goes for IM.

    Everyone gets emotionally wound up with the sales pages cause
    this is what good copywriters are supposed to do. But that makes
    you focus on the "event" of success. (Say making 1k or 10k in a day
    or whatever) . What they don't really tell you about is the PROCESS.
    And guess what? The process includes FAILURE. And a lot of it....

    One of the best marketing companies in the world Agora, have a HUGE
    direct mailing list, and dozens and dozens of the best copywriters in the world.
    They are a nine figure company. (Thats 100+ million a YEAR)
    And guess what? 8 out of 10 campaigns they release (products to their lists)
    completely FAIL.

    1 out of 10 becomes a "base hit" ..... But 1 out of 10 becomes a home run.

    Look at me for example.

    I have the longest running WSO of all time. Its literally been going for 7 and a half YEAR|S
    with over 600 thousand views.

    Do you think that was my first product?
    Do you think that was my first time writing copy?

    Well, the obvious answer here is no, no it wasn't.

    I made a lot of products before that, and wrote a lot of copy too.
    Nothing really "took off" as much as I wanted it too. But I didn't
    let that stop me. I was simply going to keep on going until I was

    And that's what you need to do.

    Simply do ONE thing until your successful at it. PERIOD.
    However long that takes, however much failure that takes,
    SO BE IT.

    Go out, and get it
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    • Profile picture of the author TheTrafficOutlet
      Originally Posted by David Mcalorum View Post

      Well, in order to succeed, first you must fail. Like, a LOT.
      I don't think a lot of the newbies out there have the grit to keep
      failing... They go from one thing to the next, to the next.
      I'll put it this way... If you want to play guitar like Jimmy Hendrix,
      but never played the guitar before.... Do you think you just pick
      up the guitar and start playing like him? The answer is no.
      And the same goes for IM.

      Everyone gets emotionally wound up with the sales pages cause
      this is what good copywriters are supposed to do. But that makes
      you focus on the "event" of success. (Say making 1k or 10k in a day
      or whatever) . What they don't really tell you about is the PROCESS.
      And guess what? The process includes FAILURE. And a lot of it....

      One of the best marketing companies in the world Agora, have a HUGE
      direct mailing list, and dozens and dozens of the best copywriters in the world.
      They are a nine figure company. (Thats 100+ million a YEAR)
      And guess what? 8 out of 10 campaigns they release (products to their lists)
      completely FAIL.

      1 out of 10 becomes a "base hit" ..... But 1 out of 10 becomes a home run.

      Look at me for example.

      I have the longest running WSO of all time. Its literally been going for 7 and a half YEAR|S
      with over 600 thousand views.

      Do you think that was my first product?
      Do you think that was my first time writing copy?

      Well, the obvious answer here is no, no it wasn't.

      I made a lot of products before that, and wrote a lot of copy too.
      Nothing really "took off" as much as I wanted it too. But I didn't
      let that stop me. I was simply going to keep on going until I was

      And that's what you need to do.

      Simply do ONE thing until your successful at it. PERIOD.
      However long that takes, however much failure that takes,
      SO BE IT.

      Go out, and get it
      Well said !

      I agree with you especially about failing that is where people quit or even when they fail twice they quit.

      I personally know this because I have been 1 of them but came back after a while and am learning from my mistakes now instead of giving up now.

      So 1 of the main reasons is people not learning or being patient.

      Mr S.Ahmed.
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    • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
      Originally Posted by David Mcalorum View Post

      Well, in order to succeed, first you must fail. Like, a LOT.
      I don't think a lot of the newbies out there have the grit to keep
      failing... They go from one thing to the next, to the next.
      I'll put it this way... If you want to play guitar like Jimmy Hendrix,
      but never played the guitar before.... Do you think you just pick
      up the guitar and start playing like him? The answer is no.
      And the same goes for IM.

      Everyone gets emotionally wound up with the sales pages cause
      this is what good copywriters are supposed to do. But that makes
      you focus on the "event" of success. (Say making 1k or 10k in a day
      or whatever) . What they don't really tell you about is the PROCESS.
      And guess what? The process includes FAILURE. And a lot of it....

      One of the best marketing companies in the world Agora, have a HUGE
      direct mailing list, and dozens and dozens of the best copywriters in the world.
      They are a nine figure company. (Thats 100+ million a YEAR)
      And guess what? 8 out of 10 campaigns they release (products to their lists)
      completely FAIL.

      1 out of 10 becomes a "base hit" ..... But 1 out of 10 becomes a home run.

      Look at me for example.

      I have the longest running WSO of all time. Its literally been going for 7 and a half YEAR|S
      with over 600 thousand views.

      Do you think that was my first product?
      Do you think that was my first time writing copy?

      Well, the obvious answer here is no, no it wasn't.

      I made a lot of products before that, and wrote a lot of copy too.
      Nothing really "took off" as much as I wanted it too. But I didn't
      let that stop me. I was simply going to keep on going until I was

      And that's what you need to do.

      Simply do ONE thing until your successful at it. PERIOD.
      However long that takes, however much failure that takes,
      SO BE IT.

      Go out, and get it
      Probably the best response on this thread. Thanks.

      I'll just chime in and say that I've never met ONE successful person in any endeavor that didn't have many years of frustration, struggle and failure BEFORE achieving success. I call it the story behind the story. Very few talk about it, but you need to understand it. Success is never a straight line. There will be zigs and zags. You will go two steps forward, five steps back. Learn from each mistake, make the necessary adjustments and realize that highest paid players in baseball fail 7 out of 10 times. If you can bat .300 as an entrepreneur, you'll be rich one day! Food for thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author Simor
    If you are starting your website then seo is the first thing you have to consider but its very difficult this time and it takes much effort and long time to give results. So in my opinion facebook marketing is the best option to get quick traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    Many do the wrong marketing actions.... while you must have a powerful funnel + traffic campaigns that work for you

    if your business depends by your actions only, it will not survive when you stop to work
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  • Profile picture of the author sloankelley
    I agree with Claire. It's an ever changing landscape and if you can't or won't quickly adjust you will certainly fall behind. It's alot of work to keep up with the new trends and processes but it's definitely not insurmountable!
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  • Profile picture of the author Bryan Zazz
    Marketing is like dating: you are looking for a "perfect match".

    A perfect match between that you are offering and what your niche is looking for.

    The 5% success rate is due to mismatch between these 2.
    As you fail more - and PERSEVERE despite your failures, you will gain knowledge, who will guide you into better matching those 2 variables.

    While we all want to make 100% conversions, failure is actually very important: that is when we learn the most.

    So don't consider 95% as a depressing statistic, instead see it as a very important learning process: shoot at your target, correct your aim, shoot again, correct, ... until you hit the bulls eye. Nothing magic about it. But VALUE your failures as steps toward your successes !!

    Never give up LEARNING ! You're just learning through failures, like everyone else ...
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    If I had to say the real # 1 reason for failure in internet marketing it's this: the ability to consistently deliver a steady flow of targeted traffic. Every online marketer I know, who makes good money, has mastered traffic generation. As I see it, that's the most important skill to master. Once you can do that, you can promote just about anything online and make money! Food for thought.
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  • Profile picture of the author govindvkumar
    In my opinion, the failure rate is attributed to a wrong marketing strategy. First you need to have googd marketing plan which is based on proven results incorporating your new ideas
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  • Profile picture of the author TheBigBee
    #1 reason is because they do not want it badly enough.

    Originally Posted by Gary Handy View Post

    Here is my take on the matter:

    Look, a lot of people get into the internet marketing business only because of its huge money-making potential without having a love for that type of business at all. You may say if they love it for the money then they do love it after all. Well, that is not a good enough factor or reason for getting involved.
    95% of the people who get into internet marketing with making money as their only motivation are doomed to fail because they will not have what it takes to hang in there when the going gets tough. They will always be in too much of a hurry to see results, will always find it hard following instructions, and would eventually give up. This is the main reasons why most people fail at making money online.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nortus Fitness
    Agree with your point of view but I guess most people also fails because they are afraid or trying to be perfect before getting started.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jen Eick
    Thinking that because THEY discovered Internet marketing by looking for the "quick and easy," that starting/maintaining an IM venture ITSELF is going to be "quick and easy". They confuse "quick and easy" with automated systems, which take time to set up and at least some effort to maintain.
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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    I learned the 3 M's from Dan Kennedy and it has helped me immensely in every business I've ever owned.

    1. Market: You need a target market that is HUNGRY to buy stuff to solve their problems AND they have the money to do so. You want a NICHE market that is not to big and not to small.

    2. Message: You need a message that focuses on the benefits, what's in it for them, and compels them to take action. This works best when you have a killer offer.

    3. Media: You must advertise where your FISH are. You can either go to them or bring them to you. If you don't have a clear place to do this, you need to rethink your market.

    This advice is practical and simple, but if you follow it, I know it will help you.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    ATO Gary

    Addiction To Outcomes.

    IMers dive into IM to GET money. Prime driver. Money does not arrive because they do not practice to develop IM skills. When the driver aka money vanishes, they quit.

    Simple, clear and painfully true for all of us at one point during our careers. Or early on for us, at the very least.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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