Are you still struggling with Product Creation?

40 replies
Hi Guys

Is Product creation still a problem for the newbies out there.

Would really like some feedback on what areas people are struggling with and I will try and help.

Look No Sig to Product Creation WSO.!!!!:rolleyes:

Just trying to research the Market and help if I can, any questions on product creation fire them to me.

#creation #product #struggling
  • Profile picture of the author winebuddy
    I think the #1 product creation problem for most people is "what to do" or what to create or what should i write about.

    I even believe that anything I know must be known to everyone else - but that's the problem... lol

    Most IMers even those with a small amount of success, have the ability to sit down and write about exactly what they did to get sales but they think that everyone already knows that.

    So if there was some way to spark the creativity or get the writing juices flowing, that, to me, would be a great product.

    It could be as simple as a step by step guide on setting up a simple blog, or as simple as how to set up a landing page. Or even how to post backlinks.

    Sometimes, it's the simplest of things that turn into really great products.

    uhhh - forget I said all of that.... I'm off to create a new product!
    "Knowledge is NOT power... ACTION on Knowledge is power"
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesRad
      Originally Posted by winebuddy View Post

      I think the #1 product creation problem for most people is "what to do" or what to create or what should i write about.

      I even believe that anything I know must be known to everyone else - but that's the problem... lol

      Most IMers even those with a small amount of success, have the ability to sit down and write about exactly what they did to get sales but they think that everyone already knows that.

      So if there was some way to spark the creativity or get the writing juices flowing, that, to me, would be a great product.

      It could be as simple as a step by step guide on setting up a simple blog, or as simple as how to set up a landing page. Or even how to post backlinks.

      Sometimes, it's the simplest of things that turn into really great products.
      I agree its not till you start talking to other IMers that you realise how much you know and how some of the simple tasks you do without even thinking about cause other people major problems.

      You always have to remember that not everyone has had the months of researching or doing that you may have had and your knowledge could be extremely valuable to others.

      Brilliant idea thanks. Most people get very confused and worry about product creation when really its not difficult at all once you have come up with the initial concept or idea.

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      • Profile picture of the author achivement84
        I think yes, product creation will be always a challenge , we should have much patience in the start.

        Acoording to Andre Anthony you can make benefit from the following tips to help you in product creation:-

        Tip 1 : Look at your own hobbies and interests
        Is there something there you could write an ebook or course about. Don't be put off by the idea that there's already a lot of products on the subject - everyone has their own unique viewpoint on every subject under the sun -your slant may well be be a winner with others who share your interest.
        Tip 2 : Improve an existing product
        We've all bought products that didn't quite come up to expectations. If you have one of those products, you could use the idea as the basis for a new product, do some research on the subject and produce your own new, improved product filling in those areas that fell short of your expectations.
        Tip 3 : Combine ideas and improve on them
        This takes the idea in Tip 2 a step further. Take a two or more existing product ideas and combine them into a single new, improved product.
        Once again do a bit of research, find some unique information so that you can add something extra to the original ideas.
        Tip 4 : Solve a problem
        In just about every field there are problems. Pick a field that interests you, hang out at related forums and message boards, identify a problem and create a product that solves it.
        For instance, people with weight problems will buy ebooks on weight loss and diets, do a little research and you could create an ebook on recipes for weight loss or create a video on how to exercise those extra pounds away, or a combination of both.
        Tip 5 : Adapt an existing product for a different niche
        Products can often be adapted to serve a different niche market. For instance if you have a course on painting in oils, it would be a fairly simple matter to adapt it to a course on painting in acrylics.
        Tip 6 : Combine products into a new package
        Grab some related products with Master Resell Rights, combine them into a new package and sell them as a set. (Make sure that there are no restrictions on doing this in the resell rights terms). For instance you could bundle web templates with scripts and specialised applications and call it something like "Webmasters Power Tools".
        Tip 7 : Use public domain information
        Every day Copyrights are expiring on books, movies, plays, songs, photographs, instruction manuals, posters, courses, reports and more. When the Copyright expires on a work it moves into the "public domain". When this happens you can take it, repackage it and turn it into a product to sell.
        Tip 8 : What's the current hot trend
        Take note of what trends are hot by watching TV, checking out what the popular topics are in magazines and surfing the internet. For instance in the UK at the time of writing the emphasis of TV advertising seems to be beauty products and looking younger - create a book on natural beauty tips and it would probably sell well.
        Tip 9 : Private label products
        Private label products are products created by someone else which you can brand as your own and sell. On the internet this generally comes in the form of written content that you can utilize just as if you'd written it yourself. You never have to credit the original author(s) in any manner and you can modify or add to the content in any way want to.
        Tip 10 : Ask your web site visitors and customers
        This seems obvious when you think about it, but very few people do it. Ask your web site visitors and customers what kind of products they are interested in by posting a survey questionaire on your web site and offer a valuable freebie in return for taking the time to answer the questions.

        Wish that can help you all.

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        • Profile picture of the author fletch32
          Thanks for the ten tips I have copied and pasted them into a word doc for future reference

          “Discover how you can overcome the Number one reason why most internet newcomers fail to make it on-line”

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  • Profile picture of the author JamesRad
    Thanks some excellent tips there.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Johns
    Hi there,

    From speaking to my customers and list I've found they just don't know what to create a product on, usually it's the niche research. I think that's one reason people jump into the making money and weight loss niches - they are well known.

    When you start to dig around you find some fantastic niches that are crying out for attention and are very profitable. The other night I found a particular product in a niche which gets (combining variations on its name) around 50,000 searches a month and sells like hot cakes. Further research showed there was just over 1000 competing sites for the keywords!

    Niches are all sorts of wierd and wonderful things and I think people get too caught up in creating an info product, i.e. an e-book without thinking about what else the niche may want. An e-book may not work in every niche, but a CPA offer or a physical product might. It may even lend itself to an information site or social network, it really does depend.

    People struggle to find niches and I know from my own start in Internet Marketing that it can be hard to find them. Once you know how to find niches and product ideas you'll get so many they are coming out of your ears - we've got hundreds written to here to address when we get 5 minutes

    I think creating the product is actually the easy part of the process! Deciding what to create it about ... that's the challenge.

    All the best

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    • Profile picture of the author JamesRad
      Originally Posted by Jason Johns View Post

      Niches are all sorts of wierd and wonderful things and I think people get too caught up in creating an info product, i.e. an e-book without thinking about what else the niche may want.

      I think creating the product is actually the easy part of the process! Deciding what to create it about ... that's the challenge.

      All the best

      I totally agree Jason an e-book isn't always the right option to go for, if you are looking at a new Niche you should always consider whats best for that Niche and is the Niche deep enough for creating Back End higher ticket products.

      Product creation is easy in any media ebook,vid audio etc its the Niche selection that most people stumble with. Been there got the T-shirt! lol

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  • Profile picture of the author jbode
    If you want a good product you should definitely do some research. Go to where your potential customer hangs out online.

    Find the most common problems, fears, frustrations...

    Then simple search for solutions and create a product based on that.

    Then you can go back to those communities and advertise your product!
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    • Profile picture of the author JamesRad
      Originally Posted by jbode View Post

      If you want a good product you should definitely do some research. Go to where your potential customer hangs out online.

      Find the most common problems, fears, frustrations...

      Then simple search for solutions and create a product based on that.

      Then you can go back to those communities and advertise your product!

      Very Good tips brilliant place to start your research is Forums where your future customers are hanging out.

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      • Profile picture of the author Jack Bastide
        1 - Pick a Niche
        2 - Interview An Expert on the That Niche for about an Hour
        3 - (Use to Record)
        4 - Use Wavepad or Audacity to Edit
        5 - You have a product!

        Sell for $7 - $17

        Bonus: Get audio Transcribed (about $60 - $80)

        Sell Audio + Transcript for $27

        Interview 5 Experts. Get It Transcribed and Sell
        Audio + Transcripts for $47 - $97

        If you can drive Biz Op Phone Calls .... I'm Buying

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        • Profile picture of the author JamesRad
          Originally Posted by Jack Bastide View Post

          1 - Pick a Niche
          2 - Interview An Expert on the That Niche for about an Hour
          3 - (Use to Record)
          4 - Use Wavepad or Audacity to Edit
          5 - You have a product!

          Sell for $7 - $17

          Bonus: Get audio Transcribed (about $60 - $80)

          Sell Audio + Transcript for $27

          Interview 5 Experts. Get It Transcribed and Sell
          Audio + Transcripts for $47 - $97

          Thanks for the easy step by step.

          Good way of getting future JV's aswell, offer the expert the audio to there list for free.

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  • Profile picture of the author JBorhez
    Pertaining to Achivement84's tip #7

    Here's great free resource for finding public domain books on a ton of topics. It's a great place to get some ideas for creating a product.

    Search for 'publication dates' before 1923. All works published before 1923 are in the public domain.

    Alibris: Search Books

    This place really opened my eyes to the possibilities surrounding the public domain arena.

    Try this place for download-able public domain material:

    Main Page - Gutenberg

    Take care.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by winebuddy View Post

      I think the #1 product creation problem for most people is "what to do" or what to create or what should i write about.

      I even believe that anything I know must be known to everyone else - but that's the problem... lol

      Most IMers even those with a small amount of success, have the ability to sit down and write about exactly what they did to get sales but they think that everyone already knows that.

      So if there was some way to spark the creativity or get the writing juices flowing, that, to me, would be a great product.

      It could be as simple as a step by step guide on setting up a simple blog, or as simple as how to set up a landing page. Or even how to post backlinks.

      Sometimes, it's the simplest of things that turn into really great products.

      uhhh - forget I said all of that.... I'm off to create a new product!
      I couldn't agree more. I now feel confident myself with how to deliver the content, it's a matter of which/what content to deliver.

      I am so close right now to creating something new it is killing me. I could easily do a course with video for example of getting a blog up and going - but it is done all over the place and the only way I would consider it is to have my own USP (unique selling point).

      It's a GOOD THING to do niches that have already been done because you can easily verify the demand on them. The part I have the biggest problem with as stated above is figuring out that special thing I could offer that no one else does and making sure it is something everyone wants and needs.

      I'm not out to just make a buck - I want to offer something really unique, is that too much to ask? LOL

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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      • Profile picture of the author horsedoc
        Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

        It's a GOOD THING to do niches that have already been done because you can easily verify the demand on them. The part I have the biggest problem with as stated above is figuring out that special thing I could offer that no one else does and making sure it is something everyone wants and needs.

        I'm not out to just make a buck - I want to offer something really unique, is that too much to ask? LOL
        I totally agree with you AvenueGirl
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      • Profile picture of the author Hanz
        Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

        I couldn't agree more. I now feel confident myself with how to deliver the content, it's a matter of which/what content to deliver.

        I am so close right now to creating something new it is killing me. I could easily do a course with video for example of getting a blog up and going - but it is done all over the place and the only way I would consider it is to have my own USP (unique selling point).

        It's a GOOD THING to do niches that have already been done because you can easily verify the demand on them. The part I have the biggest problem with as stated above is figuring out that special thing I could offer that no one else does and making sure it is something everyone wants and needs.

        I'm not out to just make a buck - I want to offer something really unique, is that too much to ask? LOL
        Well the experts always say "Find out what people are already buying and give them what they want!"
        So maybe you don't need to create something brand new but rather, put your own spin on a hot selling product which therefore makes it unique.
        All The Hottest eBooks, Graphics, Software, Videos, Audios, SEO Reports & Articles You Want with PLR ~ New Products Added Daily in Super Hot Niches! ~ Sign Up to PLR Assassin Today
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  • Profile picture of the author horsedoc
    Originally Posted by JamesRad View Post

    Hi Guys

    Is Product creation still a problem for the newbies out there.

    Would really like some feedback on what areas people are struggling with and I will try and help.

    Look No Sig to Product Creation WSO.!!!!:rolleyes:

    Just trying to research the Market and help if I can, any questions on product creation fire them to me.

    Hi James,

    This is a timely post for me as I am working on product creation and am a newbie. I have a basic idea in a health/fitness sub-niche but am struggling with how best to proceed. What type of product (s)? Audio/video/eBook or combo? Several small products within a larger product?

    This will be my first product and I have ideas for some other niches but since the fitness niche is big I thought I would start within it and learn from the process for the others.

    Any advice on getting it done would be welcomed.

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    • Profile picture of the author MikeHumphreys
      Originally Posted by horsedoc View Post

      Hi James,

      This is a timely post for me as I am working on product creation and am a newbie. I have a basic idea in a health/fitness sub-niche but am struggling with how best to proceed. What type of product (s)? Audio/video/eBook or combo? Several small products within a larger product?

      This will be my first product and I have ideas for some other niches but since the fitness niche is big I thought I would start within it and learn from the process for the others.

      Any advice on getting it done would be welcomed.

      Debra, the best advice I can give you is not to worry about getting your first ever product perfect. The honest truth is every product has it's limitations or flaws. Every info-product runs the risk of eventually being outdated or even obsolete as the internet grows and changes.

      My first ever info-product took my then-business partner and I 8 months combined to create. My last info-product took me about 7 hours and that included writing the sales letter.

      Just pick a niche... find what they want... create a product that meets that want... do your best to write a sales letter for that product... launch it.

      You always have the option of offering your customers free lifetime upgrades... that way you can always go back and update your product as you see fit.

      Just get started and launched.

      Best of luck,

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      • Profile picture of the author JackLypka
        Here are some resources to help as you try to roll out your first product:

        Project Gutenberg
        ( 15,000 + pieces of public domain literature

        LibriVox ( Public domain audio books which are free

        HotRecorder ( Record any conversation you have over the phone (used in conjunction w/Skype).

        Have fun!
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        • Profile picture of the author yourreviewer
          Originally Posted by JackLypka View Post

          Here are some resources to help as you try to roll out your first product:

          Project Gutenberg
          ( 15,000 + pieces of public domain literature

          LibriVox ( Public domain audio books which are free

          HotRecorder ( Record any conversation you have over the phone (used in conjunction w/Skype).

          Have fun!
          A quick question. Can you sell the audios on Librivox?

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      • Profile picture of the author JamesRad
        Originally Posted by JBorhez View Post

        Pertaining to Achivement84's tip #7
        Search for 'publication dates' before 1923. All works published before 1923 are in the public domain.

        Alibris: Search Books

        Try this place for download-able public domain material:

        Main Page - Gutenberg
        Great Resources Many Thanks

        Originally Posted by horsedoc View Post

        Hi James,

        Any advice on getting it done would be welcomed.

        Not much more I could to add to what has already been posted in the thread. Other than keep going, Good Luck and Like Mike Humphreys said try not to make it perfect if you do you will never finish it.

        Originally Posted by MikeHumphreys View Post

        Debra, the best advice I can give you is not to worry about getting your first ever product perfect. The honest truth is every product has it's limitations or flaws. Every info-product runs the risk of eventually being outdated or even obsolete as the internet grows and changes.

        My first ever info-product took my then-business partner and I 8 months combined to create. My last info-product took me about 7 hours and that included writing the sales letter.

        Just pick a niche... find what they want... create a product that meets that want... do your best to write a sales letter for that product... launch it.

        You always have the option of offering your customers free lifetime upgrades... that way you can always go back and update your product as you see fit.

        Just get started and launched.

        Best of luck,

        Perfect advice Mike so many people try and make their product 100% perfect, it isn't possible like you said products have a sell by date and if your not careful this will pass before you have even launched your product.

        Thanks Guys for all your responses.

        Cheers James
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  • Profile picture of the author e.calabio

    I'd like to ask about FREE software/s to use for the entire product creation process, from the product design and image creation to website construction and multi-media tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    Have you seen Eben Pagan's "Guru Blueprint" prelaunch videos? (

    That guy is truly the master of the free line. The info on product creation that he gives away in the videos is pretty mind-blowing. Absolutely worth checking out.

    On the first video, you have to be a bit patient, as it goes on about how much money he's making for quite a while. But good stuff follows.
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  • Profile picture of the author warner444
    Eban does make some really good points about the importance of finding something that people really want and need. Like a solution to a real problem. He talks about how to evaluate the concept as to if there is a big and hungry market there. He discusses how all his products grew out of people telling him they were having this problem or that problem. In an accompanying pdf he shows some markets that meet his criteria and provides worksheets to analyze niche markets. The methodological analysis seems very cogent. Makes a lot of sense. Like Gary Halbert said "Find me a hungry market" It makes everything much easier.
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  • Profile picture of the author Glyn
    For me... the biggest problem has been staring at the screen and watching that cursed little thing blink intimidatingly as if mocking me.

    Two years ago I started working on a project. I wanted to build a home study program to teach ventriloquism. An art I have been practicing and preforming for 20 years now.

    I bought all the old books and programs I could get my hands on... I bought or youtubed every skit I could get my hands on and suited the audiences interactions. I wanted to know what worked and what didn't work and why. I also when to shows and interviewed andiron members and proformas alike.

    Then it hit... BURNOUT. Its too easy for me to fall passionately in love with a project and then get so sick of the thing that I cant stand it. I think working with the new team I'm punting together will help me out tremendously.

    Wishing I was at Tweetsie Railroad

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  • Profile picture of the author nyrsimon
    It's been said here already but worth repeating. The product is important but the market is much much much more important.

    Find out what people are DESPERATELY buying then make one. Look at the best sellers on clickbank, ebay etc and start selling your own version (or become an affiliate) it's that easy

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  • Profile picture of the author jteatom
    One of my biggest problems is product creation. I have some good ideas but just don't know which to commit to. One of the ideas I have is a very popular niche but it also seems like the market is flooded with this product. I am very knowledgeable in this field and have a lot of ideas just don't know if this is going to pay off. Any ideas?
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  • Profile picture of the author Ty Neal
    I fine product creation not hard at all I just got done with an article marketing course and it was complete in less then a week. I guess it comes down to focus you got stay focus when releasing a product.

    and another thing Find out what people are in need of, Look at the best sellers on clickbank, one thing people always going need is traffic so if you can make a course on getting traffic then you may can sell alot.

    Hope I help
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    • Profile picture of the author Geoff A
      Main thing for me:

      Finding a product/niche i am passionate about enough to be able to complete and continue to market the product happily (trying just "anything" has not worked for me)
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  • Profile picture of the author Dietriffic
    How important is it to get a 'good launch'?

    If you just get a product 'out there' you might totally mess up your pitch and copy, perhaps missing out on initial launch momentum. No?

    — Melanie (RD)

    Weight loss/fitness marketers earn 75% per sale with... The Fat Reversal Formula
    Join me: Twitter and Facebook

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    • Profile picture of the author Rich Mann
      Product creation is definitely not an easy proposition. There are certainly IM'rs in here that have the process down to a science.

      Many good points have been covered above. It's really all about having the right tools and knowledge, then knowing the right kinds of actions to take and when.

      IMHO, I think a lot of newbies get misleading information that leads them to believe that creating quality products is free and easy.

      I disagree. Not to say that there aren't inexpensive solutions. But it does require a certain amount of knowledge and skill.

      Certainly, developing your own products will give you much greater ability to earn substantially more income that most other marketing models.

      Sig went on vacation. Will return shortly smothered with some AwesomeSauce!

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  • Profile picture of the author Vanquish
    Product creation is and will always be a problem because people do not know where to start and how to properly research a product that is in demand.
    Nothing to sell, only value to give and new knowledge to learn.
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  • Profile picture of the author xatsmann
    My biggest problem is converting a hobby or interest into something marketable.

    I'll give you two examples I'm currently working--one is horse racing. I like to bet the ponies at one particular track. I thought it would be a good niche since it involves harness racing--the one where the jockeys don't sit on the horses but ride in a little buggy called a trike or a sulky behind the horses--so I thought this would be a good micro niche.

    But I've got a few issues to resolve: first, I'm not an expert on this type of racing or any type of horse racing--I just like it because that's what the track runs and started going to take my Dad out. Second this micro niche is empty because there isn't much search traffic for harness racing and the regular horse (thoroughbred) racing sites there are dominated by a few well entrenched names.

    The second one is board wargaming--basically where you re-fight historical conflicts or battles on flat map board using pieces to represent the armies, fleets or whatever--Kind of like chess on steroids. The problem with this niche is a lack of traffic and a way to monetize it. There a few big sites out there like but for the most part its not a heavily searched site.

    Another issue I have with both sites is I don't have any of money to buy systems (for the horses) or games (for the games site) to do reviews or to test them and sell my knowledge of them to the public.

    So right now I'm researching angles I can use to link them to bigger sites or to try and see if it leads me to anything else. For example, my love of wargaming is based on my love of history so I'm trying to see if I can use that to find some undeserved niches as go through the thirty day challenge and Eric's Tips but I've not found anything yet but I am learning various tools like Market Samurai and how to step up my own website and list.
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    • Profile picture of the author jbsmith
      James - perhaps the biggest mistakes I see again and again in my coaching programs and membership sites for helping people create training programs and infoproducts are:

      1. Not having a deep understanding of the emotional needs and wants of their market. They don't have to be an expert in their market, but they sure as hell better understand what that market desperately wants and why! I would say 1 in 50 have that sort of understanding, yet it is mandatory for succeeding with infoproduct marketing

      2. Not understanding that they are in the "getting results" business instead of the "information giving" business. Getting results for your customers is worth thousands, giving information is worth $20-$30 -- which would you prefer to sell?

      3. Being too tied to one product instead of taking the iterative approach to coming up with a winner. When we go into new markets, we typically enter with a "test" product (a video series, report, teleseminar, webinar or short ebook), then based on that feedback we come up with a more involved product (when we KNOW it is a winner from feedback on the test product) and keep going - the opportunity to increase value and expand your niche are typically infinite.

      There are others, but these would be the main 3 we see...

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  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    Let's take a step back. The purpose of product creation is to make money. Look at the product as the vehicle--not the destination. The destination is your earnings.

    Most beginners start out creating a product. Then then stand back and ask, "Okay, I've got this great product--now, how will I sell it."

    That's exactly why most people, even those who have created great products, never make a cent with them. Yes, the quality of your product is important, but it's not even close to being the most important thing. It's all about marketing.

    What should be done is (before you develop a product) is to develop a detailed marketing plan first. I even strongly recommend writing the sales letter for your product before you begin creating the product. Doing this means that when you get the world's best sales letter for your product done, this sales letter then becomes a blueprint for the content you must pour into your product.

    The development of your product should come only after you have researched your competition, researched your niche, and determined exactly how you plan on marketing it.

    There are tons of shoddy products out there that have made their developers hundreds-of-thousands of dollars. The reason: The product developers know that a strong marketing plan will always make you more money than a perfect product. That probably doesn't sit well with you, does it? Welcome to the real world.

    Research, develop a marketing plan, develop your product, put your product before a niche of rabid buyers and then test, tweak, test, tweak ad infinitum.

    There is a whole lot of work that needs to be done before the product development process kicks in. Writing a book is actually one of the very last steps in an income generating funnel. People who put it first, generally don't make any money with it. --Mike

    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
    Check it out here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jacqueline Smith
    I just tried accessing the Project Gutenburg website and it seems to no longer exist.

    I thought it would be a great resource.

    Anybody have any info on this?
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  • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
    Got an hour? If so, then create a product. I'm going to tell you exactly HOW. But first, I have to say this. I wanted to do one of those multiple quote thingys here, but, I'm an idiot on using the forum tools. There is some great advice, you should read Mike McMillan and Jeff Smith for great stuff. And there are others too.

    But anyhow, here is how you can create your first product in ONE hour, and then, begin to build an EMPIRE which you totally rule. Ready?

    The first product you can quickly and easily create is what I call a HOTSHEET. It takes many forms and names, a cheat sheet, folio, graph, map, blueprint, PLAN, outline...

    I put all of these short, brief and PITHY information products under the umbrella of a HOTSHEET.

    Pick any of the subjects mentioned on this thread, from surrey racing to fitness. Pull up your word processor and I like to use Open Office, it's free and with a press of a button you've got a pdf file which you can start selling immediately, and start writing.

    LOOK. If you can't create a simple single sheet of information, what makes you think you can write an ebook, or develop a course of instruction? A HOTSHEET is a way to get started.

    It allows you to IDENTIFY a market. Offer it for sale the same day you create it (at eBay or some other site) and see if anyone is interested.

    Offer it for free to the group where you hang out. If you participate in groups, forums or bulleting boards on, say, create a HOTSHEET with a new quilt pattern, or offer up 5 tips for beginners or where the old pros can sell their patterns. See?

    Whatever it is you want to create a product for, you can get started quickly and less time than you spend reading the WF forum, and begin to build your Empire today.

    Good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author Filipe Marinho
    Any newbie should start his business with affiliate marketing, because you get the money and all is done for you.
    Moreover, being a good affiliate just opens big doors for JV partners.
    So i think that creating a product at the beginning may not be the primary focus to get started in the right way.
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