Top 5 WSOs Of The Week

by Bamm
8 replies
Greetings Warriors!

Welcome to another week's edition of Top 5 WSOs where I pick 5 WSOs, review them and give honest feedback.

Disclaimer: All reviews made are solely based on my opinion and does not necessarily reflect the thoughts and insights of the Warrior Forum Team. This article does not in any way promote or advertise any of the WSOs
For previous editions, please refer to the following links

Here's the 5 WSOs that have caught my attention.

1. Mark Dickenson's Reverse Affiliate Marketing (October 2017)

Mark's salespage is very simplistic - a lot of text on his copy and very limited in terms of graphics and photos. Reading through his thread, a lot of information is readily available on what his coaching entails, from the niche choice down to how to target traffic to your website. The copy itself has all the meat you can chew but can be overwhelming for beginners.

2. Paul Hooper-Kelly's Done for you Newsletter (October 2017)

A very neat presentation from Paul. Details on how the newsletters would be created was very well explained. His approach in presenting his service and providing information in a thorough breakdown is spot on. This can be a bit over the top but it gets the job done.

3. James' FB Pro Management WSO (November 2017)

A little bit lacking in terms of describing what the offer is about compared with other WSOs but James is very direct to the point in setting your expectations on what you will get with his software. Simplicity aside, I would love for him to add more stuff or info to at least entice someone new to check out his product.

4. Nick Carty's Azon Blog Builder (September 2017)

Nick's course is a delight to read. I really like the fact that he shared the reason why he created the product in the first place. Well structured and very clean copy, this is worth checking out.

5. Nathan Zadworthy's Organic Traffic Secrets (October 2017)

Pretty decent salespage from Nathan. Overall, I love the buildup on how his product can help you out with Organic Traffic. At the same time, he details precisely what you are getting. The bonuses are also also very spicy and worth checking out.

Thanks for reading and as usual, I'll see you next week!

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