Holy Cow-A Real A-Ha Moment! So Stupidly Simple Yet NEVER Used Outside of the Warrior Forum!

36 replies
I was looking through the WSO section. I just got hit by such a HUGE realization.

I think the reason why so many WSO's are successful is because people can ask questions about the product right under the sales letter and the creator can actually reply back to them.

You can build a really good rapport with your potential customers by doing this.

Not only does this help the person who asked the question decide whether they want to buy the product, it helps other people who come along and have the same question decide if they want to buy too.

Not only does this format allow people who have questions to post right below the sales letter, it also allows people who have great things to say about the product to post under the sales letter.

Think about it, how many people actually go through the trouble of emailing you at your support email to ask a question? Chances are they don't.

However, if you gave them the option to post the question right there under your sales letter they would probably me more likely to ask it. If you required an email address for comments/questions you could then email them and tell them you answered their comment/question when you do, which would probably bring them back to your sales page.

Remember multiple exposure to a sales page leads to a better chance of a sale.

YET, not one sales letter that I know of does this! Can you imagine if you had a regular sales letter and allowed comments/questions to be posted under it?

Obviously, if it's on your domain you would probably want to moderate those comments/questions. However, this could probably improve your conversions by 300%+

What do you think?
#aha #cowa #forum #holy #moment #real #simple #stupidly #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    I'm guessing this would be easy to set up with the right WP setup. Somebody here sells a WP sales page template I do believe.
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    • Profile picture of the author mmurtha

      Good point, and glad you got an a-ha moment.

      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      I'm guessing this would be easy to set up with the right WP setup. Somebody here sells a WP sales page template I do believe.
      Yeah it is. Remember those WP sales page templates that someone handed out for free here a couple of weeks ago? They are Ideal for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author abhi1
    Damn! Why didn't it occur to me before? This SHOULD pump up the sale but has anyone
    tried it on their sales letter's yet? I'd be interested in the results or better try it myself.
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  • Note to anyone thinking of this:

    It might be a good idea--in fact, I have made a note to set it up and test it--but I would strongly encourage the comments to be moderated. If you don't you are likely to give your competitors and detractors a forum to trash you and your product.

    On the WF there is an understanding that trashing others and their products will not be tolerated. That isn't going to be the case in the wild west of the interwebs.

    My two cents.
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    • Profile picture of the author admiral
      Originally Posted by Kevin-VirtualProfitCenter View Post

      Note to anyone thinking of this:

      It might be a good idea--in fact, I have made a note to set it up and test it--but I would strongly encourage the comments to be moderated. If you don't you are likely to give your competitors and detractors a forum to trash you and your product.

      On the WF there is an understanding that trashing others and their products will not be tolerated. That isn't going to be the case in the wild west of the interwebs.

      My two cents.
      im totally in agreement with the above comments.
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  • Profile picture of the author winebuddy
    now THAT is pure Genius! Who wants to make us a WP Sales Page Template that includes a comment section? I'll buy it.
    "Knowledge is NOT power... ACTION on Knowledge is power"
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Actually, it has "kind of" been done.

      I've seen "blogs" that were really advertisements for CPA offers for some weightloss stuff. Some comments appear at the bottom - but they are obviously fake and at the end there would be a "comments are closed at this time" or something so no more comments could be made, as I wanted to leave one and rip into them.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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      • Profile picture of the author Marcel Hartmann
        Originally Posted by avenuegirl View Post

        Actually, it has "kind of" been done.

        I've seen "blogs" that were really advertisements for CPA offers for some weightloss stuff. Some comments appear at the bottom - but they are obviously fake and at the end there would be a "comments are closed at this time" or something so no more comments could be made, as I wanted to leave one and rip into them.
        True. Most of these flogs (fake blogs? Meh...) are very transparent.
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  • Profile picture of the author John A Goodwin
    That's actually a good idea, I never thought about it.

    "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." - Napoleon Hill
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  • Profile picture of the author ppcpimp
    this is the social media era - customers really like the fact that they can talk to a real person about a purchase prior to purchase. also reading other questions and replys goes a long way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
    I have seen this on the net on blogs that someone sends out a newsletter, you go there read and reply or ask questions. I am sure it works very well, but as stated, you would want to weed out the trash.
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  • Profile picture of the author thomashoi
    Originally Posted by Jason_V View Post

    I was looking through the WSO section. I just got hit by such a HUGE realization.

    I think the reason why so many WSO's are successful is because people can ask questions about the product right under the sales letter and the creator can actually reply back to them.

    You can build a really good rapport with your potential customers by doing this.

    Not only does this help the person who asked the question decide whether they want to buy the product, it helps other people who come along and have the same question decide if they want to buy too.

    Not only does this format allow people who have questions to post right below the sales letter, it also allows people who have great things to say about the product to post under the sales letter.

    Think about it, how many people actually go through the trouble of emailing you at your support email to ask a question? Chances are they don't.

    However, if you gave them the option to post the question right there under your sales letter they would probably me more likely to ask it. If you required an email address for comments/questions you could then email them and tell them you answered their comment/question when you do, which would probably bring them back to your sales page.

    Remember multiple exposure to a sales page leads to a better chance of a sale.

    YET, not one sales letter that I know of does this! Can you imagine if you had a regular sales letter and allowed comments/questions to be posted under it?

    Obviously, if it's on your domain you would probably want to moderate those comments/questions. However, this could probably improve your conversions by 300%+

    What do you think?
    Another neat way to do this is to integrate a blog with your sales page
    and that your potential prospect can ask questions and make some comments.

    This will give your sales page some fresh content and google
    will update it more often and give it a higher ranking.
    FREE Ebook - Discover The Secrets Of Generating $260,957 Sales In 5 Days!
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Hi Jason,
    Yes I have my "personal pages" setup for just that on a few sites. Personal pages are members pages that have full html control to add any content they wish. I have encouraged the use of this as I do not mind them using the personal pages for advertising or even creating an entire sales page.

    It's a great idea and can work on certain sites... Why not setup a split test for yourself and get some results..

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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Brite
    I use it on my blog for promotions which then lead them to the sales pages ive setup which doesn't have it.

    Then i get feedback and questions and can edit the sales page as appropriate!

    So a similar setup but not exactly the same...

    Tom Brite
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright

    Great Idea

    Why not just set up a forum and use it for your sales page or pages?

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    We split-tested this a little bit, earlier in the year...

    Didn't see a massive change in sales up or down, but it was only a small test and for a very limited time.

    Might crank out more when I get the time..



    Bare Murkage.........

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  • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
    Jason, forgive me, but I think last year a big-ticket product launch... that of Formula Five actually used this strategy.

    And yes, I agree... great strategy.


    Originally Posted by Jason_V View Post

    I was looking through the WSO section. I just got hit by such a HUGE realization.

    I think the reason why so many WSO's are successful is because people can ask questions about the product right under the sales letter and the creator can actually reply back to them.

    You can build a really good rapport with your potential customers by doing this.

    Not only does this help the person who asked the question decide whether they want to buy the product, it helps other people who come along and have the same question decide if they want to buy too.

    Not only does this format allow people who have questions to post right below the sales letter, it also allows people who have great things to say about the product to post under the sales letter.

    Think about it, how many people actually go through the trouble of emailing you at your support email to ask a question? Chances are they don't.

    However, if you gave them the option to post the question right there under your sales letter they would probably me more likely to ask it. If you required an email address for comments/questions you could then email them and tell them you answered their comment/question when you do, which would probably bring them back to your sales page.

    Remember multiple exposure to a sales page leads to a better chance of a sale.

    YET, not one sales letter that I know of does this! Can you imagine if you had a regular sales letter and allowed comments/questions to be posted under it?

    Obviously, if it's on your domain you would probably want to moderate those comments/questions. However, this could probably improve your conversions by 300%+

    What do you think?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dal.K
    Nice idea Jason, I like it. Could be used instead of testimonials

    My Girlfriends Blog: http://idlethoughtslazymusings.wordpress.com
    Trying To Convince Her To Market It, For More Eyeballs..

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  • Profile picture of the author John Burton
    Hey guys, Im going to stick my neck out and say I actually developed exactly what you are looking for - a Wordpress sales page with comments - a little while ago. Go to

    How To Make Lots Of Money Online: Secrets Revealed

    to take a a look.

    John Burton
    My site - free guide for starting and running your own online business.

    Boost your sales page conversion rate instantly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Hancox
    This is a strategy I recommended in The Secrets Of A 10% Conversion Rate. It can work because it provides social proof and appears more independent than the usual way of displaying testimonials.

    It works best when you have a mass audience (as in the WSO section).

    On the other hand, as others have pointed out, you'd need to carefully moderate the comments, to make sure competitors don't sabotage it.

    By the way, it's worth allowing negative comments through... as long as they are easily outnumbered by positive comments, and you a polite answer to those who have negative things to say.

    The other advantage of the negative comments is you can see where you can improve your product.
    PresellContent.com - How to sell without "selling"
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    • Profile picture of the author Ken
      Might be a solution to the new FTC testimonial problem.

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  • Profile picture of the author iw433
    I think you may just be on to something!!!

    Bill Skywalker Edwards

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  • Profile picture of the author zapseo
    Wow. Long thread.

    I thought ebay had been doing that a while ago.

    But excellent, excellent marketing points. RAPPORT is IT.

    I've said that, in marketing, ATTENTION IS GOD.

    Rapport is the BEST kind of attention....attention that CONNECTS.

    The road is finally built. Once built, much easier to travel down it.
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    • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
      Yes it does work especially if all the questions and comments end in a positive resolution.

      In fact it's dodgy, fabricated "testimonials" and questions along these lines in blogs promoting and "reviewing" products that have led to some of the recent FTC rulings.

      Nice idea and worth doing.

      You will have to really regulate the postings.

      Simple enough to do...just have all questions and posts approved before they appear below the sales letter.

      You'd want to have an answer to a question before it appeared below your sales letter anyway so that's all good.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
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  • Profile picture of the author Kelvin Nikkel
    Jason you are a GENIUS!

    I will have to test this out on a couple of my promotions!

    there is only one problem I see,...

    That is how you are able to do this if you are an affiliate marketer and have about 100 promotions going at the same time.

    LOL ... I guess you will just have to be selective or something.

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  • Profile picture of the author kevinfar
    that's a great observation Jason. Anyone knows of such a plugin that could do the job on wordpress?
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  • Profile picture of the author badfun
    yes I think you are right that it helps sell the WSO. Gets customers over the 'hump'. Most WSO's are usually time sensitive though, so there is a lot of upfront work then it tapers off. With other sales pages they are generally ongoing.

    Another way to do it is to turn customers questions into an FAQ. Eventually you will get the most common objections answered.
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  • Profile picture of the author EndGame
    This is a fantastic idea and a great way to think outside the box. This kind of thinking is what successful entrepreneurs are made of!

    I think if you had a high traffic blog, or even used PPC to get people to the blog post using PPC. You could change font sizes etc, stick a video up and the conversation with the market would be live in front of your prospects. Great way to build a relationship, value, desirability and great way to combat criticism.

    The comments would not be difficult to moderate at all on a wordpress site.

    This has clearly got potential, and something I may just have to implement.


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  • Profile picture of the author Josiah
    NO NO NO!

    Sounds like this is going to be Flogging 2.0

    haha... but great idea... I actually do something quite similar with some of my site...

    Very powerful way of building social proof...
    NEW CopyForPennies WSO "GUARANTEED CONVERSIONS" OFFER: Get A Million Dollar Copywriter For $297!
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    Want To Hire Me Personally? One Of My Clients Does Over $50 MILLION A Year! MillionDollarAdMan.com
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  • Profile picture of the author melanied
    That's a really great idea. For a lot of products, I have questions, and I usually start googling for forum threads about the product to see if other people have discussed it. This completely removes the product owner from the loop, unless they frequent every forum all the time. In this way, the product owner would have some control and could address the questions right there!
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  • Profile picture of the author FrankHaywood

    #1 - Install WordPress.
    #2 - Write your sales letter and create it as a page, maybe call it "Home".
    #3 - Create a page called "Blog" without any content.
    #4 - In the WP admin panel go to Settings-Reading and stick "Home" to the home page and "Blog" to the posts page by selecting them from the drop downs.
    #5 - Create a "Q&A" or "Feedback" page and enable comments for it. Not all themes support comments on Pages, so you need to make sure you have one that does, or know how to tweak a page template to add comment functionality to it. This is usually done by adding the following code where you want the comments to appear:-
    <?php comments_template(); ?>
    #6 - Place a link to your Q&A page on your sales page.
    #7 - Optionally create "Testimonials", "Terms", "Privacy" pages, and I'd definitely include an "Affiliates" page in there too.
    #8 - Place links to these on the bottom of your sales page as you normally would.

    That's it you're done.

    You now have a complete site with a regular sales page stuck to the front, plus all the other necessary pages including a Q&A page sitting in the background. Because it's sitting on top of a WordPress blog, you can blog away to your hearts content on related topics which will then bring you in additonal search traffic. Anyone clicking through to your home page will end up on your sales letter.

    This is EXACTLY how I now set up all my product sites.

    If you really wanted to allow the comments on your sales page as suggested by Jason_V, then just go into the themes editor and add the code in #5 above to wherever you wanted the comments boxes to appear.

    Obviously I cant tell you how to create unique looking sales pages different from the rest of your theme as I sell that method as one of my products and I'd be shooting myself in the foot, but everything else above is rock solid and definitely works.

    If you're selling a membership rather than a product, then you could just use a WP membership plugin, or maybe an order button that redirects to the membership bit of your site.

    I think that covers it.

    Interesting idea, and as badfun points out it should certainly eliminate any customer objections, and allow you to amend your sales copy quickly and directly based on prospect comments.

    Yes, go ahead and thank me, I like that. :rolleyes:

    -Frank Haywood
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  • Profile picture of the author madison_avenue
    I have seen this method used on a number of sites, such as on Perry Marshall's, you can talk to someone at anytime if you have query.

    I think we need to differentiate though. The reason why it works so well on the Warrior forum is the context: We are in a quasi closed community of users, where reputation is essential.

    Buyers have more trust, rational or not, buying on the warrior forum than outside. Sellers tend to known, their posts can be seen etc. I don't think using this strategy outside this context will necessarily have the same impact, It may have some, but not as much.
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  • Profile picture of the author Craig McPherson
    I am testing this method at the moment at

    Greatest Money Making Ebook Ever

    I will keep this thread posted on results etc
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  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    When you think about the big product launches in the I.M. space, they all use blogs to drip feed information and get comments and feedback from prospect buyers.

    From there they can answer questions and make adjustments on the fly...just like a WSO.

    All the best,
    Ewen Vile
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