Success Tips- Focus on one particular task rather than multiple

10 replies
Hi there

I have seen many new bloggers around the world who are working on various things such as Google Adsense A, Amazon B, and Youtube Channel C

Because they are beginner bloggers who are working on many sites simultaneously for the hope of getting more bucks overnight.

If you are one of them then you must stop doing this right now. But you must do the same if you are running with a team.

At Google, they believe in "Fail Fast, or Success Fast and then Work on a New Idea If they Fail."

When you work on many sites, your focus is divided, concentration, and energy as well on different things and you are unable to take a single thing to next level.

Here is what I want to explain;

Focus on just one thing at a time, whether it is adsense, affiliate or seo etc

Create your things to do list with concise and productive tasks in order to spend time on quality things because Google also loves quality rather than quantity.

By doing so, you will get success quickly, or fail fast. So after reaching at a point whether it is success or failure, you will definitely have various things that can help you get things on right track to land successfully on your way.

By working on a single thing (blog), you will enjoy quality time while doing things in a great way.

You will have a stress free brain and a strong heart to bear ups and downs on your way.

#focus #multiple #success #task #tips
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  • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
    Agree with you that one thing at a time

    Go deep. We need to master what we are doing

    Only master can win. It's ok to try new things everyday, learn new things everyday

    But there is a time that you will need to decide, what to focus on more

    what to master first, or you are not going anywhere!
    Free Training: How To Earn $123+/D Online
    Even If You're A Complete Beginner - Click Here
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11327410].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Michael 55
      Originally Posted by Mabu Map View Post

      Agree with you that one thing at a time

      Go deep. We need to master what we are doing

      The only master can win. It's ok to try new things everyday, learn new things everyday

      But there is a time that you will need to decide, what to focus on more

      what to master first, or you are not going anywhere!
      Your feedback is highly appreciated, you are also right that one must be master in a single thing in order to get success on initial stage after that improve the areas of skills and expertise in order to grow in the industry or specific field of life.
      For example, when it comes to blogging, content creation is the base, if you are good at writing, you can easily take your blog to the next level even without spending bucks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Million
    I tend to agree with you OP. The human brain is like a single core processor when it comes to productivity. It can be down right counter productive to try to multi--task, especially when you're first starting out. Many people don't give their ideas enough focus and time to produce results before they're off to the next shiny object.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Agree in most scenerios.
    Too many people get caught up in "shiney object syndrome"
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  • Profile picture of the author Regional Warrior

    Not one for replying to threads on Blogs and stay away from things I don't know but I have found that using an Adblocker I have not seen and ads on YT or Google in ages so don't you think that Adsense has used it use by date now due to the rise in Ad Blockers

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    • Profile picture of the author Michael 55
      Originally Posted by Regional Warrior View Post


      Not one for replying to threads on Blogs and stay away from things I don't know but I have found that using an Adblocker I have not seen and ads on YT or Google in ages so don't you think that Adsense has used it use by date now due to the rise in Ad Blockers

      Hi Jason

      Nice to see you here but sorry to say that I am unable to get the philosophy of your comment, can you please bit more explain it to help me understand?
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi Michael.


    Where your attention and energy goes, grows.

    Do 1 thing to do it well.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11331351].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    Focus is the biggest struggle most people have while building their online business. With so many things fighting for our attention, it's a lot harder to sit down and get things done.

    My focus wavers so much, that I've even gone to the extreme of scheduling my whole day by the hour. Every hour is accounted for.

    By doing this I know exactly what I need to be doing at what time in my day. It might seem a little extreme, but it helps me to get a lot more done with the time I have.

    Learn to focus and there isn't anything you can't accomplish.
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  • Profile picture of the author YourGoToWriter
    Totally true. I strongly agree. You can be a jack of all trades and earn a small amount from everything, but that would still be nothing compared to be a master of one that can help you go big. Cook your craft well. Focus on one and you'll go places. -Micah
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