Finding experienced topic specific outsourced article writing

17 replies
Using Fiverr, freelance, etc how do you go about getting quality article writing? For example there are lots of experienced article writers for the topic of internet marketing in Fiverr, freelance, etc. But what about specific topics like boat building how do I find article writers that have experience in boat building. When it comes down to people who reading articles about their hobby or interest they are able to spot articles written by a writer that do not have decent knowledge in the topic. So how would you go about finding article writers for specific topics such as boat building? Im not sure how you could search for outsourced article writers by their interest s or hobbies.
Would you use Fiverr, freelance or would you go some other route. Have any of you ever fell in this situation? Let me know of your experiences on this situation. I'm just wanting to get high quality articles from outsourced article writers without me writing all the content all the time.
#article #experienced #finding #outsourced #specific #topic #writing
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    Originally Posted by Linhardt View Post

    Using Fiverr, freelance, etc how do you go about getting quality article writing? For example there are lots of experienced article writers for the topic of internet marketing in Fiverr, freelance, etc. But what about specific topics like boat building how do I find article writers that have experience in boat building. When it comes down to people who reading articles about their hobby or interest they are able to spot articles written by a writer that do not have decent knowledge in the topic. So how would you go about finding article writers for specific topics such as boat building? Im not sure how you could search for outsourced article writers by their interest s or hobbies.
    Would you use Fiverr, freelance or would you go some other route. Have any of you ever fell in this situation? Let me know of your experiences on this situation. I'm just wanting to get high quality articles from outsourced article writers without me writing all the content all the time.
    You want a skilled writer with incredible research skills. Personally, I doubt you will find what you're looking for on Fiverr.

    The Warrior For Hire Section is decent, but may not help much either.

    My advice, find a writer that knows how to research just about any topic and write it like they have been doing it all their lives. I once (long time ago) did this for a lady promoting a menopause guide. I know far more about this topic now than I thought I ever would and it was all due to my research skills.

    Some writers can only cover a few industries/niches and we all tend to specialize a bit. However, some of us are expert researchers and quality writers, which means, we can cover any topic thrown at us.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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    • You're saying it right. I just learned what it needs to be a writer. Being flexible and smart enough to do a research and compose an article out of it. Thank you...
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    • Profile picture of the author Linhardt
      Great info, Benjamin. Thanks.

      Anthony Linhardt

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  • Profile picture of the author quadagon
    If it really niche and requires specialist knowledge then I'd approach writers who already create content in the genre.

    Google and see what articles come up. Are there any newspapers/magazines on the subject. Quite a lot of journalists are freelance and will take other projects on.

    Also check Amazon for books on the subject and check out the author websites. Use the same list of authors and see who they follow on social media - you can discover some great hidden in plain sight gems this way.

    Probably going to cost more than fiverr though (although not always sometimes hobbyists just love to talk).
    I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I just found a person that is not only providing me with pictures for a ebook I had written but will also be providing articles. the niche is golf and the person is a golf pro. Not a pro that is on tour but one that teaches golf at courses and competes in the lesser known events. They will also avail themselves for videos in the future. I used upwork. and I posted specifically for golf writers and golf instructional pictures. Sometimes you have to go through pages and pages of results to find someone.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author ctrlaltdelete
    I usually hire more experienced writers on to save myself a couple of bucks. But I wouldn't count out places like Upwork, Fiverr or Warrior For Hire. As long as you can find a writer who either has great research skills (like what Benjamin says) and/or is already quite experienced in writing in your niche (like what quadragon says), you can get your high quality content.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve B
    I agree with what has already been posted about going to Upwork, Freelancer, and similar job sites. Post exactly what you want and specify that you expect in-depth coverage and preferably by someone that knows the industry or is willing to do pro-level research. Ask for samples of other professional level writing so you can at least see the quality of work that the freelancer is doing (even though it is for a different niche).

    A couple of added suggestions. Visit writers forums and either post for a writer in your niche or check sig files of professional writers that can do research. If they have a "writing jobs" section or classifieds, you might place an ad with your niche and see what response you get.

    Do the same thing but a choose a forum targeted to the niche you want. Then see if you can post for a writer in the niche who can write for you.

    Something else you might try ... visit "groups" (like at Yahoo) targeted to your niche and spread the word around that you're looking for a quality writer in the niche. Even thought members of the group may not be writers they may know someone who is that they can refer to you.

    Good luck as this can be a challenging problem if your niche is obscure.


    Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    When I need to outsource my article writing I use a service called
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by Linhardt View Post

    But what about specific topics like boat building how do I find article writers that have experience in boat building. When it comes down to people who reading articles about their hobby or interest they are able to spot articles written by a writer that do not have decent knowledge in the topic. So how would you go about finding article writers for specific topics such as boat building?
    From the sound of it, you don't have much background in "boat building" yourself, so how would you know if you found someone with the kind of expertise you want in a writer?

    If you lack the expertise to judge the writer yourself, don't just rely on someone claiming expertise on a profile. People have been known to fib on profiles from time to time, same as they do on resumes.

    One way to go about it is to recruit published writers from mainstream publications who do their own vetting before putting their name behind a writer. I get the feeling, however, that such a writer may be beyond your budget is you're shopping on Fiverr and the like.

    So another option would be to network your way to someone who does have the expertise to judge a writer. Maybe a friend, acquaintance, someone you do business with. Maybe someone you find on a site like LinkedIn. Ask them to scan the articles or samples you get from a prospective writer, and see if the content rings true.

    If you want to know if a writer understands "boat building," find a boat builder to review the articles, at least until you trust the writer knows their stuff.
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    • Profile picture of the author Linhardt
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      From the sound of it, you don't have much background in "boat building" yourself, so how would you know if you found someone with the kind of expertise you want in a writer?

      If you lack the expertise to judge the writer yourself, don't just rely on someone claiming expertise on a profile. People have been known to fib on profiles from time to time, same as they do on resumes.

      One way to go about it is to recruit published writers from mainstream publications who do their own vetting before putting their name behind a writer. I get the feeling, however, that such a writer may be beyond your budget is you're shopping on Fiverr and the like.

      So another option would be to network your way to someone who does have the expertise to judge a writer. Maybe a friend, acquaintance, someone you do business with. Maybe someone you find on a site like LinkedIn. Ask them to scan the articles or samples you get from a prospective writer, and see if the content rings true.

      If you want to know if a writer understands "boat building," find a boat builder to review the articles, at least until you trust the writer knows their stuff.
      I do have experience in boat building.... But I lack experience in creating an income stream online using the niche Boat Building.....

      That was the whole reason that I asked my question. I referenced Fiverr, Freelance because they are some of the main places that people mention here on the forum to get content writers when you are searching the forum for content writers. I have no experience with them. I was unsure how reliable Fiverr and Freelance were on something like this niche. And one of the reasons that I stated in my post, "Would you use Fiverr, freelance or would you go some other route" was to give me some verification if going Fiverr, Freelance would be a wise choice or do I need to look elsewhere. Maybe my post did not reflect my intentions of finding out if Fiverr and Freelance would be a credible source to get specific topic content while seeking other sources of content writers.

      As per your suggestions and as well as others on this post, it looks like Fiverr, and Freelance is out and I need to move on to seek individuals that are actually in the boat building industry to see if they would be willing to write articles. I will be adding my own content but I just wanted to broaden the site by getting content from other experienced builders with their own insight into boat building.

      Thanks, everyone for the suggestions and I definitely will be seeking/researching professional/experienced boat builders, published writers from mainstream publications. etc.

      Anthony Linhardt

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  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    I agree with John. I'm a writer and am very diverse BUT if a client needs me to be an expert in a niche I know nothing about, I'll be honest and tell them I can certainly do the research and write an article but it may not be what they want.

    On other occasions, I simply say that I can't do the article because it's too technical or needs technical, legal, medical or financial expertise that I don't possess.

    If you are looking on Fiverr, you'll get the quality that's associated with that site - i.e. an article that took 15 minutes to write and has been plagiarised and/or has a lot of errors in it. Pay the extra money and find somebody who can meet your specific needs.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    Most writers don't have experience, they research.

    You won't find what you need on a craphole like fiverr.
    CONTENT WRITER. Reliable, UK-Based, 6 Years Experience - ANY NICHE
    Click Here For Writing Samples & Online Ordering
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Smith09
    I would recommend upwork compared to fiverr

    Suggestion: find the writer who specialize in the niche that you are looking on
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  • Profile picture of the author bangthuy003
    I think writing a quality article is quite difficult. I think it's better to train and learn from others
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Depending on what "boat building" really is, you might try your local college or university.

    Contact the head of the relevant department and tell them you have publication opportunities for students who can write on your topics. Back when I did this (during the Adsense frenzy), my only cost was giving up the byline and allowing the credit to be used on a resume.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Lovelace
    Hey There,

    I have had great experiences on Upwork.

    I always make sure to check their previous work, reputation, and always am completely up front about what I need in my initial offer.

    I was able to get 2 books written for kindle, one in the romance niche and another in the crime / mystery niche.

    Hope this helps you
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  • Profile picture of the author redone111
    You can find good writers doing really good job on upwork you just need know how o search for the right one
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