Youtube Video Tracking is inconsistent for an iframe Video on my Page

3 replies

I know this issue has been raised so many times but my case is a bit peculiar wherein in our site the script loads sometimes, the other times it doesnt. All the youtube videos are embeded using iframe. Below is one of the code for your reference.

<iframe src=";enablejsapi=1&amp;origin" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen="" data-gtm-yt-inspected-7427499_158="true" id="48959290" data-gtm-yt-inspected-7427493_157="true" name="fitvid0"></iframe>

I want to track the plays/pauses/completion rate of the video viewed, but am not able to get that data to feed into Google Analytics.

What have i done untill now:- i have installed both the inbuilt youtube tracking feature from google and the script from Cardinal path. Both of these scripts they trigger sometimes, while most of the times it dosen't trigger.

Any reason as to why the script triggers only sometimes?

Please advise what more checks should i do.

Thank you
#google tag manager #youtube video
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