Blog Commenting Tactic

8 replies
Hello Warrior,

Can anyone help me to find blog commenting website or blog for health and tech niche?
I used dropmylink or putmylink but there is not found any worthy blog
#blog #commenting #tactic
  • Profile picture of the author Olivia Thomas
    These websites might help:
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  • Profile picture of the author KaapoJed
    Try this link searching tool-, its really helpful in finding particular niche & category blogs.
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  • Profile picture of the author vishwa
    There are various Facebook Group available where you can find some good and high authority blogs in almost every niche. But Make sure that your comments are constructive and relevant to the topic.
    Signature Blogging, and Digital Marketing
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    • Profile picture of the author Priyanshu101
      Can you tell me how I found on Facebook group?
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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    If you are using thse comments to build links, it's a compete waste of time. If you're looking to build relationships and make yourself known in a niche, then yes, go ahead, commenting can be a very useful overall marketing strategy - as long as you are targeting the right blo
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    You can use Ahrefs and find backlinks from your competitors, then filter types of backlinks from message boards. You will get a good amount of links from blog comments.
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Try looking for link exchanges as well. I know they're as old as the hills but they do work.

    I found one in my niche and I get stacks of traffic from it. Plus the traffic is laser targeted to my niche.
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

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  • Profile picture of the author atif clients
    its so easy just use the footprints and you will find it easily like
    your keyword "comment here" , "login to reply", "leave a reply"
    you can find more footprints on google just give it a run and you will find more things
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