Best Way to Promote Online Consulting Business- I Hate Writing
I am starting an online Educational Consulting business.
I have very good credentials, so that's not a problem.
Here's my biggest obstacle that I hope you can help me with.
You see, I don't like writing very much. I have 7, 2500 word articles that I have written. They are very detailed and informative for my niche audience. I really don't want to write more. I also don't want to outsource articles because I don't think it will reveal my voice.
I am somewhat comfortable on video but I don't think that parents are flocking to Youtube to get professional educational advice...I don't think that's the best medium.
Would some sort of social media marketing be a good route?
Is there a way I market my consulting business online without articles?
I am looking forward to hearing some suggestions.
Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources
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