What text is better in the meta description? The answer or the question?

5 replies

I'm working in YoReparo.com
This is a forum about repairs everything in spanish.
When the question has an approved answer. I would like know which content is better for the metatag description. the question in the post or the answer approved?.

Regards Ernesto
#answer #description #meta #question #text
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
    A proper meta description is no longer than 160 characters and should be a summary of the content of your post. I suppose you could write: "People often ask about keywords. The answer to keywords might be simpler (or more complicated) than you might imagine."
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Ernesto Cuzcueta View Post


    I'm working in YoReparo.com
    This is a forum about repairs everything in spanish.
    When the question has an approved answer. I would like know which content is better for the metatag description. the question in the post or the answer approved?.

    Regards Ernesto
    Think about it this way.. the meta description could be text to display on a serp right? so you want the INTENT of the searcher to appear in that text - THE QUESTION... the answer at this point would be an unknown.. and the link would probably be passed up.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author NamanModi
    The meta description content must be catchy so that users attract to users website while reading your meta description in SERPs. You have to write meta description about 160 characters long.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    I would say the question. IMO you would want this to be what people search on (the question).
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  • Profile picture of the author King Manu
    Definitively the question. Your want your content to be found by people when looking for answers, meaning when they address the question in the search bar.
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