I want to start a article website on my PR6 domain

24 replies
I want to start a article site on a PR6 domain that I have. I want to use articlems but before I do want to know if I would use articlems
will marketing people utilize the site for submissions in term of the way the script work.

Other word will people be happy using a articlems site and is it used by other submission services/programs

At this stage I don't want to buy a script as we want to see how it go. I dont want to use articledashboard as it is coded so it will be difficult to change things. Also they see to not update the script anymore.

I dont want to hear about the difficulties and negatives about a article directory as I have made up my mind I am doing it whether I make $1 or $1000 a month or nothing
#article #domain #pr6 #start #website
  • Profile picture of the author monitorit
    how do you plan to momentize?
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott Million
    If you have a PR 6 site, you could grab some quick dough for your script by allowing people to write an article for you in exchange for an in-text backlink. In fact, PM me, I'm interested.
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    • Profile picture of the author SoundsGood
      Originally Posted by Scott Million View Post

      In fact, PM me, I'm interested.
      Me too !
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  • Profile picture of the author steffer
    i am also planning to do this, in the future, but, i am a programmer noob, what is a pr6 domain, and also i would like to split the adsense revenue with my writers, is there any easy way to implement this automaticly.
    I also have a copy of the article dashboard script, can it be modifeid, or only used as is?

    Thank you for any answers you can provide me.
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    • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
      Hi steffer,
      have a look at this comparison table:
      Article Friendly | Compare Article Scripts

      I own a Articledashboard site and trust me there is no reason why you would like to use an outdated script without any support and LOTS OF SECURITIY ISSUES only to save a few bucks (been there)

      feel free to ask away...
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      • Profile picture of the author steffer
        Thanks for the advise, i was already thinking it would be to good to be true, or in this case usefull.
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      • Profile picture of the author Sonomacats
        Originally Posted by blue_sky View Post

        I own a Articledashboard site and trust me there is no reason why you would like to use an outdated script without any support and LOTS OF SECURITIY ISSUES only to save a few bucks (been there)
        You're absolutely right about this. ArticleDashboard is NOT the way to go!

        As to ArticleMS, I'm not sure if this is the one that will take automatic feeds through Yahoo Groups, but it's worth checking. There are about 3-4 Yahoo Groups where people put content and it gets fed into your site through some kind of widget or something.

        The ones I know about are BestFreeContent, iSnare, and ReadMyArticles. I'm sure there are more, but I haven't looked for them yet. The drawback, of course, is that you can get flooded with a lot of crap, but it's a good way to get a lot of content initially. You can always turn it off and then weed out the garbage.

        @MisterMunch - I've never heard of the WordPress AD option. Sounds great, so I'll have to check that out myself!

        Writing as Kieran McKendrick
        You can find the first prequel to my Purgatory series (How Blended are Dust and Fire) on Amazon and Smashwords.

        Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. -- Henry Ford

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        • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
          My advice: Go with AF - run it a couple of month and see how it goes traffic/article wise and then decide if you still like to go bigger!

          I know a guy who spends 1-2 hours each day to check the new articles on his AD site and basically makes zilch in return!
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      • Profile picture of the author Sonomacats
        Article Dashboard is easily hacked and often is. I put up several niche article directories a couple of years ago and they were hacked and ruined two weeks later. Every time I cleaned them up and set everything up yet again, they were hacked again within a week or two. I finally removed Article Dashboard and parked the domains until I could find something that wouldn't get hacked and cost me hours and hours of time and aggravation.

        Plus, because it's free, there's a link that goes from your site to Article Dashboard. Which wouldn't be so bad if it was a good bit of software, but it's not worth the hassle.

        Finally, the forum is a joke and support is non-existent.

        Writing as Kieran McKendrick
        You can find the first prequel to my Purgatory series (How Blended are Dust and Fire) on Amazon and Smashwords.

        Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. -- Henry Ford

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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Honestly, if you take a look at the most successful article directories, they are custom builds. Ezine Articles, Go Articles, Article Base, even mine, The Phantom Writers.

    If you are stuck on using a pre-built script, then I would encourage you to go with Article Friendly - and forget the rest.

    But if you have the resources to have a directory built from the ground up, then that is the route I would recommend, as all of the really big name brand article directories have been built from the ground up and are unique in their layout and design.

    Basic functionality is the same on all article directories. But there are a few advanced functionality things that can only be done with a custom build.

    If going with a pre-built system, you may also consider getting the scripts to have the distribution companies submit articles to your site. It really depends on the direction you intend to take with your directory.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author steffer
    well actually i would like to do something in the style of hubpages or bukisa, so some kind of web 2.0 article network
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  • Profile picture of the author MisterMunch
    I have seen the wordpress article directoy ranking a lot lately.

    Have you considered using that?
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  • Profile picture of the author RebeccaL
    Get something custom coded.. then you can have it exactly as you want it and it will be unique.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    I would agree go with custom coded and not some free open source code that has security issues. I know many will shoot me down for this but that is their problem. I have been building sites for clients long enough to know why you should use custom coded.

    Several reasons why you should go custom

    * Better security as others will not know how it is built

    * More Control over blocking all those nasty auto submitters

    * Shows your authors you are here to stay and not just another free directory

    * Better functionality, build what you want to begin with

    Those are just a few reasons, I could list a great deal more.. I would highly suggest not allowing auto submissions because then many authors would never visit the site.

    Just my opinion though ...

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  • Profile picture of the author esh
    Go for article friendly, earn enough to invest on custom script.

    Check this scriptlance site, clone of hubpages article site - ScriptLance Programming Project
    a guy asked to clone hub pages and the winning bid is just $300. You can contact that same programmer who did that and get it for $300.
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    • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
      What security issues, can you clarify?
      Been using the script for years with no problems.
      Perhaps you can enlighten us?
      this is based on my own experience - I lost an AD site! Worst thing AD doesnt write the database properly so you might have problem to recover the site.... (well known issue)
      the script is more than 4 years without any update - just consider how many updates you get with wordpress...

      what I like about articefriendly - the owner is always around and helpful
      the good thing about articlems is you can get some nice skins
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      • Profile picture of the author DavidO
        I have some quality articles and I'm always writing new ones. I'd love to get in on a new PR6 directory and would be willing to pay for it. PM me if you're interested.
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      • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
        Check this scriptlance site, clone of hubpages article site - ScriptLance Programming Project
        a guy asked to clone hub pages and the winning bid is just $300. You can contact that same programmer who did that and get it for $300.

        LOL the project was never finished...
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  • Profile picture of the author planetlubs
    With a Pr6 domain, you can start with article friendly Ultimate. They have nice features and the support is not that bad. I would not go for auto submission of articles as that will dilute the quality of your directory and sooner that latter it will all be a waste of your time (Because I believe you would rely mostly on search traffic.) So better to enforce quality from the start, however little the progress may be in the beginning.

    Then when you get enough dough, you can get a personally codded script (Assuming it will be easy to replace the old one). But if you have the money, best to start out with a custom coded script.

    As for the Hubpages or Bukisa script, I am sure you can get it coded on rent-a-coder.com, freelancer.com, elance.com and odesk.com. But keep in mind with such a project, you may need to keep the coder for a longer time than you may imagine. There are usually issue that will need to be fixed and new things/features you will need added with time.

    21 PROFITABLE NICHES - FREE! "GET These 21 Proven profitable Niches, Plus 21 Affiliate Niche Discovery Resources This Guy Uses To Earn $4,598/Week!" Download Here
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by planetlubs View Post

      I Don't Post To Raise My Post Count
      Then why did you a reply to a question that was asked over 3 years ago, bumping a thread in which the post immediately before yours was made in 2009?! :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author planetlubs
    Searching google for hubpages or squidoo clones brings up nothing really. But I found one hubpages script/ Clone that I think you can use if you are looking at creating a hubpages or squidoo style website.

    I have not used it, neither purchased it and I have no relationships with the authors. You will tell us how it turns out.

    With a Pr6 Domain, You have a very good start really if you manage your plan very well. And remember to enforce quality from the start. Avoid duplicate contents on your site. That calls for constant watch over your property.

    Here is the link to the clone script.
    Squidoo Clone Script

    21 PROFITABLE NICHES - FREE! "GET These 21 Proven profitable Niches, Plus 21 Affiliate Niche Discovery Resources This Guy Uses To Earn $4,598/Week!" Download Here
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  • Profile picture of the author MonitorScout
    First start posting some quality articles by yourself.

    To get benefit you have to have a strong social media marketing strategy.

    Write quality content, share it to all the social places.

    The more you make it viral the more visitor will come to your site.

    So Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn is the key places to promote your sites.
    Monitor Scout - Website & Server Monitoring
    50 different checks, SNMP monitoring and much more.
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Guys, the thread is from 2009. I think the OP will have realised by now that this isn't a viable business model for a newbie, don't you, what with all those Panda updates throughout 2011 decimating article directories so much that even some pretty well-known former article directories like "Buzzle" had to come up with a completely new and different business model, just to survive?
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  • Profile picture of the author theimdude
    oh my I wrote this in 2009...... Alexa I made millions what you mean
    Do you want 30 back-links in my PRIVATE BLOG network for ONLY $20 ???

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