I want to start a article website on my PR6 domain
will marketing people utilize the site for submissions in term of the way the script work.
Other word will people be happy using a articlems site and is it used by other submission services/programs
At this stage I don't want to buy a script as we want to see how it go. I dont want to use articledashboard as it is coded so it will be difficult to change things. Also they see to not update the script anymore.
I dont want to hear about the difficulties and negatives about a article directory as I have made up my mind I am doing it whether I make $1 or $1000 a month or nothing
Writing as Kieran McKendrick
You can find the first prequel to my Purgatory series (How Blended are Dust and Fire) on Amazon and Smashwords.
Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. -- Henry Ford
Writing as Kieran McKendrick
You can find the first prequel to my Purgatory series (How Blended are Dust and Fire) on Amazon and Smashwords.
Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right. -- Henry Ford
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