How delete automatically cartain text from txt files?

by lublu
5 replies
Maybe you know some kind of plugin or online service that will be able to delete automatically certain text from text files?

Delete for example a paragraph after a certain keyword in 100 text files at once...
#automatically #cartain #delete #files #text #txt
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  • Profile picture of the author markowe
    Basically you need someone to write you a script to do it, in any programming language really. I used to do that sort of thing in AWK ( If you're not really a programmer you will probably have to ask/pay someone to do it for you, I doubt you will find a service or tool that will specifically do what you want without some sort of knowledge of the process behind it. You could possibly even do it in MS Word with wildcard search and replace, but again, 'regular expressions' (special search/replace syntax) is not most people's cup of tea.

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  • Profile picture of the author kirbymurphy
    VBA is built-in to Word and not to difficult to learn
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  • Profile picture of the author Skywriting
    Originally Posted by lublu View Post

    Maybe you know some kind of plugin or online service that will be able to delete automatically certain text from text files?

    Delete for example a paragraph after a certain keyword in 100 text files at once...

    I use Crimson Editor for it's built in Macro Function, but I'm not sure it could handle multiple files.
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    You could post a job on a freelancer site and get bids. I've been developing software since the late 90s. What you want to do is pretty simple. You should be able to find a programmer to do it inexpensively.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Textpad enables you to do batch find and replace or delete among multiple files
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