give right answer?

by Bruch
7 replies

I have a question,,
Does this site give the right answer?

Thank you in advance.
#answer #give #ismywebsitepenalizedcom
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    seems pretty useless to me. I put a site in that I knew was penalized but it did not tell me why so what is the point.

    All you have to do is put a site in google search if it does not show up it is probably penalized but you need to know why so you can fix it


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11606892].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author qwikaddotcom
    The real way to find out is by signing up for a webmaster account.

    I'll tell you why. For example, I just entered one of my sites that I know is not penalized, yet it showed as penalized on that site. And the wordings like "seems" and "maybe" are not helpful at all.

    Another example. I know that DP forums isn't penalized. Yet check it out. It shows as if it is.

    I hope this answers your question(s).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11606896].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Bruch
      Originally Posted by qwikaddotcom View Post

      The real way to find out is by signing up for a webmaster account.

      I'll tell you why. For example, I just entered one of my sites that I know is not penalized, yet it showed as penalized on that site. And the wordings like "seems" and "maybe" are not helpful at all.

      Another example. I know that DP forums isn't penalized. Yet check it out. It shows as if it is.

      I hope this answers your question(s).

      I want to build backlink for one of my websites, I found a good website, but put it on, it seems to have been punished, can I use the site to build backlink?

      Thank you
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11606976].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author qwikaddotcom
        Originally Posted by Bruch View Post

        I want to build backlink for one of my websites, I found a good website, but put it on, it seems to have been punished, can I use the site to build backlink?

        Thank you
        Don't worry about getting backlinks. It's a matter of time before backlinks are no longer considered as signals in ranking a website. Most of them are not as we speak. Concentrate on your content. Good, quality content submitted in your webmaster tools (Google Search Console) can rank your site higher much faster.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11607303].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Bruch
      Originally Posted by qwikaddotcom View Post

      The real way to find out is by signing up for a webmaster account.

      I'll tell you why. For example, I just entered one of my sites that I know is not penalized, yet it showed as penalized on that site. And the wordings like "seems" and "maybe" are not helpful at all.

      Another example. I know that DP forums isn't penalized. Yet check it out. It shows as if it is.

      I hope this answers your question(s).

      One person can have several Google Search Consoles? because I am concerned about the site connection, can a person have multiple Google Search Consoles?

      Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Even if your site was put in the dog house by Google it doesn't mean you can't make money

    There are LOTS of other sources of free traffic out there

    Ultimately, the best source is your own organic mailing list
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  • Profile picture of the author Mangesh Kulkarni
    If you own the website and configured it in Google Search Console may help you.
    Sudden fall in the website position is the indication. There are some other useful graphs as well. Also sometimes Google sends notifications on the search console if they found any improper activity
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11607304].message }}
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