Changing the layout of a web page definitely affects how it ranks: John Mueller

by Administrator
7 replies
An interesting read from Search Engine Journal reports as such, and you may get some good tips on how changing layouts and elements can affect ranking. It's something that terrifies a lot of people and stops many from adjusting content. What happened is that basically, someone on a Google Office Hours hangout asked John Mueller if just changing a web design layout can affect ranking. The answer they received was pretty direct and to the point. Even if you don't alter the URL or the content, other factors of the layout can affect where your page places on the SERP.

It's worth clicking the article link and watching the video footage of this, but if you don't have time, here's what Mueller got asked and his response to the question:

The question"
"I recently changed the layout look and feel of my blog and moved away from WordPress. And now using Hugo static site generator for publishing my posts. Does the change in layout impact my ranking and search results? On a side note, there's no change in the content and the URL structure. It's still the same as before."
Mueller's answer:
"Changing the layout of your pages can affect your search results. This is something that some people work on actively as well with regards to on-page SEO. So things like figuring out how to use titles properly on a page, how to do internal linking properly, how to provide more context for the article itself. All of this can definitely affect SEO. So just because the... kind of the primary content like the blog posts that you have and the URLs themselves don't change doesn't mean that there's nothing else around all of that, that search engines won't be able to pick up on. It can definitely affect SEO. And it can be a good thing, it can be a bad thing. So it's not that you need to avoid making these changes but rather when you make these changes make sure to double-check that you're kind of doing everything really well."
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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    It is a fact that changing the layout and design will impact on SEO. The layot and the design have some features that the crwalers look at. So when the features are altered abit, the crwalers must index the page once more. So its ranking will be affected.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11625394].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amirsohel12
    YA its a fact changing website always change the ranking of your website because google check everything even loading time of your website on laptop and mobile differently.
    Thanks have a nice day.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11625497].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    This is what he said: So things like figuring out how to use titles properly on a page, how to do internal linking properly, how to provide more context for the article itself. All of this can definitely affect SEO.

    That is not changing the layout. And we all knew that titles, internal linking, etc. affect SEO.

    What's the big deal?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11625531].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      This is what he said: So things like figuring out how to use titles properly on a page, how to do internal linking properly, how to provide more context for the article itself. All of this can definitely affect SEO.

      That is not changing the layout. And we all knew that titles, internal linking, etc. affect SEO.
      Glad I'm not the only one who thought that. It's like Mueller was asked about oranges and his answer was about apples.
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  • My template:

    "Hear Ye Hear Ye."

    (You might wanna get more exotic beyond ringin' no bell, but hey -- strategy worked for most times aftah hoomans survived dinosaurs & learned umselves METAL)


    (Synopsis of your deal, quick an' easy, spoonfed accordin' to taste.)

    Prolly you got max crowd now.

    Now they in, show em' why they so right to be in.

    Qualify. Quantify. Ansa FAQs

    Squirt testimonials.


    (or sumthin' simleur)

    For sure there is color an' fancy stuff gowin' on most websites, landers & offahs, but if'n you pass ovah the essential narrative an' messagin' details, trooly it don't mattah how you dress stuff up.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Naheed
    Hi there,
    Thanks for sharing this useful information. I have visited and studied many websites. Only those websites get to the high rank in google search engine that have high-quality content, relevant and dashing images, layouts and all the elements of website contribute to its high ranking.
    So, all website owners should keep these things in mind while formulating a website.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11625586].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      You have not studied enough sites, then.

      Dashing and relevant images help you rank if the alt text is useful.

      As regards good content and dashing, relevant images, look at results on page 3 and higher and count how many have good content and dashing and relevant images, then decide.

      Search for : renovation mortgages.
      You will find that lendingtree has the top position. With a page with good enough content but no images, let alone dashing and relevant.

      Here's the page that's #1 in my area right now.

      Here's the page at the top of the 3rd page of results. It has a relevant image and really good content, if you're looking for a renovation mortgage.

      Here's the top result on page 7. They have a relevant and dashing image at the top and good content.

      Originally Posted by Naheed View Post

      Hi there,
      Thanks for sharing this useful information. I have visited and studied many websites. Only those websites get to the high rank in google search engine that have high-quality content, relevant and dashing images, layouts and all the elements of website contribute to its high ranking.
      So, all website owners should keep these things in mind while formulating a website.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11625591].message }}
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