Avoiding excessive video uploading onto web site

by chrisj
3 replies
If you have a video web site where users upload, but don't have Channels, per se, where you allow people to contribute content, how would you word the Terms & Conditions to help limit uploaders from continually uploading new very similar videos each day, or each week, etc. in an attempt to get noticed, similar to like when you see someone post multiple postings on craigslist of the same thing?
#avoiding #excessive #site #uploading #video #web
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    You need to moderate or have moderators. Set the parameters in your user agreement stating any limitations you want to impose on people submitting content to your site


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author chrisj
    Thanks for your reply, however, I think this part of your answer "Set the parameters in your user agreement stating any limitations you want to impose on people submitting content to your site" is the same as my question "how would you word the Terms & Conditions to help limit uploaders from continually uploading....". Any other advice/examples/suggestions about the wording will be appreciated
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    • Profile picture of the author Medon
      Originally Posted by chrisj View Post

      Thanks for your reply, however, I think this part of your answer "Set the parameters in your user agreement stating any limitations you want to impose on people submitting content to your site" is the same as my question "how would you word the Terms & Conditions to help limit uploaders from continually uploading....". Any other advice/examples/suggestions about the wording will be appreciated
      Smething like this.
      User (s) of this website is (are) prohibited from uploading ecessive videos, re-uploading existing videos in accordance to the terms and conditions as set in the user policy.
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