Affiliate marketing when your competitor is dominating

16 replies
Hey everyone,

As a new affiliate, I'm coming across a lot of great opportunities, but I'm hitting a roadblock with my mindset.

What do you do if there is a niche you know can net tons of cash, but the current leaders in the niche are well-established and have you beat many times over in terms of longevity, capital and resources?

As a Rails/React developer, I can manage the web application side of things, but is it really worth competing with people who are established 10 years ahead of where you are and are probably netting 7 figures annually from 1 website?

Hoping some more experienced people can offer some direction as I'm sure we all face it routinely.

#affiliate #competitor #dominating #marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Stop worrying about what others are doing.


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author Diego Aguirre
    I know that is something on every newbie's mind...
    If you are in one of the big niches (mainly health, wealth or relationships) you don't have to worry about competition, or lack of offers.
    Believe me, I know people only promoting ClickBank offers who are making 6 figures (sometimes per month) in revenue.
    And ClickBank is just a tiny portion of many markets.
    Also I agree with agmccall, focus on your success, not on other's
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Have you ever noticed that there are
    7-11s and Circle Ks across the street
    from each other.

    Or Texaco and Chevron stations?

    There is enough $$$ for everyone.

    As to your competition, check out
    what they are doing and do it

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  • Profile picture of the author kriveculifestyle

    Focus on yourself only. Improve your mindset.

    And for start you can always find someone who you can help. Someone just right now start from the beginning and they can learn from you.

    Keep your head up
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  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    One thing I have learned from this forum is start now. If you don't do it, would you look back 1 year from now, 3 years from now, 5 years from now and wonder "what if I had started that?" Would you be kicking yourself for not?
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  • Profile picture of the author adammoore
    Just focus on your business, and bringing a better product to market. They may have more resources, and better marketing, but if you do nothing, well, nothing will happen.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by railsdev138 View Post

    Hey everyone,

    As a new affiliate, I'm coming across a lot of great opportunities, but I'm hitting a roadblock with my mindset.

    What do you do if there is a niche you know can net tons of cash, but the current leaders in the niche are well-established and have you beat many times over in terms of longevity, capital and resources?

    As a Rails/React developer, I can manage the web application side of things, but is it really worth competing with people who are established 10 years ahead of where you are and are probably netting 7 figures annually from 1 website?

    Hoping some more experienced people can offer some direction as I'm sure we all face it routinely.

    This will be the reality of almost every niche. You need to find ways to get an advantage. Figure out what your competitors aren't doing or figure out how to do what they are doing but better.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Compete with yourself, not with others who have been longer or shorter time then you.


    Compete with yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Handy
    Originally Posted by railsdev138 View Post

    Hey everyone,

    As a new affiliate, I'm coming across a lot of great opportunities, but I'm hitting a roadblock with my mindset.

    What do you do if there is a niche you know can net tons of cash, but the current leaders in the niche are well-established and have you beat many times over in terms of longevity, capital and resources?

    As a Rails/React developer, I can manage the web application side of things, but is it really worth competing with people who are established 10 years ahead of where you are and are probably netting 7 figures annually from 1 website?

    Hoping some more experienced people can offer some direction as I'm sure we all face it routinely.

    What's nice about the internet is you can reverse-engineer everything.

    Assuming you are building an email list (which you should be doing, as all those 7 figure earners have one), sign up to the email list of 1 or 2 of the current leaders in your niche. After 20 days, you will have their email sequence with their best-performing products, their landing pages, squeeze pages, and more. You can then pattern your strategy exactly after theirs, in every aspect; squeeze page, landing page, etc. This is just one example of reverse-engineer what the gurus are doing.
    If there is a niche you know can net tons of cash, but the current leaders in the niche are well-established, find them and do the above.

    You shouldn't take this advice lightly as there are courses available online, showing in detail how this is done.

    This process of reverse-engineering will lay the foundation for your success. Although this stuff is a learned skill, it's elementary. Yes, knowing the theory is good, but through its application, you begin to see results. Also, you need to change your mindset as the battle is first won or lost in the head.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    You should see it as an advantage.

    For example in the wealth niche, it can be really daunting for a newbie to see the super rich gurus earning millions online.

    But when they come across someone who is in their reach, maybe just starting out and earning $100 more than themselves they can identify with such a person so much better.

    Therefore the key is not to look who is your competitor, the key is to deliver value and knowing just 1% more than the people looking at your content.
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  • Profile picture of the author Leadnetwork
    In this business there will always be somebody better than you, with more money, more assets, more good ideas, but you should not feel stressed about that, just do your best, achieve your own goals and compeet with yourself yesterday's
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  • Yep. Quit like Avis did. Quits like Apple did. Quit like Domino's did. Quit like every self-help guru did. Quit because your partner can find someone more attractive, and funnier than you are.

    Everyone in the world should quit if there are more knowledgeable and experienced people on that topic.

    Or get over yourself and figure out what YOU can bring to the table that your competitors aren't, or can't.

    What you see as an obstacle, others will see as an opportunity.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • Profile picture of the author susan2015parker
    SaaS tools such as LinkedCamp are also good for affiliate marketing. However, you really need to focus on what you do and don't waste your energy by thinking about others.
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