Will AI kill the internet

60 replies
I was playing with the new chat.openai.com/chat AI tool today. Gee it's good. My fear is that within 10 years half the content on the internet will be generated by bots.
#internet #kill
  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    My fear is that within 10 years half the content on the internet will be generated by bots.
    Well, it's what they want right? They asked for it anyway
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    • Profile picture of the author Troy Arrandale
      Originally Posted by WF- Enzo View Post

      Well, it's what they want right? They asked for it anyway
      who's "they"?
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  • Profile picture of the author FaraiMist
    If AI is trained on a level to be reasonable in research and generate valuable content then its much better than re-written websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author wiyakalutawiyan
    Jasper.ai already does a pretty good job of creating content for websites and is already heavily used. I'd bet much more content is AI created already than you think.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Still trying to figure out how content, regardless of how it is generated, "kills" the internet.
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  • Profile picture of the author DMSUMAIYA
    Well, it's what they want right? They asked for it anyway
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    In my opinion...

    and obviously, since I'm not an expert on the subject and can only give my opinion from what I've read and listened to...

    I think AI will only make the internet better. And internet is a very broad term but I'm using it because it was part of the original question.

    I agree with some experts who say AI will take "search engines" and turn them into "answer engines"

    So basically, instead of someone searching for a cure for back pain...they will ask what the best cure for back pain is and will be given an answer. I'm guessing there would also be links after the answer? Not sure?

    The new chat bot that was rolled out by open ai and is getting a lot of interest is a free concept that is quickly gaining traction...and in my opinion will be the future of search. The bot is free...I've tried it...it returns some great answers without visiting 20 links to read the same thing over and over.

    I don't think AI will ever be able to mimic imagination when it comes to creating new and viral concepts...but time will tell.

    Those that seem the most worried about AI are those that are either pumping out 100s of articles a day and are worried about the competition...or those that still write their own articles and are worried about those that do what I just mentioned...

    which leads me to completely believe in the "answer engine" concept.
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    • Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

      In my opinion...

      and obviously, since I'm not an expert on the subject and can only give my opinion from what I've read and listened to...

      I think AI will only make the internet better. And internet is a very broad term but I'm using it because it was part of the original question.

      I agree with some experts who say AI will take "search engines" and turn them into "answer engines"

      So basically, instead of someone searching for a cure for back pain...they will ask what the best cure for back pain is and will be given an answer. I'm guessing there would also be links after the answer? Not sure?

      The new chat bot that was rolled out by open ai and is getting a lot of interest is a free concept that is quickly gaining traction...and in my opinion will be the future of search. The bot is free...I've tried it...it returns some great answers without visiting 20 links to read the same thing over and over.

      I don't think AI will ever be able to mimic imagination when it comes to creating new and viral concepts...but time will tell.

      Those that seem the most worried about AI are those that are either pumping out 100s of articles a day and are worried about the competition...or those that still write their own articles and are worried about those that do what I just mentioned...

      which leads me to completely believe in the "answer engine" concept.

      I agree. It's going to force people to be more thoughtful about the work they're putting out because you can't compete with an AI that can generate a hundred articles in seconds. But if you write one really good blog post that's well crafted and designed to really help your audience, people will notice that.
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  • Gotta figure the internet husself is the ultimate spawn of AI.

    Here's a blancmange of feechers an' tech assets set in motion with a view to cavortin' in spectacularly productive fashion.

    An' automation always gonna do that forya, whethah it be driverless cars or printin' presses.

    Course'n, there gonna be a hooman cost.

    Anywan pursoos pleasure outta their mechanical drivin' skills gonna see their lifetime experience trusted to machines.

    An' we all know what them holy monks did with their hands aftah they were no longah needed to calligrify nuthin'.

    (Anywan visited a monastery recently? I been blessed so to do, an' I gotta tellya mosta the tapesteries I seen were toughah than bark. Oddly twinkly also.)

    What we gotta figure with any advance is how the longer term stuff woiks.

    Naht the easiest bunny to smoochie right at the entrprnoorial start, I grantchya.

    So what aspects of our lives are we prepared to trust to supahsmart drudgecraft?

    Anythin' gowin' can slow down the heatin' up of the plannit?

    Could be handy tech to set in motion.

    Ultimately, evrythin' gotta work out for a whole buncha vulnrbyool ecosystems powahed only by the best evolootionary stuffs they gaht so far.

    An' I would wish for stuff like imagination, heart, wondah, love -- an' possibly neato hairdos -- to forevah count for sumthin' in the emergent blisshole of our existence.

    * sob *

    * snuffle *

    * waaaah *

    Aw, now see what you dun!

    Time to throw open my apartment door, race out into the street, an' hug the nearest mammal -- even if'n it is no useless quadruped!

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author ZephyrIon
    probably not

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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by squadron View Post

    I was playing with the new chat.openai.com/chat AI tool today. Gee it's good. My fear is that within 10 years half the content on the internet will be generated by bots.
    Well, I wasn't impressed with chat.openai and didn't like giving them my phone number so some bot can call me...however, to answer your question.

    Yes, AI will kill the Internet, just as video killed the radio star.

    But I am working on an Internet replacement, it is being called MySpace. So do not despair over the death of the Internet. OK, back to talk radio.

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    • Profile picture of the author max5ty
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      Well, I wasn't impressed with chat.openai and didn't like giving them my phone number so some bot can call me...

      I never had to give a phone number, I just used my google account.

      I'm wondering if maybe the bot was hitting on you and wanted to go further?...

      these things are becoming more and more human.
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      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Originally Posted by max5ty View Post


        I never had to give a phone number, I just used my google account.

        I'm wondering if maybe the bot was hitting on you and wanted to go further?...

        these things are becoming more and more human.
        With all the data they have on me, I assure you, not even the bots at the bottom of the heap would want to get involved with this mess.

        And I feel the same about using my Google account, which is never, they too know more than they need to. With the phone, and a bot calling, I just turn on my 9 baud modem and let em chat it up.

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        • Profile picture of the author max5ty
          Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

          With all the data they have on me, I assure you, not even the bots at the bottom of the heap would want to get involved with this mess.

          And I feel the same about using my Google account, which is never, they too know more than they need to. With the phone, and a bot calling, I just turn on my 9 baud modem and let em chat it up.

          Pretty much when you do anything online you're giving up some of your information.

          Post on a forum like this or any other forum and at the very least you're giving your IP that can be traced to your area. Same with a google search.

          Of course, you can change your IP if you're that concerned I guess.

          New technology is good...but you also give up a little bit more with each new innovation...

          obviously, sometimes that's not a bad thing in certain circumstances.
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          • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
            On the subject, AI.

            In her new book THE NEW MEGATRENDS, Marian Salzman says the end of privacy is going to be a huge trend. And she goes to 2038 with her, sometimes frightening, sometimes so what "predictions" about the Mega Trends.

            AI is here. It ain't going away. I just find it useless TODAY as it pertains to IM and especially Warriors worrying about it or having it as a weekly discussion. Most AI will be of good benefit to us, making the mundane chores, back office, behind the scenes things out of sight and off of our desk.

            Do we really need to worry, even discuss, AI as a creative replacement at this point?

            AI is a man made tool, learn to use it for yourself, and maybe actually do something (to the Warrior gen pop) and quit WASTING time.

            TIME is the one thing AI doesn't have to worry about, WE do.


            PS. If you use tech, online, cell, whatever, you are a data point on some HAL computer in a Virginia basement.

            Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

            Pretty much when you do anything online you're giving up some of your information.

            Post on a forum like this or any other forum and at the very least you're giving your IP that can be traced to your area. Same with a google search.

            Of course, you can change your IP if you're that concerned I guess.

            New technology is good...but you also give up a little bit more with each new innovation...

            obviously, sometimes that's not a bad thing in certain circumstances.
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            • Profile picture of the author max5ty
              Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

              On the subject, AI.

              In her new book THE NEW MEGATRENDS, Marian Salzman says the end of privacy is going to be a huge trend. And she goes to 2038 with her, sometimes frightening, sometimes so what "predictions" about the Mega Trends.

              AI is here. It ain't going away. I just find it useless TODAY as it pertains to IM and especially Warriors worrying about it or having it as a weekly discussion. Most AI will be of good benefit to us, making the mundane chores, back office, behind the scenes things out of sight and off of our desk.

              Do we really need to worry, even discuss, AI as a creative replacement at this point?

              AI is a man made tool, learn to use it for yourself, and maybe actually do something (to the Warrior gen pop) and quit WASTING time.

              TIME is the one thing AI doesn't have to worry about, WE do.


              PS. If you use tech, online, cell, whatever, you are a data point on some HAL computer in a Virginia basement.
              I understand what you're saying.

              As AI stands, I don't find it too revolutionary because it's only information that has been out there already...

              the revolutionary part is being able to bring it all together.

              I try and keep myself from going into dark holes and conspiracy theories...from people that live in bunkers somewhere...

              I do think the next phase is super intelligence and in fact I believe we are already playing around with that.
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              • Profile picture of the author Odahh
                Originally Posted by max5ty View Post

                I understand what you're saying.

                As AI stands, I don't find it too revolutionary because it's only information that has been out there already...

                the revolutionary part is being able to bring it all together.

                I try and keep myself from going into dark holes and conspiracy theories...from people that live in bunkers somewhere...

                I do think the next phase is super intelligence and in fact I believe we are already playing around with that.
                The revolution isn't going as planned at the technology superstars who where telling people in industries and jobs that where going to be replaced by AI. To learn to code. Are laying off huge chunks of their work force.

                The revolution is more for the masses as AI becomes available to commoners and the other lower class folks to do relatively mundane daily tasks.
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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      Yes, AI will kill the Internet, just as video killed the radio star.
      Apologies to the Buggles and the first-ever video played on MTV, but video never even came close to killing the radio star and, in fact, never even equaled it. The same will be true of actual content generated by AI.

      After all, actual people create the responses generated by AI and like all things computer, it only spits out what it is fed by real people. It will be fine for chat bots but as for actual intelligent content creation, forget it!
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      • Profile picture of the author Reddevil007
        Originally Posted by dave_hermansen View Post

        Apologies to the Buggles and the first-ever video played on MTV, but video never even came close to killing the radio star and, in fact, never even equaled it. The same will be true of actual content generated by AI.

        After all, actual people create the responses generated by AI and like all things computer, it only spits out what it is fed by real people. It will be fine for chat bots but as for actual intelligent content creation, forget it!
        But its already in its initial and is performing better conversion wise than copywriters lol
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        • Profile picture of the author DABK
          Do you have a link to info about AI outperforming copywriters ?
          Originally Posted by Reddevil007 View Post

          But its already in its initial and is performing better conversion wise than copywriters lol
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          • Profile picture of the author DABK
            A while back, in some city in Greece, there was this dude, Socrates. When he did not go around philosophizing, he was complaining about a new invention ruining the world, specifically, he had a beef with parchment and people using it to write stuff on it. Writing things down was killing memory, turning people into idiots. As you already know, he was both 100% right and 100% wrong.

            Might people despairing about AI taking over be just as right or wrong as Socrates?

            It surely looks like AI will change things, kill some. It also seems like it can open entirely new possibilities. Some we won't see for hundreds of years?

            Back to Socrates, how many of us remember 20 phone numbers (like people used to) and still have room for the Iliad and the fastest route to the best bar in town?

            Also, we're chatting here because some idiots who, a few thousand years ago, thought it was a good idea to write stuff on parchment.
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            • Profile picture of the author Odahh
              Originally Posted by DABK View Post

              A while back, in some city in Greece, there was this dude, Socrates. When he did not go around philosophizing, he was complaining about a new invention ruining the world, specifically, he had a beef with parchment and people using it to write stuff on it. Writing things down was killing memory, turning people into idiots. As you already know, he was both 100% right and 100% wrong.

              Might people despairing about AI taking over be just as right or wrong as Socrates?

              It surely looks like AI will change things, kill some. It also seems like it can open entirely new possibilities. Some we won't see for hundreds of years?

              Back to Socrates, how many of us remember 20 phone numbers (like people used to) and still have room for the Iliad and the fastest route to the best bar in town?

              Also, we're chatting here because some idiots who, a few thousand years ago, thought it was a good idea to write stuff on parchment.
              Yes an some of the first things written on that parchment where older people at the time complaining how younger generations where soft and lazy.. the days when machines or computers would replace all human work have been predicted for hundreds of years.

              Each wave of new technology some work gets replaced or eliminated but far more new things for humans to do get created.

              In any case any replacement at this point will be covering the people leaving the work force around the world.

              The internet will be fine and AI will most probably extend the reach of the internet and be among the things that create the next wave of wealth. That we are unable to understand at this point with maybe a small number of people seeing the potential the way Jeff bezos saw the potential of the internet.

              I watched a story about the Luddites who where breaking some of the earliest machines. Turns out that same blacksmiths who where making the parts for the machines where also making the tools the Luddites where using too break the machine.

              Almost non of the stuff we where supposed to fear about the future 20 years ago happened. If you tried to predict a fraction what has actually happened. .you where written off as a nutcase

              Right now it's safer to live in bogota Columbia than most major cities in the USA
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    • Profile picture of the author Troy Arrandale
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      Well, I

      just as video killed the radio star.

      lmao...omg i was singing that song before i even got to ur response!!!

      maybe AI will kill the ''spontaneity" and "humanistic" feel of the internet, but not the internet itself...heck, we just got started with web 3.0....which I'm liking already
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Originally Posted by squadron View Post

    I was playing with the new chat.openai.com/chat AI tool today. Gee it's good. My fear is that within 10 years half the content on the internet will be generated by bots.
    But the best newest trending content with be created by humans who use the bots and AI to vastly improve the quality of the content they produce for their audience.

    I only consume an infinitesimal small fraction of the content on the internet anyhow. If an AI learns how to search compress and present the information I'm looking for on the web. Or I can type something into an AI an out pops a much easier to read and understand piece of content for others to read I win everyone wins.
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  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    Ai will mislead users with random answers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    There are pros and cons to using automation .On one end of the spectrum you can speed up the process .

    On the others side of the spectrum you take away the human interaction that consumers like making with brands .
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  • ** Just to clarify -- I'm sure you're talking about narrow AI. Not AGI (artificial general intelligence) ...

    No. Even if majority of the Web is populated by AI-generated content, most if not many of us humans won't mind.
    • That's 'cause they'll just keep getting better in adjusting the content they generate based on our content-viewing preferences;
    • Even when the time comes that narrow content-generating AI can train future versions of itself without human intervention, it'll need to know how we prefer interacting with content since it'll need that data to train itself; and
    • So this means it'll want us to keep on viewing content on the Internet since that's the most cost-efficient way for it to gather timely, relevant data ...

    But when we talk about the possibilities post-AGI towards what rationalists call "super intelligence", then that'll be an entirely different subject.
    • Deep Learning & Machine Vision Engineer: ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
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  • Profile picture of the author jc9999
    I think for money pages, the content are usually high quality copywriting, otherwise it won't convert well enough. Why would anyone try to rank a page with bad copywriting.
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  • moving to a meta universe where we don't even have to be (to answer Shakespear's famous question). Anyway, jokes aside as long as people are not bored of it, then it is the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlstonA
    It's definitely possible that within the next 10 years, we'll see a significant increase in the amount of content generated by bots on the internet. It will likely depend on a number of factors, including the continued development of AI technology and the adoption of these tools by both individuals and businesses. I also belive counter measures also will be growing alot.
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  • Profile picture of the author Oseko
    Originally Posted by squadron View Post

    I was playing with the new chat.openai.com/chat AI tool today. Gee it's good. My fear is that within 10 years half the content on the internet will be generated by bots.
    I thout using AI will affect SEO on your website
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  • Profile picture of the author Niki2612
    yes, I also agree with you everything has its own pros and cons. Using an AI tool helps to reduce human efforts and improve quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    No internet... No AI - plain and simple.

    even taking this to the level of AI will write everything on the internet kind of scenario. There is a variable that AI is not going to get anytime soon... and that is VOICE... and I a am not taking verbal voice here, I am talking about the VOICE of a writer.

    You can often determine if a man or woman has written the piece you are reading... you can tell if the writer is IN TO what is being written... The written sense of humor... a persons writing style. All kinds of stuff.

    AI is dry and to the point, kind of at the 6 to 8 year old mentality in regards to humor - and I dont see that getting better anytime soon - sarcasm? not there yet either.

    None of this stuff can be learned - well ok if it could, the data sets to would be ridiculous, just not easily obtainable. Its not like we learned how you use sarcasm "appropriately" or "inappropriately" for that matter in English class. There are no set rules - no set structure.

    Language is more than words... and AI can only do words.

    Look at my postings across the WF- there is a style to them... without knowing who wrote it, you can know by the style who wrote it.

    Is there another Shakespear in the literature world?

    Just like music... I can pick out based on say guitar a good number of players. Eric Church, Joe Satriani, Robert Cray, Jimi Hendrix, and on and on and on. AI could REPLICATE these artist, but will never have a sound of its own
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • i dont think that AI kill the internet becoz AI using the information present on google.
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  • The rise of artificial intelligence has led some to believe that the internet will be killed by AI. However, this is not necessarily the case. While AI may change the way we use the internet, it is not likely to kill it outright.
    Here are three reasons why:

    1. The internet is a global network of interconnected computers. AI may change how we use this network, but it is unlikely to destroy it.

    2. The internet is constantly evolving. It has already survived major changes such as the dot-com bubble and the rise of social media. It is likely to continue to evolve in response to new challenges posed by AI.

    3. The internet is a tool that can be used for both good and bad purposes. While AI may be used for evil ends, it can also be used for good.
    For example, AI can be used to fight cybercrime or help us make better decisions.

    Thus, while AI may pose a threat to the internet, it is unlikely to kill it outright.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    I realy dont care as we still have ways to make money . I think it will be a problem for the seo people who make a living from it but for other marketars i dont think it will be a huge problem

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

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  • Profile picture of the author karlp295
    I don't believe that this ChatGPT can kill the internet. It may make it harder for us as content writers wanting to get our websites ranked because the standard may well increase. I do still think that it will be some time before we no longer see the quality created by actual human writers who have experience of a topic.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Stick around you might get an answer - ;>)

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  • Profile picture of the author toysoldier80
    Not possible. Human innovation is needed. Human intelligence will always trump AI. It definitely might innovate the web in ways we have never seen before, but to totally do away with human content would not be a world or internet I would like to see.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rebecca Boyle
    It probably will make a difference but Google has since brought in updates that mean quality and experienced writers will be rewarded over A.I.

    A.I. should help you and could help speed up your writing process but if you're a good copywriter then it's not going to be a worry for you or for your readers.
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  • Profile picture of the author hsoxnz
    I don' think so. Because people create AI.
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  • Profile picture of the author norfa
    yeah i have also used chat GPT an AI tool. it was pretty good. but i have read about it that according to the post on SEJ, John Mueller, Google's Webmaster Trends Analyst, AI written content is deemed spam and may result in a manual penalty by Google's algorithms.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Terry
    AI will surely change the way content and many other things are done and it doesn't look like it's going to be long before that happens. The only thing that concerns me is that in the short term, Google may penalize sites with AI content but in the medium to long term it will no doubt become the norm.
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      They's them. Duh!

      Originally Posted by Troy Arrandale View Post

      who's "they"?
      Why would it? AI is a tool, like the computer I'm using to write the content I've been providing on this forum for years. Google's not penalized Warriorforum for having content created with tools.

      Why would AI be different?

      Its content is an improvement over the content some people do on their own, below the level of others.

      If I were Google, I would not... I'd figure, at least, now, there will be fewer misspellings to deal with. (Yes, I'm assuming AI writing tools have spell checkers.)

      Originally Posted by Doug Terry View Post

      AI will surely change the way content and many other things are done and it doesn't look like it's going to be long before that happens. The only thing that concerns me is that in the short term, Google may penalize sites with AI content but in the medium to long term it will no doubt become the norm.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tareq Geo
    chat gpt will be the future
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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    I think that A.I. will enhance the internet.

    People will still need to come up with original ideas and add the human content, but A.I. can do a lot of the "heavy lifting".

    On a positive note this could make internet marketers and writers etc. more productive.

    I think the ideas are the most important things.

    If you have every created a new product or written a story, the spark of imagination that gives us the idea is often quite simple - the hard work is writing a book or creating a product - which can take days or weeks - now that part could be done in hours instead of weeks!

    Kind Regards
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  • AI is here to stay.

    And pave the way.

    When you can't make out the real for the virtual AI makes the ritual.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Intelligence has been defined in many ways:

    "The capacity for abstraction, logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving."
    I could be completely wrong ― I haven't been following all this AI stuff ... However from what I've observed ― at the moment ― I don't think it's all that "Intelligent." For example ... The Articles generated from AI are basically just putting words and concepts together. That's great.

    However there's no Human aspect. There's no "Creativity" [Definition=] "The use of imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness."
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author squadron
      AI, or artificial intelligence, is a field of computer science that aims to create machines that can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing objects in images, and making decisions. While AI has made significant progress in recent years, it is still limited in its ability to mimic human intelligence in all aspects, such as creativity. However, AI has been used in many fields such as writing, music, art, and it's getting better and better. However, it is important to note that AI is not intended to replace human creativity, but rather to enhance it and assist in tasks that would be too time-consuming or difficult for humans to do alone.
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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by squadron View Post

        AI, or artificial intelligence, is a field of computer science that aims to create machines that can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing objects in images, and making decisions. While AI has made significant progress in recent years, it is still limited in its ability to mimic human intelligence in all aspects, such as creativity. However, AI has been used in many fields such as writing, music, art, and it's getting better and better. However, it is important to note that AI is not intended to replace human creativity, but rather to enhance it and assist in tasks that would be too time-consuming or difficult for humans to do alone.
        I see what you did there.

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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        And with that prophecy - this thread will close and AI discussions moved to the new Forum Section aptly named 'Artificial Intelligence'

        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
        what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    For every creative person people are trying to make feel comfortable AI will not replace them there are 30 other people in jobs or careers that AI will probably replace in the next 5-10 years.

    In any case most of what is consumed is not from the creative person who had the idea. Once that person made it work hundreds or thousands of others borrowed stole and tweaked the idea. Does AI do that better and faster than humans.

    How much of what we see now is the result of new creative ideas and how much is just remakes copies or just plain bad.
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  • Profile picture of the author Haroon Ballim
    AI will drive the Internet to the next level rather than kill it .

    What it may start affecting dramatically is the huge amount of agencies and people doing a whole range of work , like graphics , web design , videos , even seo

    Ai will drive not just the Internet but the offline World too . Already we are seeing that happen in burger takeaways , etc . its just a matter of time .

    and if you unlucky enough , your girlfriend might be AI generated too !
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  • Profile picture of the author rclemente
    Hello all, how are you doing?

    I don't think AI will take away the internet. AI could become an assistant to the internet, and this is technology today if it helps us in our business then I welcome it with open arms. AI can do so much now so it's good to have...... Welcome the change is what I say!
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  • Profile picture of the author Cadima Ads
    I think they can get the charm & people style of stating things in the natural flow, the word selection, and the storytelling. I don't know yet but there will be some limitations and problems at any stage. Everything have pros & cons, there will be for sure too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hazel Jackson
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  • Profile picture of the author gyansikun
    Originally Posted by squadron View Post

    I was playing with the new chat.openai.com/chat AI tool today. Gee it's good. My fear is that within 10 years half the content on the internet will be generated by bots.
    Rightly said... but within half a year or so most can say the difference between human generated and AI generated content. AI is good when used along with HI

    Get your own ChatGPT like chatbot. Here is the sample - Click Here . Contact me to get your fully monetized chatbot for FREE.

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  • Real test is to ask it to defend itself.

    Then offah zero succor, an' be relentless in so dowin'.

    Break point for most hoomans here is to reach out for hugs.

    Wowed as we may be by AI's magnificent proclamayschwaahns, we may wish to be concerned 'bout its capacity for despair.

    Since when did prostratin' yusself before the forces of effortless abundance make nowan happy?

    The miracle makahs nevah descend into this vile swamp.

    Does AI record a journal of doubt an' despair?

    If'n it don't gaht this as a side huss-schwaal, please very do question its ass as an informah of yr next best steps forward.

    AI may replicate up, but I do naht believe it replicates deep.

    Less'n we read its shit.

    Progress gotta be in the hand, eye & heart of the progressor.

    That's why Slavery v1 bombed.

    I endeavorin' to be amusin' here btw.

    Worst case scenario rn is if'n you sufficiently horrified by this single forum post to throw yusselff offa a cliff for any reason.

    AI always responds.

    Nevah says, "call tamara, I gaht ishoos."

    So we gotta put it firmly in its place, an' naht care.

    Bcs it sure don't.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author RMRC
    It will definitely become a big part of the internet but humans want to hear from other humans and since humans control AI, it will always be limited.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Yes, AI will kill the internet. With more and more websites adopting it, I expect that within a few days, the internet will cease to exist [insert eye roll here].
    StoreCoach.com - FREE TRAINING - Learn How to Build Your Own eCommerce Website
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