Domain Names - Necessary?

by mreed
15 replies
I'm curious on everyone's thoughts on domain names?

I hope I'm explaining this okay. I think my question has more to do with costs than anything else. But also the organization and simplicity of getting involved with multiple niches/projects.

If you're pushing an affiliate product, information or whatever - are you getting new domains each time? For example:
Product: Garden Tools

Or is acceptable to use more of a broad domain with sub folders for various niches/products/projects? For example:
Product: Garden Tools

You could also get the domain name and "redirect" to the sub-folders. I'm curious what others are doing?
#domain #names
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Either one will work. I used to use subdomains quite a a domain might be and I might have subdomains of gardentools, roses, indoor plants, perrenials, etc. I would pay for one domain and use reseller hosting so I could manage the domains. To me, it was a question of organization. One domain for garden topics, another for pet topics, etc. - niches in the same category.

    The downside was each subdomain is treated as a separate domain so you have to work on them just as with any site. The hosting is slightly higher but you only register one domain.

    The alternative to using subdomains was using folders and I did that, too. There are pros and cons for both. I'd be interested to know how marketers set up similar sites now - it's been several years since I worked on sites and wonder how much has changed.

    I would NEVER choose how to set up multiple niche sites based on the cost of a domain. For less than $20 you can register a domain for a year....if a site doesn't earn enough to pay for a $20 domain and $10 of hosting...that's a hobby.
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    • Profile picture of the author mreed
      Thanks Kay...
      Good info. I have a few questions stemming from that response.

      Are you saying that you'd have one domain -
      (...and also have other domains pointing to the same site and/or subfolders on that site? For example: ---> --->
      indoorplants --->

      I'm okay with that, except I don't really see the benefit unless it's a crazy good domain name.

      I'm curious what your thoughts on having different niches under a more comprehensive domain. For example:

      Niche Gardening --->
      Niche Pet Toys --->
      Niche Vitamins --->

      Basically creating various websites under the umbrella of one domain. I could also get a couple domains and point them to the subfolders like the idea above.

      The cost of the domain/hosting doesn't really concern me. It's the cost of WordPress Wedsite Builder PlugIn. I found some software I really have enjoyed using, but it's expensive ($200). Price goes up based on the number of domains the plugin is loaded on. I can look around for alternatives...but I was just getting some advice on domains before going too far down this path.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Two things:


    Subdomain acts as a separate site - url would be, for example,

    A subdirectory (folders) would be a folder OF the doman and would be found as,

    One of the reasons I used subdomains was that I could use words like

    What would be the chances of getting a domain name that is ''? Like none?

    It's been several years since I was running those sites so others here may have other preferences or advice...I'm that rare internet marketer - retired.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author mreed
      (Honestly, I didn't even know there was such a thing as sub domains.)
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      • Hi there. My first post on here and I am NO EXPERT, the advice you have gotten seems legit.

        I do know that a domain name is VITAL to beimg successful as you are developing your brand mainly because of your e-mail addresses that you can use.

        1. Buy Domain

        2. Get hosting

        3. get e-mail such as @ domain .com

        Who do you trust more?

        Someone at GMAIL, or someone who e-mails from their OWN DOMAIN??

        Just my 2 cents.
        p.s. Always pick a domain that is as close to what you are promoting as possible or just use you full to start out with.

        Wishing you the best..

        Richard Belliveau
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    I'm not sure if one is necessarily better than the other unless the main domain name already ranks well.

    I can't help but think of companies like and, both of which originally started as dozens of separate microniche websites that were later combined into a single domain with subdirectories.

    It's easier to rank individual microniche websites. That is, until you create a more all-encompassing website that the little sites all re-direct to. Once the power of all of those little, well ranking sites is transferred to the "mothership", additional niches are easier to rank on the main website as subdirectories (folders) than they would be as new start-up niche sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author mreed
      That is "somewhat" what I'm talking about. I have no desire nor do I plan to bring a bunch of microniche websites to a "mothership"...but I DO have interest in setting up a bunch of microniche websites under one master domain.

      In doing this, I can load my Wordpress Website Builder PlugIn onto (1) website and use it for all the different sub directory (separate microniche websites). I don't have to worry about loading that plugin onto 10 different websites (each with it's own unique domain) and taking on the costs associated.

      So the question really is: Would having an arrangement like that (a master domain / niche sub directory) for future niche websites be a negative when it comes to SEO and/or a users comfort level?

      Niche Gardening --->
      Niche Pet Toys --->
      Niche Vitamins --->
      Niche iPhone Covers --->
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  • Profile picture of the author jwclouse
    Domain names are extremely critical in my opinion. The domain name needs to convey exactly what your are all about.

    I have been fortunate to have several domains during my 25+ online career and some of them are still generating offers to buy them.
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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by jwclouse View Post

      Domain names are extremely critical in my opinion. The domain name needs to convey exactly what your are all about.
      While that sounds like it makes sense, it really wouldn't explain the success that sites like Hayneedle, Wayfair or Amazon have had, let alone Yahoo or Bing. None of those domain names come close to even hinting what those websites are all about.

      The one thing that they all have in common, however, is that they are short and memorable. Finding a short domain name is pretty difficult these days. Since that is really not possible, at least consider finding one that is memorable. That is the most important thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Niche Gardening --->
    Niche Pet Toys --->
    Niche Vitamins --->
    Niche iPhone Covers --->

    I realize you are using 'what ifs' but there is a difference (to me, at least) between....


    The top one is IN A broad NICHE and focuses on subniches.

    The bottom one, to me, says "I sell anything i can sell". Pettoys and iphonecovers are not related and 'enterprises' says nothing except 'I'm in business to make money'.

    It may be a minor point but when you are attracting a specific audience you need to focus on THAT audience rather than try to attract everyone and hope someone buys something. Does that make sense?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    • Profile picture of the author mreed
      THAT is EXACTLY what my long round about question was after. ;-) Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Your gardening site should have a name that reflects
    what it is about.

    If you are serious about your website business, then
    stop looking for ways to save money on domain name
    registrations and hosting, otherwise your customers
    won't take you seriously.

    This really matters if you are planning to build a list.
    People aren't going to give their email address to a
    spammy looking website.

    If you are concerned about plug-in costs, find ones
    that provide a license for several sites.

    You are putting the cart before the horse about
    having multiple sites if you don't even have a single
    site developed yet.

    You should develop your website in an organized
    manner just as if you are writing a book that has a
    table of contents and chapters, except you will be
    developing a silo structure. If you don't know what
    a silo structure is, don't worry about it and carry on.

    If you are going to develop a gardening website,
    your TOC should be something like this:

    Potting Soil
    Garden Tools
    Growing Herbs
    Growing Orchids, Tomatoes, or Avocado Trees
    Seeds (collecting, storing)

    Once you have your topics organized, develop your
    content and place your affiliate links within the content,
    side bar, or both. I prefer to place them in my content,
    but you can do whatever you like.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11766488].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mreed
      Perfect! Thank you. You and Kay King hit the same chord...
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    For a long time i was put off promoting my blog on facebook, thinking it might be blocked, but looking at this for eg you put a bitly link or clickbank link because many users are promoting similar links it triggers something that might block in a alogrthim, but the good thing about your domain name, you are the only one that has this domain name, and it comes with official hosting from a reputable source, and in a sense passes all the checks for any platform that you are posting on, so yes a domain is a great thing to have, i hope this makes sense to you.

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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  • Profile picture of the author ofhit
    Yes, Domain name is so important. And its necessary.
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