What do you think is the first step in marketing?

by WarriorForum.com Administrator
26 replies
Lead generation? Creating your social media account?

Chime in.
#marketing #step
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  • Profile picture of the author Stella Warren
    For me first step in marketing is to understand my target audience, their requirements and what's in trend. Then I would begin to make strategy that include lead generation.
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    • Profile picture of the author writeaway
      Originally Posted by Stella Warren View Post

      For me first step in marketing is to understand my target audience, their requirements and what's in trend. Then I would begin to make strategy that include lead generation.
      Also, when analyzing REQUIREMENTS, it's important to understand THE GRADATION between the PROBLEMS/PAIN POINTS customers WANT to solve versus what they feel the NEED to solve.

      The closer your position your product in the NEED category, the higher the chance of a SALE
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      • Profile picture of the author Stella Warren
        Absolutely...!!! aligning with our product to fulfill essential needs will enhance its value proposition and will increase the likelihood of conversion.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by WarriorForum.com View Post

    Lead generation? Creating your social media count? Chime in.
    The first step in marketing comes AFTER deciding the WHAT TO MARKET, does it not?

    But, even before then, going back to the reason WHY to start...may determine not only the kind of marketing you do, but maybe even if you NEED to do it.

    So, your question assumes the Warrior has already decided the WHAT they will be marketing, and after 25 years, we know most Warriors don't have a clue as to the what when they come here.

    Doesn't it make a little bit of sense to take an overview of the effort, to see if something other than HAVING to market something might be more feasible for the Warrior?

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  • Have value to add.

    Bcs who was evah led by a moron othah than othah morons?

    How easy is it for nowan with zilchow to say to create a so:spew-gruel media account?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    STEP 1 Be care about the problem you're trying to solve

    STEP 2 Be clear about the solution to the problem you'll be promoting

    STEP 3 Compare your solution to other EXISTING SOLUTIONS out there - this is how you come up with your marketing copy

    STEP 4 Find where your customers are ALREADY HANGING OUT ONLINE

    STEP 5 Become part of the conversation
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  • Profile picture of the author Nerdygirl226
    fine good product to promote
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    The first step in marketing is KNOW YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE

    This is where social media groups / subreddits / etc matter a lot

    PROFILE your target audience

    Come up with an IDEAL BUYER PROFILE

    Everything must flow from this point...

    Otherwise, expect to waste lots of time and money
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  • Setting clear marketing objectives is a fundamental initial step. Establishing specific, measurable goals provides direction and clarity, guiding the strategies and tactics needed to achieve desired outcomes.
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  • Profile picture of the author shuvoimtiaz
    My strategy begins with the development of a buyer persona. Following that, I will choose a type of content for that audience, create a content plan/calendar, and begin creating content.

    I help founders win more clients with Google Ads. Need help? Visit: shuvoimtiaz.com

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  • For me the first step in marketing is to understand target audience, their requirements and what's in trend. Then I would begin to make strategy that include lead generation.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeffryS
    The first step in internet marketing is to clearly define your goals and target audience. Understanding what you want to achieve and who you're trying to reach will guide all your marketing efforts
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  • Profile picture of the author Raz
    Create content in mere seconds for your online business (Lifetime Deal): https://www.dealfuel.com/seller/aifo...ntent-creator/
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  • Profile picture of the author Priya Zinavo
    Identifying your target audience and their requirements form the initial cornerstone of marketing. This knowledge aids in crafting tailored strategies and messages for better engagement with potential customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jayson76
    I would create the social media account first. You can get some free traffic coming in probably if you try. If you just start a blog, expect no traffic probably.
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  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Choose a problem, not a product
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    I would say facebook messenger but not the way everyone does it i would add revelant people on facebook but for the first few days forget about your business your product or services, dont mention your link or sharing but focus on the indvidual dont see them as a lead but treat them as a friend just get to know them and see how the conversation goes share your business when it seems natural to do so you will never be seen as a scammer but a friend who wants to help them i strongly believe you can see anything on messenger when you do it this way, i hope this helps

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    I would produce content build an emai list and net work frequently
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  • Profile picture of the author anymore
    This would be different for everyone, In marketing getting traffic or getting people to see your offer is the first step for me. I have landing pages, email Auto responders, and much more. If you don't have fresh daily traffic, you are dead in the water
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  • Profile picture of the author Software Shop
    Build potential buyers email list is a first step for successful marketing.
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    • Originally Posted by Software Shop View Post

      Build potential buyers email list is a first step for successful marketing.
      I completely agree that building a potential buyers email list is a critical first step for successful marketing. Having a robust list of interested contacts gives you a direct line of communication to get your message out when you have an offer or new product to promote. It also allows you to nurture relationships over time by providing valuable content to prospects before you ever ask them to buy.
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  • The first step is choosing the right niche (for you).
    Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mat Gunnufson
    Knowing what you want and where you want to go. From there you can find the right group and understand the right opening or need for that group.

    For ex:Amazon online arbitrage sellers

    Opening: Need a software to help them find products faster and easier.

    Get a beginner friendly blueprint proven to make 300 to 1800 per day online in 2 hours a day. www.2hrblueprint.com

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  • Profile picture of the author r1chb3
    The first step in marketing typically involves understanding your target market and audience. This process involves conducting market research to gather insights about the demographics, preferences, needs, and behaviors of the audience you're trying to reach. Understanding your target market is crucial because it informs all other aspects of your marketing strategy, from product development to messaging and channel selection.
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  • Profile picture of the author Beatriz1
    Conduct RESEARCH on your target audience. We always recommend starting with this phase since it will assist you understand what prospective customers want and need. You will then be able to tailor the rest of your plan to your audience.
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