What emerging new platforms or trends are you keeping an eye on for future opportunities?

12 replies
I've always arrive late to the party: missed out on dotcom boom, didn't buy bitcoin, and countless others.
I'm currently keeping a close eye on Ai and creating tools with it for internet marketing.

What new or emerging social media platforms and trends are you keeping an eye on for future opportunities?
#emerging #eye #future #keeping #opportunities #platforms #trends
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Trends don't last long and AI is the future .I usually post across multiple platforms but When I spot something new I will investigate it to see how I can make it work for me
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by MYDCOM View Post

    I've always arrive late to the party: missed out on dotcom boom, didn't buy bitcoin, and countless others.
    I'm currently keeping a close eye on Ai and creating tools with it for internet marketing.

    What new or emerging social media platforms and trends are you keeping an eye on for future opportunities?

    The future is now.

    Having the various A.I. systems available to us to
    develop and create unlimited content in the form of
    text, images, voice, and sound is amazing to me.

    There's no point in regretting the things we missed
    out on, all we can do is move forward and work with
    whatever we have, learn new things, and remain
    flexible and vigilant.

    I think that there are more opportunities now than
    there ever were before to make money online, but
    you will always have people who either don't get it
    or all they ever do is complain.

    I got a laugh out of all the people who said that they
    knew more than A.I., and that their writing is better
    than ChatGPT, when they never even tried it.

    As to Bitcoin, I recall someone giving those away
    here on this forum when it first became a thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeffryS
    I totally get it! FOMO can be real in the tech world. Right now, I'm keeping a close watch on the growth of audio-based social platforms like Clubhouse and Twitter Spaces. These platforms are changing the way people engage and connect online, and they could offer some exciting opportunities for internet marketing.

    Also, I'm curious about the evolution of AI-powered content generation and personalization in social media. It's a game-changer for tailoring content to specific audiences.
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  • Profile picture of the author vidGEN
    Performance based video ad networks. Consumers want to see video! Video converts at a drastically higher rate than any other mode of marketing. Incorporating video will be the standard.
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by vidGEN View Post

      Performance based video ad networks. Consumers want to see video! Video converts at a drastically higher rate than any other mode of marketing. Incorporating video will be the standard.
      Would like to see unbiased data which supports your assertion "consumers want to see video". I'm a consumer, I only want to see what is relevant to my making a decision on whether to buy or not.

      You have something to sell, and you're running through the forum shouting, VIDEO, VIDEO... Bill Myers told us that video was the FUTURE, back in 1997, he even published a newsletter on the subject.

      Video can be POWERFUL in persuasion and influence, but it can also be BORRRING, distracting, a time waster...so I ask you to tell us what a PERFORMANCE based video ad network is? Where can we see one in action?

      I assume, and perhaps wrongly, that YouTube is the de facto video ad network followed by Tik-Tok, for as long as it exists in USA...I'm not saying video isn't important, and should be considered...but just running through the streets shouting VIDEO (and by the way, it did not kill the radio star, yet anyhow)...

      Where is the proof that consumers want more of it and that it converts at a drastically higher rate (what %)?

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  • Profile picture of the author vidGEN
    Hey GordonJ - We aren't using this to sell. We are looking to LEARN. We do not know the publisher side and a trying to be sponges. Here you go on some more info- $176.63 billion spent on video ads last year:





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  • I only have time right now to list and briefly talk about these two things:

    1. Groq[1]
    • This isn't Elon Musk's LLM. Instead, they're manufacturing chips called LPUs (language processing units) for real time deployment (inferencing) -- Think of real time voice conversations with multimedia exchange, the ability to interrupt AI voice chatbots for near human-like conversations, real time video generation, etc.; and
    • Why I'm Interested: I'm thinking of the value of what they're doing for big boys like Microsoft (OpenAI), Google (Gemini and other relevant future projects), Apple (MM1 and others soon), Qualcomm (on-device edge deployment, AR2 and beyond), Amazon (AWS and others), heavily funded new players like Mistral, etc. -- If their chips turn out to really be more power-efficient and cost-effective to manufacture, deploy and maintain, then I bet we're looking at interesting deals soon (I'm thinking of pre-IPO stake for little players like myself).

    2. Bittensor[2]
    • This is a decentralized AI network that aims to democratize AI in genral and support Machine Learning, Deep Learning and generative AI R&D, production and deployment projects of open source dev communities, academic research groups, social organizations, SMBs and individual enthusiasts that don't have deep pockets through alternative channels for the commoditization of required compute, storage and tech stacks.

    1: https://venturebeat.com/ai/ai-chip-r...y-end-of-2024/
    2: https://bittensor.com/
    Need Custom Programmatic SEO or GenAI Engineering Work Done? Drop Me an Email HERE ...
    • Chief Machine Learning Engineer @ ARIA Research (Sydney, AU)
    • Lead GenAI SEO Campaign Engineer @ Kiteworks, Inc. (SF, US)
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  • Profile picture of the author chinjj j
    I'm keeping a close eye on Big Data as an emerging platform and trend for future opportunities. The ability to analyze and interpret vast amounts of data is transforming industries and creating new possibilities.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anishraop
    One should think about AI generated content and its impact especially on marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author OnlineProxy
    I'm currently keeping an eye on decentralized social media platforms, Web3 technologies, as well as AI-driven content creation tools. Staying ahead of these emerging trends could present significant opportunities.
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  • IRL has a propulsive swankiness nowan can ignore.

    As in winklepickahs an' MySpace died, jus' like mosta so many socmed nonces don't see gonna disappeah from yr orgasm/inspasm zone kinda any rn scenario rn.

    (Anywan evah TWEETID will see how instantly an' terminally all sources of online succor may kinda ZAP OUT into UTTAHLY UNPRACTICYOOL KINDA MADNISS.) Git the full frickin' intel here:


    durrect from yo' hoss!

    Tella, we fightin' usselves in the clouds for stuff from down deep should inspire all clouds!

    & yet, in the sweet an' troo ...

    there so much more to do ...

    beyond platforms of inconsequence ...

    ideahs of insignificance ...

    an' alla that shit.

    It is like we figured imbibin' garbage was suddly bettah than reachin' out for troo succor.

    Thing is, less'n you gaht yr own two feet undah yah, any "platform" gowin' is an imposition.

    Which is kinda OK bcs I a natchrl dancah.

    Schooled & fueled.

    Hey, so let's see what happins in the unfoldin' maelstrom of stuffs as Terpsichore may dance in sneakahs.

    Onto toes, girls.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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