Making Money vs Starting a Business and Taylor Swift and the NFL & Grind vs Recurring, etc.
Always a good time to discuss YOUR future, eh? Here at WF, it is focused on Internet Marketing (IM) and Digital Marketing and the sub forums all tend toward that focus.
Today, lets think about Making Money and starting a Business, OK? Also, Taylor Swift.
Making money does NOT have to involve owning/running a business, there are scores of one-off opportunities to put cash in your pocket today, although, building a business can put RECURRING cash in your pocket too.
Having been involved in Biz-Op for 40+ years now, there have been some great opportunities over the decades, yet today, may be the best of times to make some dough. Why?
Because of the vast number of tools you have at your disposal. And the ability to reach customers/prospects is unparalleled in history.
Before I get into all that, the NFL (National Football League{American Football}) has become a crystal ball into the future, a future, if you get it, you can cash in easily and quickly. The easiest way to make a lot of moolah is to get on the cash train track and let it run you over, albeit, easier said than done.
As this is being typed, Old Farts like Tony Dungy, a coach, is throwing shade at Taylor Swift claiming she is distracting from the game on the field, and as a long suffering Browns fan, I say, thank god for that.
Football, of any kind, is ENTERTAINMENT. Swift is current Queen of International Entertainment. Sure it is a trillion dollar industry, but how many of you are cashing in because billions need to be distracted from their mundane lives? Add in the American gambling societies, and we see a billion dollar overnight industry has sprung up, quite literally here in the American state of OHIO, where just last year, sports betting was illegal.
This is mentioned here due to so many people thinking they can make money betting on sports, which is going to produce an avalanche of new debt, addiction and sadness for millions everywhere. But for now, how about some MONEY talk, shall we?
You want to make a quick buck, go to Buffalo and shovel snow out of their stadium...and although this is a jest, Winter money making opportunities go hand in hand with bad weather. The folks with snow plows and trucks either FEAST or FAMINE with the weather.
As kids, we made a lot of coins shoveling snow, while walking miles to school uphill both to and from and with ten feet of snow on the ground too...HA!
THAT, is doing something. Physical work, like washing windows, snow shoveling, cleaning cars or headlights is a fast way to make ONE OFF money in your pocket. The problem with doing is finding someone who will pay you to do whatever it is you are doing.
Same problem IMer's have...getting customers, which is the real name of the game in the money making arenas of life.
Along with doing, is SELLING. I sold my TV in about 5 mins. with a cardboard sign...and used the cash to buy some streaming, and had some left over for popcorn.
DO or SELL. In the real world, those are the fastest ways to make money, and online, well, it is pert near the same. DO, as in a contractor, or SELL as with IM.
So why is the NFL a crystal ball into the future? Yesterday was the FIRST time ever, a game was ONLY broadcast on a streaming you think it will be the last?
And the Old Farts of the world who see Taylor Swift as a distraction to the game on the field, are so out of touch with reality, and so biased...the future can't wait to put these guys in the rear view mirror.
How does knowing this HELP you to get ready for a money making future?
Today, literally hundreds of people are making money with NFL PODCASTS, a few years ago, no one was doing it...and guys like Tom Grossi with over 589k subscribers, haul in thousands of dollars a week doing play by play of games on TV...What The HECK???
Do you think the PODCAST WORLD is full and no else can get into it? Platforms like PATREON have given many enthusiasts a way to cash in on their passions, and during podcasts, those tuned in can offer up some cash to get a SUPER CHAT, and a popular podcast can generate thousands, in addition to any sponsorships or ads.
So Taylor Swift vs Tony Dungy. A late Boomer and a MILLENNIAL, the latter being of the cell phone age since a little girl and Boomers being...well, BOOmers.
I noticed Tik-Tok doing a lot of advertising during the games, an AMERICAN farmer and his family shilling how this great Chinese company is for his business. Talk about propaganda.
CJ Stroud, the rookie, against the old Joe is a metaphor for what is happening, and if you are ready and prepared to serve the Swifties of the world, and be content to sell the boomers ED pills and nostalgia, you stand a good chance of making some money this year.
Comments or Questions welcome.
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