For those who have transitioned from Trello to a different tool, what alternatives you recommend

12 replies
I've been using Trello for a year now, and it's been great for individual tasks and organization. However, my team has grown, and projects are becoming more complex. I'm looking for a tool with similar ease of use as Trello, but with features that facilitate better team collaboration and centralized project management.
#alternatives #recommend #tool #transitioned #trello
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by vikeshsdp View Post

    I've been using Trello for a year now, and it's been great for individual tasks and organization. However, my team has grown, and projects are becoming more complex. I'm looking for a tool with similar ease of use as Trello, but with features that facilitate better team collaboration and centralized project management.

    Have you considered hiring an actual project manager instead of relying on software to keep things organized?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11792794].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author vikeshsdp
      That's a great point! A project manager would be ideal for larger projects down the line. For now, our team is 10-15 and managing 3-4 projects by everyone. We're hoping to find software that can streamline communication and centralize project information before scaling up to a dedicated PM.
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  • Profile picture of the author kevingoodson
    Trello is a nice platform to collaborate strongly with team members. My team used Hubstaff, as a time tracking and workforce management platform. It flexibly works for many aspects of running a growing business.
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  • Profile picture of the author NillBraun
    Originally Posted by vikeshsdp View Post

    I've been using Trello for a year now, and it's been great for individual tasks and organization. However, my team has grown, and projects are becoming more complex. I'm looking for a tool with similar ease of use as Trello, but with features that facilitate better team collaboration and centralized project management.
    Try Asana or ClickUp. Both have an intuitive interface and advanced features for team management: tasks, subtasks, calendars, and progress tracking tools.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11793003].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author vikeshsdp
      Hi NillBraun,

      Thank you for the tip. I'll give it a try!
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  • Profile picture of the author NillBraun
    I recommend considering Jira by Atlassian, especially if your team is involved in software development. It is a good project management tool that supports Agile methodologies, such as Scrum and Kanban. Jira scales well for both small teams and large organizations, integrating with many other services like Confluence and Bitbucket.
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  • Profile picture of the author dynamicard
    For those who have moved on from Trello, several alternatives offer robust features and scalability. Asana is renowned for its project management capabilities, while Jira excels in agile development environments. Notion provides flexibility with its customizable interface, and offers intuitive collaboration features. Ultimately, the best alternative depends on your specific needs and workflow preferences.
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  • Profile picture of the author IM Simple
    Hi, ClickUp and are great platforms as well. I'm quite biased on Trello because it's easy to navigate, it's just a matter of organizing the boards. But if you're really having trouble with organizing tasks for your growing team, hiring a project manager is ideal. If you're worried about costs of hiring an actual one, there are thousands of virtual assistant project managers out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author vikeshsdp
    Great I'll give it a try to Clickup.
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