Business Process Improvement Consultancy

12 replies
Hi All,

I have been studying online marketing for a while, I know PPC/SEO/Landing Pages/Cold Email/Cold Mail etc etc. Im confident of starting a lead gen business, however what I really love is Business Process Improvement.

I've noticed people really buy when there is some kind of emotion involved eg pipe bursts - call a plumber but business process improvement is much more subtle, however it can be very valuable and save businesses significant money.

How do you market something people don't know they want but has a lot of value? Any advice?

Thank you!
#business #consultancy #improvement #process
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Not sure how the title fits with the question.

    If you have to convince an audience that they NEED what you are're doing it the hard way.

    Much better to find the audience LOOKING FOR what you are selling and target your ads to them. In fact, that's an answer you gave in another thread.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11803550].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author AllertonUSUK
      Thank you Kay,

      You are correct, I guess I want to market my business process / ai consultancy the hard way as people don't search for it. What are your suggestions for doing it the hard way?

      Henry ford said "If I asked people want they wanted, they'd have asked for faster horses".
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11803554].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by AllertonUSUK View Post

    Hi All,

    I have been studying online marketing for a while, I know PPC/SEO/Landing Pages/Cold Email/Cold Mail etc etc. Im confident of starting a lead gen business, however what I really love is Business Process Improvement.

    I've noticed people really buy when there is some kind of emotion involved eg pipe bursts - call a plumber but business process improvement is much more subtle, however it can be very valuable and save businesses significant money.

    How do you market something people don't know they want but has a lot of value? Any advice?

    Thank you!

    When you say you KNOW PPC/SEO/Landing Pages/Cold
    Email/Cold Mail etc., do you know about these topics from
    experience or only from studying and reading books?

    Internet marketing is a skill set that you will never become
    expert at until you put your strategies into practice.

    And furthermore, there are many other things you need to
    know about besides just those.

    I suggest you dive in and get started because you are not
    going to know what works until you get busy.

    Posting hypothetical questions that read like riddles and
    don't have an answer is not going to help you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11803555].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AllertonUSUK
    Can you list some of the many of things I need to know about?
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by AllertonUSUK View Post

      Can you list some of the many of things I need to know about?

      No because my hands might fall off from over-exertion.

      Google something like "internet marketing skills I need in order to be successful"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11803557].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AllertonUSUK
    I hope you lose your virginity soon
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11803616].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by AllertonUSUK View Post

      I hope you lose your virginity soon

      And I hope you learn how to Google things.

      BTW, I'm a grandmother, so your hope has been fulfilled.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11803619].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by AllertonUSUK View Post

      I hope you lose your virginity soon
      I was going to spout off, give my usual long winded opinion on exactly HOW you can find good prospects for your consultancy...

      But after this, why waste MY TIME.

      GROW UP.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11803649].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author acchao
    Hi there,

    People may not know yet because they have yet to understand the value of your services.

    The thing is, they know they need this--just that they probably don't know your existence yet or it is not painful enough for them to take action to fix it yet.

    To me, it is more about the copywriting part--how can you deliver a marketing message that is so easy to understand that people can relate to the frustration that will make them want to take action?

    Example: Instead of telling people, "You need business process improvement", we educate people

    "How will tweaking these 2 things in your business increase X revenue and cut down Y expenses?"

    " Top 3 processes that Fortune 500 companies use to improve their X process by 300%".

    As you can see, the message is different, but the solution points to 1 thing - "Business Process Improvement"

    I think that's how you can do it for your landing page, funnels, email strategy, ads etc.

    Hope this helps!

    Full Stack Digital Marketer. Writer at

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Having run a BPI firm since 2016, and broken into the space & defense field with it, I'll tell you what I've found.

    A lot of blank looks.

    A lot of blank looks from otherwise intelligent, educated company leaders.

    I went to school for operations management and process improvement was taught to me 1994-96. So it's not something I just picked up.

    BPI fits better when a potential client organization has something going on. Preferably a lot of something going on.

    New companies are not a good fit unless the founder knows what BPI is and wants to put process improvement into place from the beginning. That's a rare person indeed.

    I would explain how process improvement would help a space company founder, and they'd look at me like I was stupid. It took me a couple years to figure out what was going on:

    They didn't have enough activity to make the connection between what they were doing and what I could do for them. They were engineers and liked engineering. They chased government funds. But actually build anything? Not really. Not consistently. Not like an assembly line.

    Now listen up, because here's the factor you're going to have to work for:

    Buyer Awareness.

    Buyer Awareness is usually pictured on a scale of 1 to 5, with one being Unaware and 5 being Fully Aware and Using.

    From a marketing and sales standpoint, we have to consider that most--nearly all--of our audience will have a buyer awareness of 1 when it comes to BPI services.

    So how do we latch on?

    First, we deliberately pick a target market, a niche of companies, with something going on. Real activity. We can do this by size, by revenue, by product or service topic we like. We could do it by buyer persona and psychographics, ie. what they already believe to be true. Like, "I know I have to invest in continuous improvement or my company will die". Oh. Well, I'm glad you do know's certainly not a given for many other company leaders.

    Anyway...the job of marketing and then sales for a low buyer awareness level market is to pick the audience up where they are, and take them along to the next stage. First, answering the question of, "In general, is this a good idea? Why do I need this?" and second, answering, "Why should I pick you, specifically, as the provider of the solution?" Many people skip the first sale in their rush to make the second, and fail because of it.

    So how do you pick them up where they're at?

    What * symptoms * of a problem that BPI solves could they be demonstrating in this niche that you could highlight for them?

    Over the many years I have been in business, I have constantly been disappointed and confused about why other people can't connect the dots and develop insights for themselves. They can't seem to be able to figure out how A is connnected to B. You have to spell it out for them.

    So in this case, while they may be aware that Symptom A is a big indicator that something is hurting them, do not expect that they will instantly make the leap that there's a root problem and that BPI could ferret that out and fix it for them. They won't. You'll have to Hansel-and-Gretel breadcrumb them all along the way.

    This is what your marketing should look like. It grabs onto a known symptom of a serious problem your ideal client has, then explains how it's hurting them. Then go for the valuable insight in showing them what process improvement is, and how it's a great fit for organizations with their level of activity going on. Only after that should you try to pitch your specific firm as the one to provide the solution. Fail to do that, and you'll run afoul of The Danger of the Two Sales as I explained above.

    I hope this gives you some ideas.

    And be nice to Gordon. He knows more than you do.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nehakakar1
    Marketing business process improvement can be tough because people don't always know they need it. The best way is to focus on the problems they already have and explain how improving their processes can solve them. Instead of just telling them what you do, show them how small changes can help them save money or make more money. This way, they'll understand the value better.
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  • Profile picture of the author Software Shop
    By focusing on educating, demonstrating value, and providing real-world examples, you can build trust and show potential clients the hidden costs of inefficient processes, making BPI feel like a necessity rather than a luxury.
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