It's good to see the Warrior Forum is still active.

6 replies
I don't think I've been on here since 2014 or 2015. I thought I'd look it up and see if it still existed. This used to be an awesome resource for all things marketing; not just IM.
I don't do IM anymore.
I have a couple of books I self-published on Kindle that still make me a monthly income.
It seems YouTube and video is hot now.
It seems AI is a hot topic of discussion also. I've fallen away from freelance stuff and into the corporate world of technical writing as my main source of income.
Are email lists and direct response writing still a way to make a good income?
It feels good to be back.
#active #forum #good #warrior
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Welcome back, @ltemodel The IM industry has gone through quite a bit of changes since your last visit here. Nowadays, TikTok is the platform to focus on when it comes to free marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Yes, this forum, after so many years is still very active. Welcome back.
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  • Profile picture of the author Keith Boisvert
    Haha, same!! I just happened to think of this place and hopped in to see if my login still worked! I still make money online, but not as a full time income. However all the core skills and things I learned "back in the day" are still valid and apply.

    Just 100x more competition out there now and much more "noise" from people who know how to "make money online"
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by Ltemodel View Post

    I don't think I've been on here since 2014 or 2015. I thought I'd look it up and see if it still existed. This used to be an awesome resource for all things marketing; not just IM.
    I don't do IM anymore.
    I have a couple of books I self-published on Kindle that still make me a monthly income.
    It seems YouTube and video is hot now.
    It seems AI is a hot topic of discussion also. I've fallen away from freelance stuff and into the corporate world of technical writing as my main source of income.
    Are email lists and direct response writing still a way to make a good income?
    It feels good to be back.
    To your question: it is in how they are used and/or applied which determines if they bring in a "good" income.

    Technical writing needs to meet whatever specs are required, and guidelines per the industry whereas DIRECT RESPONSE writing has to produce RESULTS.

    TODAY, even a very small email list of active BUYERS will produce a good income for those with something to offer to their audience.

    Copywriting as a biz op has seen its heyday, thankfully, but those who can get results with their direct response writing will ALWAYS find it to be a good income source.

    I disagree with the idea it has changed; the basics of a good income, online or off, is still to provide value to someone or a group of like minded, like-needed people.

    Good income comes from what you offer; hot topic or old parade-of-life evergreen stuff.

    Welcome back.

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  • Profile picture of the author DTRS
    Originally Posted by Ltemodel View Post

    Are email lists and direct response writing still a way to make a good income?
    Yes, of course, E-mail marketing is the King!

    TicTocs come and go - e-mail is here forever, though
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  • Profile picture of the author Princess Balestra
    tbh it's like cray.

    You disappeah for like centuries ... an' then bounce back like a pruddictbyool asteroid gonna go away agin till'n sumtime in twennyateywhatevah.

    How in hell nowan sposeda know what is gowin' on?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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