Yikes - "your site is kind of meh and makes me want to close my browser"

9 replies
That was the real feedback I received in the copy writing forum! But, it is pretty much true. So, the question then becomes, does anyone have a source for designers that "get" internet marketing? I'm willing to change it up, but I don't want to throw good money after bad. (and if you must see the sit that makes you go "meh" it is here: Affordable Workout DVD and Exercise Videos - Lose Weight and Feel Great - the real link is hidden so that the post where we talk about my really terrible site doesn't get indexed by google
  • Profile picture of the author Lisa Gergets
    If I were you, I'd simply buy a premium theme and plug your info in...a magazine theme would work well for this site, I think. I tend to like either WooThemes or Artisteer themes that I make myself.

    Remember, the theme doesn't have to be busy to convert well...in fact, just the opposite. A simple theme works wonders!

    Hope this helps you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
    Hi jeepsterryan,

    Have you tried this part of the forum to locate a designer?
    Warriors For Hire

    Hope that Helps,
    Have a Great Day!
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  • Profile picture of the author Darth Executor
    Aesthetics wise the site looks fine. Not gonna win you any web design competitions but that's ok, people buying health stuff are looking for health expertise, not tech expertise. I'd just test to see if it actually converts then tweak that.
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  • Profile picture of the author rightservers
    I would have to agree that usually a simple design works better than a busy design. People look for creativity and originality in sites they wish to give their business to, but this is all after the right message is communicated to the end user. This can be done by not overloading your site with information - images help quite a bit to help navigate the user to the page where the conversion occurs.

    One big thing that people neglect is the use of AJAX. If you have a lot of information that you know the user would want to look over, put the subtitles and little bulbs about it with a link to "read more" in which it will expand and give the user all the information they are looking for. The reason I recommend this is because most people that land on a page with a lot of information, they don't know where to start. This way it allows the user to concentrate on the information they want and get it quickly.

    I hope this help. Try looking up Joomla templates, they seem to help out quite a lot with the clients I get and I think it would help you as well. There are a lot of modules and plugins as well which will allow you to do wonders with little upfront investment.

    Kind regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author Devan Koshal
    Remember you get what you pay for. And that goes beyond aesthetics. i.e. the quality of the code.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I agree ... the site is an eyesore. You can try the Warriors for Hire, or rentacoder, or scriptlance or Elance to hire someone to fix it up. I think it would be worth it if you plan on keeping and developing the site or even if you plan to flip it. Would make it a lot more readable. Looks cluttered and there's no real graphics to break up all that text.
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    • Profile picture of the author ChristineP
      Yeah - it's not the prettiest site - but I disagree with "it makes me want to close my browser".

      If you are not into hiring someone - Joomla is good, I've built a few sites and there are SO many free templates (google "free joomla templates")

      Perhaps even your current site with a new top banner graphic and switch up the colors - grey is bad.

      I agree with the poster that said also to wait and see what your conversions are like and then tweak from there. No need to spend much time and money redesigning a site that may be ok to the majority of visitors.

      Needs Updating...

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  • meh

    you just need a picture of a hot babe and a picture of a hunky dude... and some wicked-ass copy. Other than that, it's fine. The banner is too big, though.
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