someone knows where I can grab the video rss?? not a crab thumbnail..

1 replies
I'm so newbie....but fortunately I got the auto-blogging system
with cron long as I have any rss feed. so easy.

I'm looking for a video rss which provides direct video player for each post not just a crab image thumbnail..

does someone know this??
Im looking for both porn and general video..

I already googled lots of hours but sad lol....

I will give my auto-blogging system free of charge to someone who gives
me solution.
add me on MSN :
or give me email( or pm too.

the reason is I'm trying to make a site for getting approval from zangocash.

#crab #grab #rss #thumbnail #video
  • Profile picture of the author ssdynamite
    is it really impossible to grab a video rss with embeded video?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[134237].message }}

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