Woke Up to my 2nd sale! - Feelin good

21 replies
I woke up to my second sale this morning, feeling a little hungover but great to know I've finally found something that works!

Just wanted to thank everyone on this forum, it's been nothing but a great tool to earn online. I wish nothing but success to all of my fellow warriors in 2010!
#2nd #feelin #good #sale #woke
  • Profile picture of the author 4freedom
    Originally Posted by rvrabel2002 View Post

    I woke up to my second sale this morning, feeling a little hungover but great to know I've finally found something that works!

    Just wanted to thank everyone on this forum, it's been nothing but a great tool to earn online. I wish nothing but success to all of my fellow warriors in 2010!
    Congratulations! It's one of those moments you should treasure for a while and hold it in mind because the KEY now is to simply do more of the same, to expand, to move forward and SCALE UP your efforts.

    Rob Fore, 6-Figure Affiliate Marketing
    *** Free 5-Day Attraction Marketing Bootcamp *** Rob's Blog ***

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    • Profile picture of the author rvrabel2002
      Your absolutely right...And that is the plan for 2010! I have finally found a focus.

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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    While you still remember and know where you stored the info for your 1st sale, print out the details and frame it to hang on your wall. I'm not even kidding. Ever seen how a diner or gas station or other small business will proudly display their first dollar in a framed picture on the wall for everyone to see? Same thing here. Do it. Take pride in what you've accomplished and put up a visible reminder that you can make sales and build your business. It'll help on those down days.

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    • Profile picture of the author rvrabel2002
      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      While you still remember and know where you stored the info for your 1st sale, print out the details and frame it to hang on your wall. I'm not even kidding. Ever seen how a diner or gas station or other small business will proudly display their first dollar in a framed picture on the wall for everyone to see? Same thing here. Do it. Take pride in what you've accomplished and put up a visible reminder that you can make sales and build your business. It'll help on those down days.


      I think that's a great idea! Just gotta get permission from the boss (girlfriend) to put it up! Thanks for the congrats!

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  • Profile picture of the author connected
    I am yet to experience that feeling but I bet it feels bloody great.
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  • Profile picture of the author dctc71
    I've been working on click bank for 5 days, writing articles and hubs like crazy, and still have not made a sale. It's frustrating that my hard work (and I have been working hard every free second) is not paying dividends. Any advice for someone struggling with SEO?
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    • Profile picture of the author rvrabel2002
      Originally Posted by dctc71 View Post

      I've been working on click bank for 5 days, writing articles and hubs like crazy, and still have not made a sale. It's frustrating that my hard work (and I have been working hard every free second) is not paying dividends. Any advice for someone struggling with SEO?

      I'll tell you the truth, I never had any success with clickbank. I was just like you, working feverishly to promote various products and getting no sales. I made a couple of sales, but nothing mind blowing at all. I know people make tons with clickbank, I just don't know how to do it, so i choose to stay away from it.

      The best advice i can give to you is pick five products to promote, build a site around that product, and drive links to it. If you build it, they won't come, unless you drive traffic through article marketing or other free methods. READ THROUGH THIS FORUM AS WELL. IT is a wealth of information and you can find tons of great advice from very experienced marketers.

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      • Profile picture of the author dctc71
        Originally Posted by rvrabel2002 View Post

        I'll tell you the truth, I never had any success with clickbank. I was just like you, working feverishly to promote various products and getting no sales. I made a couple of sales, but nothing mind blowing at all. I know people make tons with clickbank, I just don't know how to do it, so i choose to stay away from it.

        The best advice i can give to you is pick five products to promote, build a site around that product, and drive links to it. If you build it, they won't come, unless you drive traffic through article marketing or other free methods. READ THROUGH THIS FORUM AS WELL. IT is a wealth of information and you can find tons of great advice from very experienced marketers.
        Thanks for the advice. I plan to absorb as much as I can from this forum. But if you don't use clickbank then what do you use?
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    Congratulations, it's a great feeling isn't it.

    I wish you many more!

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Leatherman
    Originally Posted by rvrabel2002 View Post

    I woke up to my second sale this morning, feeling a little hungover but great to know I've finally found something that works!

    Just wanted to thank everyone on this forum, it's been nothing but a great tool to earn online. I wish nothing but success to all of my fellow warriors in 2010!
    Congratulations on your 2nd sale. But even more so on getting your focus. Now take your focus and upgrade it to a laser focus with action during 2010. As said above rinse and repeat your success. Keep doing what you did to make the sales before you take on another project.

    The "Silver Bullet" for 2010 = Focus and Action!

    Ken Leatherman

    The Old Geezer
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  • Profile picture of the author Ellen C Braun

    I remember one day early in my IM career I was exhausted and took a morning nap. I woke up to 11 sales. Then I worked hard the rest of the day, and no more sales for that day!

    It just goes to show- some of our best moments are spent sleeping or showering

    HelpEllen.com - the zaniest affiliate blog in cyberspace.
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    • Profile picture of the author rvrabel2002
      Originally Posted by Ellen C Braun View Post


      I remember one day early in my IM career I was exhausted and took a morning nap. I woke up to 11 sales. Then I worked hard the rest of the day, and no more sales for that day!

      It just goes to show- some of our best moments are spent sleeping or showering

      Thats the beauty of internet marketing, you work your butt off and get nothing at first, then things seem to trickle in. Thanks for your congrats.

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  • Profile picture of the author robofx
    Wow! That's terrific! And looks like you've been doing this for just a short time, going by your forum join date. If so, that's even better!

    Best of luck to you and to all of us in the second decade of the 21st century! George Jetson, move over. You ain't seen nothin' yet! LOL
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    • Profile picture of the author rvrabel2002
      Originally Posted by robofx View Post

      Wow! That's terrific! And looks like you've been doing this for just a short time, going by your forum join date. If so, that's even better!

      Best of luck to you and to all of us in the second decade of the 21st century! George Jetson, move over. You ain't seen nothin' yet! LOL

      I spend more time researching than posting...don't wanna lose focus! Thanks!

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  • Profile picture of the author OMI
    Congrats! For me, the most gratifying sales are the ones I see in the morning after I wake up...it's like all the work I did paid off and the waiting and hoping to see if it can be successful is over.
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  • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
    Well done my man !!

    Treasure that feeling and use it to motivate you for more

    There will be times that will be damn tough and frustrating and you will have failures but always remember that you know money is being made online and you have proven it yourself !!

    Best thing ever

    Good job

    Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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  • Profile picture of the author FlyBaby_Renee
    Enjoy that feeling, it's a great one.

    I still do a little happy dance when I get a good-sized order, ten months after my first online sale. Then I get back to work. So much to do.
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  • Profile picture of the author mariahm
    Congratulations !!! And happy new year to everyone. I have learned so much from being on this forum over the past year. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author craigc1980
    Great Job on your first sale.

    I remember my first sale and boy was i stoked

    It was only $5 but who cares it was a sale i earned.

    Anyway keep your drive and your focus and you will bring in tons more sales

    Good Luck

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  • Profile picture of the author Fairlady
    Congrats. Keep up the good work.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Awesome stuff, nice work.

    I celebrated new years at the local pub. I ended up spending $55 - but actually made $107 during that time so it really was a happy new year

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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