7 replies
I was just sitting here thinking about which new phone to buy tomorrow. I am caught between an I phone or Blackberry. I know this is totally off the subject of IM . Which one would you choose
  • Profile picture of the author George Wright

    Droid, hands down.

    In a sense it's On Topic because if you choose the right phone you can actually use it for Internet Marketing.

    I download files and FTP them to my site with my droid. I've actually stocked my membership site with it.

    You can write articles, pay for purchases with PayPal and launch a WSO, on and on.

    My goal for this year is to develop and market one product solely on my Droid.

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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    • Profile picture of the author Mr.Williamstn
      which droid the eris or the other one( i forgot the name) now you add another phone idea into the equation thanks George!!! Ill be up all night lol!!
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright

    I have the HTC Droid Eris, my service is Verizon. The apps that are free are awesome. I only paid for one app so far and that is speech to text. it's nowhere near Dragon Naturally Speaking but it does beat typing on the phone a lot of times. Plus the keyboard that comes with the text to speech app is better than the regular keyboard. The app was only .99 (99 cents)

    There is an FTP app that actually resumes broken uploads. Signs you right into your host account and uploads. There is a site builder but I haven't used it yet. (html editor that is)

    I read the Warrior Forum and post with it. Check all my gmail accounts. I could go on for an hour about it.

    George Wright, P.S. I almost forgot, I make phone calls with it.
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author krharper
    Love my iPhone (well, actually its my 3rd iPhone as I've felt the need to upgrade with each new iteration). There are some great apps useful for IM and apple interface can't be beat.

    Join me in learning to live an Extraordinary Life:

    (Nothing to sell here, just great ideas for an Extraordinary Life)
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  • Profile picture of the author blackcat123
    I prefer Iphone to Blackberry. It has some nice features and nice look as well.

    Yet To Come....

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    • Profile picture of the author Mr.Williamstn
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    George, once again you've illuminated how useful a phone with an open operating system (Android) is. With all the tools and software available via the Android store, it's literally a mini computer with tons of free (or very cheap) applications at your disposal. The software developers have so much freedom to take advantage of any Android phone's capabilities since it is open source, unlike with closed systems like the iPhone OS, where Apple takes such a draconian approach towards restrictions and the type of software that they allow on the App Store.
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