How Do You Put A Website Address on a Youtube video before upload?

5 replies
I realize this is probably basic but how do you get the website address (www.) wording on the video before it's uploaded?-- A watermark also-- Is a watermark really necessary? That seems more complicated. There must be an easier way. Thank you.
#address #put #upload #video #website #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author flobaby
    It's called adding a title - super valuable for branding. I use Adobe Premiere. Microsoft MovieMaker (free if you have Windows) does it too, but it's not close enough to the bottom of the screen for my tastes. Does the job, though. You import your video, then make a static title that lasts as long as the video. Graphically, it's nice to add some transparency, too, so the video shows through and it's not so "in your face" to the viewer.
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    • Profile picture of the author newcash101
      You can use Sony Vegas and import your video, then place your titled watermark (words or image) over the video. You can move the watermark wherever you choose. Then save and go back and remove the video and just save the watermark as a file by itself so you can place several videos and use the same watermark.
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  • Profile picture of the author QuackWare
    I use Camtasia and it has a title feature where you can add some information and a link before the video. You can also add a special text or picture watermark in the actual video.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      You'd be extremely silly to underestimate the purpose and reason behind the importance of a watermark.

      It is the one thing that no matter what point your video is at, your web address will be there.

      If someone steals your content and tries to just copy it, they will need to work harder to crop out a watermark.

      The watermark alone can display throughout the entire video, and no matter what website the video winds up on, there will be a reference back to your site.

      If you go through all that trouble to make a video, laying a slide over the top with a watermark is really no extra work at all.

      It can take just a moment in photoshop to create. Or ask someone to do it - should be just a couple bucks for a png slide.

      Either that or put a title at the top or bottom for the entire video.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author FriendlyRob
    Camtasia works pretty good for that sort of thing, a little expensive though.

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