by Ghetto
35 replies
One of their customer service reps told me that in order to rank high on Google with your website, you will have to purchase seperate hosting for each website...

Now I have been following Google Sniper and I've built dozens and dozens of sites all ranking high on Google then suddenly wah bam, they drop off all the listings.

Why is this?

Is it true what GoDaddy told me??
#godaddy #lied
  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    If true, I have never ever heard anything like that in my life. But, what do I know?

    At first glance, just sounds like they want to sell you their expensive hosting compared to other hosting providers. Sounds like pure BS, to me.
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    • Profile picture of the author JaySchmidt
      Google probably knows that your various websites all belong to you, no matter if they're hosted on the same account or not. Supposedly, Google has access to the registration information for your domain names.

      In short, either what the customer service rep told you was illogical, or you misunderstood him/her.
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      • Profile picture of the author khtm
        Unless you use domain privacy with your registrar

        I do for the majority of my sites.

        Originally Posted by JaySchmidt View Post

        Supposedly, Google has access to the registration information for your domain names.
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  • What you wrote actually makes little sense.

    All sites with unique domain names require "Seperate Hosting"... unless you plant them on a subdomain.

    If you use a host like HostGator you can have "add on" domains but that is still separate hosting on a shared IP.

    Google does't really penalize sites because they are on a shared IP unless things really go south and they have a representative actually block that IP address. This almost never happens as Google is just software.

    They have no real incentive to block IP's from Commercial Shared hosts.

    If your sites tanked it's not because of shared hosting unless you were caught spamming and caught the attention of one of their people.
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  • Profile picture of the author khtm
    That's 100% a lie.

    Another reason why GoDaddy fails.
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  • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
    Originally Posted by Ghetto View Post

    One of their customer service reps told me that in order to rank high on Google with your website, you will have to purchase seperate hosting for each website...
    Sounds like somebody is trying to sell you something...
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    And you are surprised ??? Godaddy built their business on this ..

    Fact is you do not need no different ip's, you do not need different hosting, you certainly do not need add-on domains (that is not very smart at all, someone hacks one domain they have access to all)...

    Get a reseller account for a measly $24 a month and create a 1,000 sites all on the same IP and you can rank just the same and just as good...

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  • Profile picture of the author Ghetto
    Thanks for all the replies guys, I guess they were just trying to get me to buy more
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    • Profile picture of the author Buy Playstation
      Would someone as well known as Godaddy attempt such a dangerous strategy.I would think word would get around and damage there business.But hey were talking about it here so maybe its started already.
      Surprising news to me.
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      • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
        Originally Posted by Buy Playstation View Post

        Would someone as well known as Godaddy attempt such a dangerous strategy.I would think word would get around and damage there business.But hey were talking about it here so maybe its started already.
        Surprising news to me.
        Do a google search, you will find out just how unethical godady really is .. They have taken domain names, lied to customers, over-billed and never refunded, made sales promises of servers being up to date when in fact they was out of date by 5 years or more, and etc ... The list goes on and on ..

        Personally I will stay with hostgator, I pay for 2 dedicated servers and have done so almost ever since hostgator been in business. I have not once had a problem in these 6+ years...

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      • Profile picture of the author AffiliateJ
        Originally Posted by Buy Playstation View Post

        Would someone as well known as Godaddy attempt such a dangerous strategy.I would think word would get around and damage there business.But hey were talking about it here so maybe its started already.
        Surprising news to me.
        You can't call the word of an individual employee the words of 'Godaddy'. It's different if they sent it to you in writing but on the phone a salesperson will say anything to get you to buy.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Morgan
      Nobody truly knows how the Google algorithm works except Google engineers. Period.

      That being said I have seen cases where all the interlinking sites are on one IP and didnt get ranked well. That's generally the case, and I've seen from tests that it has some effect most of the time. However I have seen it work for other sites as well, so the results in my mind are inconclusive.

      The bottom line in my opinion is just the godaddy rep trying to get more sales. Vary the IPs if you can, but don't waste a lot of money on it.
      Jeremy Morgan, Software Developer / SEO
      Learn AI Powered Content Creation
      at Prompt and Prosper
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  • Profile picture of the author DogScout
    in order to have a different IP with them, you would need separate hosting as they will only issue one dedicated IP per account. As to whether sites that do not share an IP with any other site will rank them better is an ongoing argument. (of course we know where James stands on this issue, and so far I have yet to have personally been able to prove him wrong).

    I have seen plenty of tuts created on how to separate IPs on dedicated servers for just that reason, yet plenty of shared IP site's pages are # 1 for keywords. It may (or may not) be a part of Google's algorithm, but I'd be willing to bet it is a small one.)

    Now if you are back-linking from each of your sites to the others, having different IPs would be almost necessary. Google does not penalize for poor back-linking methods, but tends to ignore any from the same IP or IP group. (At least they never list nay of the ones I do from similar IPs).

    ***As a further note, if you are hosted on a server using a NAT firewall, it makes no difference to try to break them into different sites or not as the NAT firewall will present all sites on the server as having the same IP. (each site has a unique internal IP, but the NAT firewall merges them into one).As soon as v6 is in full swing, NAT firewalls will probably go away as the whole reason they were designed in the 1st place was to extend v4's shelf life.***

    Anyway, he probably just left out the whole story, very typical of GoDaddy CSRs. They appear to be very poorly trained and every conversation with them, always had me explaining to them certain aspects of how things worked before they could even figure out what the Go Daddy position on it was.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Godaddy has the worst hosting I've ever seen anywhere, bar none. I imagine they have to lie to sell that crap. No, it isn't true.
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  • Profile picture of the author DogScout
    I was looking at their DSs. Pretty inexpensive and full support? Hostgator i mean.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Hostgator support is awesome. Going with the right hosting service is so important. I have two Hostgator accts and one from another company. I was very happy with Hostgator and also happy with the other company until last night. One of my brand new blogs that I have put up for sale completely disappeared. Not corrupt or hacked ... just gone. All files gone. Then they did a restore on all my domains to restore that one site. That screwed up everything since their restore was older than most of my sites, so I had a lot of fixing to do to get everything back to normal. Fortunately, I have database backups made of everything. I won't mention the name of the company. This is the only time they have made me unhappy and I'm chalking it up to a big glitch. Hopefully it won't be repeated.
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    • Profile picture of the author KenJ
      Well done Ghetto for doing your due diligence and not taking everything at face value.

      If others did this there would be far fewer problems.

      For the record, I do not use either of the hosting companies mentioned in this thread. I also have done some due diligence and have found more expensive but IMHO more reliable hosting companies.

      But you have to follow what your business needs and find the most suitable set up for you

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    • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Morgan
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      Hostgator support is awesome. Going with the right hosting service is so important. I have two Hostgator accts and one from another company. I was very happy with Hostgator and also happy with the other company until last night. One of my brand new blogs that I have put up for sale completely disappeared. Not corrupt or hacked ... just gone. All files gone. Then they did a restore on all my domains to restore that one site. That screwed up everything since their restore was older than most of my sites, so I had a lot of fixing to do to get everything back to normal. Fortunately, I have database backups made of everything. I won't mention the name of the company. This is the only time they have made me unhappy and I'm chalking it up to a big glitch. Hopefully it won't be repeated.

      I have to agree, I've been using Hostgator for a couple years now, and even their "baby croc" accounts are really nice, and the support is great. I have nothing but good things to say about them.

      Godaddy on the other hand, not so much.
      Jeremy Morgan, Software Developer / SEO
      Learn AI Powered Content Creation
      at Prompt and Prosper
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      • Profile picture of the author whereizzi
        Separate hosting for each site isn't necessary for strong Google ranking. But if you're getting into advanced or extreme SEO strategies, it can be helpful to use dedicated hosting on separate IP's.

        However, for the majority of standard-issue webhosts out there, your site's going to end up on a shared-hosting server unless you specifiy ... and pay for... the extra-cost service of a dedicated server.

        From the sound of your original post, it seems like they were suggesting buying a different hosting account for every site. That's rarely necessary. And even if you went ahead with that using the same supplier (e.g. GoDaddy), you'd still end up on their shared hosting.

        Sounds like the sales rep was trying to earn a bonus this month.
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    Godaddy has the worst hosting I've ever seen anywhere, bar none. I imagine they have to lie to sell that crap.
    LOL - aint that the truth!

    What I hate about them is that it takes so damn long to set anything up, I mean who wants to wait an hour for their subomain to "take effect" and then another hour for their wordpress blog to "take effect"?

    I like hostgator myself - been with them for 5 years and never a problem.
    Gone Fishing
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  • Profile picture of the author Mili_D
    I think it is just the case of knowing when to stop pulling out that credit card and ending up with a dozen packages! It not the case that you have been speech again into buying another package but some time it best to take a step back and realizing the true of when to stop, I know a lot of people who have said mix things about godaddy but I think we all have our own experience and opinions on godaddy. Far as I am concerned I have not yet need to use godaddy so I can't really tell you what I think about them and how good the service is.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    I don't know why anyone uses GoDaddy. The horror stories are practically legendary.

    Bluehost is another quality host. A lot of hosts make extra IP addresses available, for a small fee, of course.

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
    If you use different hosts, you can link them to each other for link juice which helps but if they are all on the same IP it can hurt.
    Screw You, NameCheap!
    $1 Off NameSilo Domain Coupons:

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  • Profile picture of the author Troy_Phillips
    Go Daddy is a better upsale artist than web host .

    They take "do you want fries with that" to the extreme.

    You really don't think they are giving $0.99 dot info's out without something to roll out on the back end .

    Sure wish Mark Martin Had passed on the paint job :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author Ash R
    GoDaddy.... where do I start? I've had serious problems with them, and transferred to Hostgator before my contract was near expiring. I didn't mind leaving money on the table, it was totally worth it to leave GoDaddy. I had some pretty serious issues with them, ranging from taking ages to install wordpress (like cashcow's mentioned), to not getting sites indexed.
    A lot of my sites weren't indexed for 20 days - the instant I switched over to Hostgator, they got indexed. Google Bot had crawled them earlier... something was going on from GoDaddy's side. That's been one of my most frustrating experiences.
    GoDaddy can go .... you know
    Don't sweat the small stuff :)
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    • Profile picture of the author netprot
      In my personal experience (so caveat emptor, of course), Go Daddy are great for domain deals (if you stay on top of renewals etc - that's important, they will screw you if let things slide), suck pretty hard at hosting, and are waaay too liberal with coupon codes, giving them out to pimp business when times are hard:

      EMMA9 = .com domains for $7.49 each (new & renewal)
      EMMA3 = .com domains for $7.49 each (new & renewal)
      EMMA35 = .com domains for £3.50 each
      EMMA30 = 30% discount on .com domains
      EMMA25 = 25% reduction on your order of $100+
      EMMA8 = 20% off your order of $50+
      EMMA7 = 10% discount on non-sale items (no minimum)
      EMMA20H = 20% hosting discount (1,2 or 3 year plans)
      EMMASSL = $12.99 SSL certificates

      Bear in mind they process 1 million+ transactions every seven days, so either their margins are super high, or they're going to get bankrupted if everyone wises up and starts knocking 10-30% off every single transaction.

      Which would be bad, right? I mean, bankrupting GoDaddy, that's not a smart idea. No, sirs.
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      • Profile picture of the author seasoned
        Originally Posted by netprot View Post

        In my personal experience (so caveat emptor, of course), Go Daddy are great for domain deals (if you stay on top of renewals etc - that's important, they will screw you if let things slide), suck pretty hard at hosting, and are waaay too liberal with coupon codes, giving them out to pimp business when times are hard:

        EMMA9 = .com domains for $7.49 each (new & renewal)
        EMMA3 = .com domains for $7.49 each (new & renewal)
        EMMA35 = .com domains for £3.50 each
        EMMA30 = 30% discount on .com domains
        EMMA25 = 25% reduction on your order of $100+
        EMMA8 = 20% off your order of $50+
        EMMA7 = 10% discount on non-sale items (no minimum)
        EMMA20H = 20% hosting discount (1,2 or 3 year plans)
        EMMASSL = $12.99 SSL certificates

        Bear in mind they process 1 million+ transactions every seven days, so either their margins are super high, or they're going to get bankrupted if everyone wises up and starts knocking 10-30% off every single transaction.

        Which would be bad, right? I mean, bankrupting GoDaddy, that's not a smart idea. No, sirs.
        WHOA, who's EMMA!?!?

        From what I understand, their margins on domain names are not that high(as a percentage though, I guess 25% is nothing to sneeze at! And that is WITH the EMMA9/EMMA30 level discounts. Without the discounts for .com today, it is about 78% for a renewal). But MAN do they try to make it difficult to buy ONLY a domain name. The SSL certificates COULD cost as little as NOTHING, so the 12.99 is ALL profit! Hosting isn't THAT cheap and, if you have overages, it can be EXPENSIVE! Again, LOT'S of profit! And we KNOW the private registration is all profit! SO, if I am right about their pricing and costs....

        EMMA9, EMMA3=$1.49 profit
        EMMA35=$1.21 LOSS(The pound has PLUMMETED! UNREAL!)
        EMMA30= $1.48 profit OR, if you can get it on top of todays special new name only $1.11 LOSS(they have low prices today)
        EMMA20H= potentially effectively all profit
        EMMASSL= potentially effectively all profit

        Even with WWD, they set a FLOOR, have a BASE profit, and share profit over that, so resellers really don't bite into their margin.

        Of course, their advertising budget is probably far higher than the closest top 10 domain name companies COMBINED! It may even be higher than every other ICANN register combined. I mean just look at TV!

        BTW there is NO reliable way for google to determine that all sites going to a single IP are owned by you! There is NO reliable way to determine that different IPs aren't going to different systems. So what that guy said is WRONG!

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  • Profile picture of the author Pacman131
    I don't believe that and a rep from Go Daddy sure doesn't know because he or she doesn't know anything about Google's algorithym. No one knows except for high ups in Google. I'm so sick of everybody claims about bans, sandbox, slapped, duplicate content, so on and so on.
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  • Profile picture of the author scrofford
    Originally Posted by Ghetto View Post

    One of their customer service reps told me that in order to rank high on Google with your website, you will have to purchase seperate hosting for each website...

    Now I have been following Google Sniper and I've built dozens and dozens of sites all ranking high on Google then suddenly wah bam, they drop off all the listings.

    Why is this?

    Is it true what GoDaddy told me??
    They fed you a load of crap. This is the farthest thing from the truth and it sounds like they are just trying to sell you more hosting. Go with Host Gator!
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  • Profile picture of the author digigo
    there is some truth in that statement.. also it is not wise to put all eggs in one basket.. then it is good for GoDaddy too.. they can sell more...
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  • Profile picture of the author ttippmann
    Godaddy hosting isn't that good. Move to HostGator especially if you are using Wordpress, Plugins, and Scripts
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  • Profile picture of the author fredjr1978
    Originally Posted by Ghetto View Post

    One of their customer service reps told me that in order to rank high on Google with your website, you will have to purchase seperate hosting for each website...

    Now I have been following Google Sniper and I've built dozens and dozens of sites all ranking high on Google then suddenly wah bam, they drop off all the listings.

    Why is this?

    Is it true what GoDaddy told me??
    Wow, I am really hopping that you just misunderstood what they told you! There is no reason to have separate hosting for each domain name, unless for some strange reason the hosting service you have does not allow other domain names or only has enough space for one domain names activity. Either way, hosting has nothing to do with your ranking on Google. Also, I would never get hosting through GoDaddy, they offer it, but are only good at domains. Get your hosting from a host like HostGator, BlueHost or ASmallOrange if you are a very tight budget. All of these hosts allow you to have several if not hundreds of domains on one host.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Hooper
    Hopefully you have it in writing .... demand a refund
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