Are Affiliates Really Destroying Your Google Business.
So i came across a really cool video today and i found it very interesting.
Whats so interesting about it was, it all makes so much sense.
The video was talking about how google strives to keep fresh content available at all times.
I mean that is google's sole purpose is to provide that fresh content not just on the organic listing but also on the pay per click listings also.
So whats happening is say you have a new company that just blew up and the company is starting to really grow.
Well then next thing you know you have tons of other links pointing to your now growing business.
So what happened is google decided that they just were not doing a good enough job keeping the content fresh.
I mean they were seeing 3-5 different ads on the same page pointing to the same site from the same advertiser.
So basically there saying that these affiliate advertisers are hurting these core advertisers who are bidding on the same position.
So basically what thats doing is raising up the prices for these business owners, not just that but the affiliates are taking alot of their traffic that they could be getting.
Plus it is lowering the quality of the results that Google could display.
So basically what google is doing now is looking for duplicate content and lowering the quality score.
So you know as well as i do that the lower the quality score the less traffic.
Not even that but google decided to not even accept some of these ads especially if there has been numerous submissions.
So what google is doing is making sure that those ads that you see on the first page of google are not duplicate ads and making sure that they are all different advertisers.
I dont know if you have seen what has been going on but i thought i would share this with you guys.
If you would like the link to the video just send me a PM.
I dont want to post the link here in the forum.