WP Issue... Huge Blank Space?

5 replies
Hey Everyone,

I've hosted around 30 wordpress blogs and I'm having trouble for the first time.

On every page I publish, there seems to be a huge white space in the middle of my content. It's in a random spot on the page each time I open it and it's on all pages. So instead of writing a paragraph like I have done so here. I've also tried multiple themes to find the same problem.

It breaks

it apart like this.

Anyone had this problem before?
#blank #huge #issue #space
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Is it there even when you switch to te default theme?

    (The ABC of troubleshooting: deactivate plugins; switch to the default theme...)

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    • Profile picture of the author jjpmarketing
      Most likely an advertising type of plugin trying to inject ad blocks at random into your posts. Do like Istvan said and start de-activating plugins one by one, but I would start with any post related plugins.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mohamed_Mnafeg
    First deactivate all your plugin one after one
    Refresh the page you are browsing and watch the page source code.

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  • Profile picture of the author ozduc
    Originally Posted by reynoldscorb View Post

    Hey Everyone,

    I've hosted around 30 wordpress blogs and I'm having trouble for the first time.

    On every page I publish, there seems to be a huge white space in the middle of my content. It's in a random spot on the page each time I open it and it's on all pages. So instead of writing a paragraph like I have done so here. I've also tried multiple themes to find the same problem.

    It breaks

    it apart like this.

    Anyone had this problem before?
    Yes I had that problem once, turned out to be that I had installed the All in one Google adsene plug in but had not set it up yet. It was activated and the default number of ads to show was 3 but I hadn't input my adsense code and other data yet. I just changed the default number of ads setting to 0 and that fixed it.
    An easy way to see if that is the problem is to right click on the blank area on your site and click properties. That should show you what is supposed to be there.
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  • Profile picture of the author reynoldscorb
    You guys were all right! It was the adsense widget. Thanks a lot!
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