Local Company Charging Customers $6500 For Google Map Listing
This is the shadiest freaking thing I've ever heard of, as it literally takes less than 10 minutes to do. Don't get me wrong, I respect people getting theirs, but come on, that is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. When she stopped paying the $200 for hosting, they disabled the Google Maps listing. That is dishonest especially after she paid that ridiculous amount of money on top of the $200 a month in hosting.
Luckily for me, I'm now in charge of her internet endeavors and probably her wealthy friends. Warriors, today I landed one hell of a client. And if her paying $6500 for a google maps listing is any indicator, I'm going to make some money. But I will be honest and give her reasonable price despite how deep her pockets may be.
Thought I would share this with you guys to show you what's possible if you put yourself out there with local businesses. All it took was a trip to the tanning salon with my girlfriend to meet this client. And it could be a very fruitful endeavor for me.
- Jacob
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