Questions about Article Marketing with your own site rather than ezinearticles, etc

16 replies
After working here at my new job for over a month and finally handling most of my expenses, I've finally saved up a decent budget to get back into my IM ventures.

I've decided to take the advice I've read here on posting articles to my own site first and then ezinearticles, etc. I know with the right SEO, I can even outrank ezine and just use them as backlink juice.

Here are my questions:

1. Since the majority of my keywords already have domains using the full keyword, should I still go for one and just add another word to the end of it? For example, if "" is taken, should I just go for ""? Golf isn't my niche, by the way.

2. I know how to install and use wordpress, so would a normal wordpress site look good enough? I can easily make it look better, but I want it to look appealing and trustworthy.

3. Is it a good idea to post articles with different keywords other than the keywords in your domain/title tag/etc? If I had "", should I post articles about "cheap golf balls"?

4. I know ezine only allows about 4% keyword density. With my own domain, I obviously wouldn't have this restriction, but what would be a good keyword density for each of my articles to get indexed?

5. When making backlinks, should I backlink the article urls on my site themselves or just the domain itself? Should I backlink "" or ""?

Any other advice would be much appreciated. I vow to make my first dollar before the year's end.

#article #ezinearticles #marketing #questions #site
  • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
    Originally Posted by rmolina88 View Post

    1. Since the majority of my keywords already have domains using the full keyword, should I still go for one and just add another word to the end of it? For example, if "" is taken, should I just go for ""? Golf isn't my niche, by the way. Sure, you can do that. Or you can add a hyphen in the mix.

    2. I know how to install and use wordpress, so would a normal wordpress site look good enough? I can easily make it look better, but I want it to look appealing and trustworthy. Wordpress is just fine. There are tons of great themes and plug-ins to make it look just the way you want.

    3. Is it a good idea to post articles with different keywords other than the keywords in your domain/title tag/etc? If I had "", should I post articles about "cheap golf balls"? Of course. You could write about the best cheap golf balls or anything related to golfballs. You aren't going to write tons of articles on the exact same keyword. Or at least, most people wouldn't.

    4. I know ezine only allows about 4% keyword density. With my own domain, I obviously wouldn't have this restriction, but what would be a good keyword density for each of my articles to get indexed? EZA allows no more than 2% and that includes the resource box. I recommend 1% to 1 1/2% in the article.

    5. When making backlinks, should I backlink the article urls on my site themselves or just the domain itself? Should I backlink "" or ""? Both. Mix up your anchor text and the backlinks.

    Any other advice would be much appreciated. I vow to make my first dollar before the year's end.

    Good luck to you!
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  • Profile picture of the author magnates
    You can use ezinearticles but i can suggest a better approach . eziearticles used to great few years ago but a better way to get the exposure you need is to find popular websites in your niche that accept guest bloggers and then send your articles to them .they already have the targeted visitors that you are looking for . also,
    apart from reaching a very targeted audience, you can build relationships with the owner . Who knows , they might joint venture in the future
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    • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
      Originally Posted by magnates View Post

      You can use ezinearticles but i can suggest a better approach . eziearticles used to great few years ago but a better way to get the exposure you need is to find popular websites in your niche that accept guest bloggers and then send your articles to them .they already have the targeted visitors that you are looking for . also,
      apart from reaching a very targeted audience, you can build relationships with the owner . Who knows , they might joint venture in the future
      Yeah, I was taught the Keywords-Articles-Ezinearticles-backlinks method, but have only seen mediocre results since my articles kept fluctuating between pages 1-5-the abyss on google.

      Then I was taught that you can actually outrank ezine and not feed their pockets if I focused more on my own site.
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      • Profile picture of the author leclaims
        So do you then write other articles and submit them to article directories in order to get backlinks to the articles you wrote for your own site?!! Or do you use other backlinking methods.
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    Big thanks! I'm definitely going to get my domain soon after I look at my keyword list some more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anne99
    magnates - that's very useful information!
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  • Profile picture of the author Margo Tuul
    You can use numbers in your URL. If "" is taken, try "".

    If you think using long tail keyword in your domain (lets say your main keyword is long tail one). Then is this domain good "" ...i mean seriously .

    If you use blog, keep domain name short, but highly targeted. Like dogtraining. Then you use your main keyword as post title, and you use permalinks, to get this into your URL. So it will be "".

    Keyword density. Thats history. Google changed that long time ago, and they don't really care about it. They want LSI keywords + other relevant keywords. You need to write your post or article naturally. They can see if your 1 keyword is with much higher density than others...and thats not natural.

    Hope this helps


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  • Profile picture of the author NicoleBeckett
    Tina's given you some great advice.

    As far as the keyword density goes, yes, you need a keyword density; that's how the spiders know what you're trying to rank for. However, there is not really a "set" density that you should aim for. It all depends on how naturally your keywords flow in your content. Some keywords lend themselves nicely to a 2% density; others can only look natural at a density of 1%. Your best bet is to simply read your content; if it doesn't sound natural to you, it won't sound natural to your readers or to the search engines.

    And, once you do get the ball rolling, don't just focus on EZA. There are plenty of good article directories out there that have good traffic and authority. In fact, here is a list of the top 50 article directories, as sorted by page rank and traffic. Try out a bunch of the top sites, and see which ones give you the best results.
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  • Profile picture of the author Margo Tuul
    I have got very good results without checking ANY keyword density. I use my main keyword 3 times per article. Start, middle, and at the end. That's it. Then LSI keywords.

    Main keyword density might be 1%. Maybe

    But Nicole said well "if it doesn't sound right to you...its not right to the search engines"

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    • Profile picture of the author magnates
      rmolina88, i wish you the best of success .

      you can rank my choosing carefully selected keywords in your domain name .

      especially if you choose keywords in your domain is relevant to what buyers type when they have a credit credit card in their hand .

      Ranking in the search engines is good and it is free however it is a mid term strategy .

      It can take 2-3 months before you start to see any money

      If you are like me , you want the money yesterday ! You don't want to have to spend 3 months on SEO to find out the keywords you tried to rank for was not a buyer keyword.

      there is some good news

      there are ways to make money in a month or less

      The fastest way to make money is to TEAM UP with people that have the TRAFFIC in your niche .

      there are always people before you in a viable market .Learn to work with them .they would save you time, HELP YOU BUILD YOUR LIST and get you sales quicker

      Don't get me wrong . I am not saying you should stop doing SEO . You need as many ways to get traffic as possible . SEO is free and a nice addition

      if you really one method alone for example SEO , what would happen if google change their algorithm again . Have many ways to make sales . So , again SEO is good and i encourage you to do it. every traffic method has its strengths and weaknesses. So , learn on traffic method and then master it ! You know that you have mastered it when you keep making money in diffrent niches
      You can do the traffic work yourself or you can work with people who already have traffic , or subscribers and get them to SEND YOU traffic . Let them do the traffic work for you while you pick up the cheque .Ofcourse , you must make them money in the process as well so that everybody is happy

      so , why would someone who already has the traffic work with you ?

      some people just don't understand the value of the traffic they have or don't know how to monetise it

      Let me give you an example of teaming up with powwerful traffic sites . Youtube is the 3rd most traffic website at the time of this writing and if you team up with people on youtube with traffic ( youtube owners that have 100,000 views or more ) .these people have traffic because people have to watch the video to be counted as a view . Ask them to put your link in the video description in exchange for a percentage or an amount to include for a month. Whatever you are comfortable with

      the fastest way to get traffic is to team up with people that have traffic

      How else can you team up with people today ?

      hope that helped in some way
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  • Profile picture of the author Igor Kheifets
    1. You should probably get as close as possible to having
    your keyword in the domain name. Try to avoid hyphens,
    they aren't going to do you any good in SEO.

    2. Wordpress is perfect for affiliate sites and frankly
    any kind of IM site. Go with it, install a cool looking
    theme and you're all set.

    Besides, in SEO terms, fresh wordpress blog can outrank
    even So that's another reason to stick with WP.

    3. YES!

    4. Never focused on this stuff, and never had problems with that either..

    So, can't advise anything here, sorry.

    5. You should always try to do as much deep linking
    as possible. Meaning always link from home page to other
    articles and the other way around.

    If you want a particular article to rank high, then
    link straight to it, if you don't really care for it, and
    created it just for content purposes, link to the home page.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mangozoom
    I definitely think the answer is a mixture of things, however article marketing with Ezine Articles is very powerful still and definitely worth going after.

    Good on site SEO is important as well.

    Hope it all goes well

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  • Profile picture of the author danaprince
    I'd say that yes, Wordpress can be great. It's interactive, great for SEO, and there are loads of really great free templates out there.

    I'd suggest you change your permalink structure so it uses the post name instead of you're getting Then your urls will be even more optimized.

    I'd choose plenty of keywords to optimize for. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on density, either. Yes, go for at least 1% but think about where you're putting your keywords. I'd suggest:

    -First paragraph,
    -Last paragraph,

    I'd look up LSI / related keywords as well and work them in but don't kill the reader's experience by stuffing. And, I'd add a link to another post from each post (Keep your reader on the site longer). Also, add an image to each post and use a keyword to name each of your images.

    Yes, optimize your blog but do linking to it as well through article marketing, through social bookmarking, etc.

    Good luck!

    Dana Prince - The SEO Writer~ Helping You Optimize Your Online Business

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  • Profile picture of the author danaprince
    P.S: I'd also suggest linking to both your home page and each page. If you drive links to every page /new post on your blog, that could help substantially!

    Dana Prince - The SEO Writer~ Helping You Optimize Your Online Business

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  • Profile picture of the author petevamp
    1. Since the majority of my keywords already have domains using the full keyword, should I still go for one and just add another word to the end of it? For example, if "" is taken, should I just go for ""? Golf isn't my niche, by the way.
    Sometimes you can simply add a single letter to the domain and not hurt any of the seo for that domain. One of my favorites to do is add a zz to the end or an e to the front. However keep in mind many of the keyword domains are being dropped almost every day. Also there are still plenty of them to choose from. It is just a matter of finding them it can get rather tiresum trying to find keyword rich domains though.

    2. I know how to install and use wordpress, so would a normal wordpress site look good enough? I can easily make it look better, but I want it to look appealing and trustworthy.
    Wordpress is one of the most versitile cms out there. If you know how to use wordpress then yes wordpress is all you need. Since you can modify much of the themes just by adding your own look to an already functional theme.

    3. Is it a good idea to post articles with different keywords other than the keywords in your domain/title tag/etc? If I had "", should I post articles about "cheap golf balls"?
    It really depends upon how targeted you want to get with the audiance you are trying to target. If you are only going to be selling them golf balls and not golf clubs or giving them good spots to go play some golf then there is no need to get to crazy. However I have foud it is much better to offer them a variaty of things with in that niche other then just one thing. Also if you are going to be promoting click bank products you can also try to find physical products to offer them as well. This would give you a second income stream by combining them on blogs. One post I would right about a info product found on clickbank and another I would add a similar physical product from amazon.

    4. I know ezine only allows about 4% keyword density. With my own domain, I obviously wouldn't have this restriction, but what would be a good keyword density for each of my articles to get indexed?
    Actually if it is a two or more keyword phrase you are only allowed less then 2% on ezine. Anywhere from 2-5% is more then enough when it comes to keyword density. Your whole concern shouldnt be on keyword density but making the content as readable and understanding as possible. Put your self if your readers shoes first. Keep in mind you can always increase your keyword density as well by simply adding pictures and videos to your post. Which you can not do on ezine.

    5. When making backlinks, should I backlink the article urls on my site themselves or just the domain itself? Should I backlink "" or ""?
    Deep linking is always a good idea. Your first prioty is getting your domain to start ranking for your main keyword term. Once you have that main term and are where you would like to be then you can start linking the other pages on your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author BlogBoom
    We try to keep kw density around 1%. And truthfully that's what sounds the most natural anyway.

    I always recommend feeding your own site before Ezine, GoArticles or others. Those are great sites for link juice and some traffic but should only be a small part of your business plan. They're just one component.

    Keep feeding the search engines daily with tons of new content and interlink your content. Just remember every new post on your site is a new path to your site. The more paths the more traffic. That's the best way to become an authority site and from there it's gravy. Backlinks come naturally from your own site's readers. It's worked for me time and time again. If you're still concerned about backlinks, outsource it so you can be spending your time doing better things.
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