Are You as Productive as You'd Like to be? (Plus, how I got rid of information overload)
Whether you are a full-time IM or not, your IM work is almost certainly un-supervised. Even worse, it's often un-supervised as well as not encouraged by those around you, but that's a whole different story.
You are solely responsible for being productive and getting things done for your online business and I know that this is something that can be very difficult to deal with.
So, I was wondering: If you have trouble with being productive, what do you think the main cause of this is? I came up with four possibilities:
1. Good old info-overload. There's just so much to learn and there's always something new and exciting just around the corner. It can be really difficult to focus in an environment like this.
2. Lack of a plan. If you don't have a clear idea of where you're headed, it's impossible to find the quickest way to get there.
3. Idle distractions, of which there are plenty, online. Stuff like checking your stats, chatting on skype, hanging out on facebook and twitter, hanging out in forums... you could do nothing else all day and you'd still not be up to all of the days news and gossip! So tempting...
4. Lack of motivation. Sometimes you know exactly what you'd need to do, but you just don't want to. I know I've often felt that way about link-building chores...
5. You don't have any of these problems and are a productivity machine. In which case: Please share how you do it!
Please answer the poll above and share your own thoughts and experiences.
Here's what helped me most:
Personally, I used to struggle a lot with information overload and "hopping from one thing to the next" syndrome.
Now, I'm happy with my productivity most days. The biggest shift came for me when I sat down, took a long look at my abilities and preferences and made a conscious decision to narrow my focus down. Mainly, I decided I was going to invest more time and energy into creating products, because that's something I enjoy doing and I know it works for me.
I also decided to concentrate on SEO for traffic generation and forget about all the rest. No PPC, no social media, nothing else. I kept my focus squarely on SEO for several months and it paid off.
In short: I made a clear decision about what "my thing" was going to be and also made the decision to ignore everything else.
This worked so well for me, I'm not at a point where I'm considering narrowing down my focus even more and eliminating more points from my to-do list.
Please answer the poll above and share your own thoughts and experiences. Hopefully, we can turn this into a useful, information-packed thread!
Would love to hear your take on this!
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