DON'T install Explorer 9!!!!

56 replies
I made the mistake of installing Explorer 9 (I have OS Windows 7) and it's a disaster in every respect - it takes up unnecessary cache memory, it doesn't show most webpages in a readable way etc.
If you installed Explorer 9 and regret it, here is how to uninstall it:

To uninstall Internet Explorer
The following instructions apply to both Windows 7 and Windows Vista.
1. Click the Start button , type Programs and Features in the search box, and then click View installed updates in the left pane.
2. Under Uninstall an update, scroll down to the Microsoft Windows section.
3. Right-click Windows Internet Explorer 9, click Uninstall, and then, when prompted, click Yes.
4. Click one of the following:
• Restart now (to finish the process of uninstalling Internet Explorer 9, and restore the previous version of Internet Explorer).
• Restart later (to wait until you shut down or restart your computer).

After you uninstall Internet Explorer 9 Beta, the previously installed version of Internet Explorer will be available on your computer. It is not necessary to reinstall.

I just uninstalled it and now everything is fine, Thank God!
#explorer #install
  • Profile picture of the author Hydroxide
    Thats why I never use IE. Firefox for my fast SEO stuff (thanks to the cool plugins) and Chrome for normal browsing.
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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    I'm not surprised at all. That's why I am sticking to Firefox. Don't you all Love Firefox?

    Take care,

    Bernard St-Pierre
    Marketing Consultant
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Maggs
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    • Profile picture of the author HigherPrThanGod
      Originally Posted by moonfish View Post

      I rarely use IE, I switched to Firefox a few years ago because it was quicker, but now Firefox too is a process hog. I use Chrome these's the best browser in my opinion.
      Chrome is the fastest because it doesn't do anything. lol.. firefox has so many plugins that it slows it down, but what can we do! We need our plugins.
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      • Profile picture of the author WILLIELOITER
        I dont even use explorer anymore, once i found how fast and reliable OPERA was i switched immediately.:rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    It sounds to me like all previous versions of Internet Explorer too!!!

    Seriously... And people continue to use those products also...

    Just because YOU don't like the "benefits" that an application offers does not mean that the whole world should not install that application!
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author faceblogger
    Why do we need to use IE? Those who still use IE deserves the consequences

    no sig

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    • Profile picture of the author scrofford
      Originally Posted by faceblogger View Post

      Why do we need to use IE? Those who still use IE deserves the consequences
      Well a lot of non internet marketing people...people who surf and just buy products...use IE a lot! And if you are going to reach people to buy products, then you really need to keep this fact in mind no matter how bad IE sucks.

      So if you build a website, you should make sure it looks good in a number of different browsers. That's why.
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    • Profile picture of the author AnitaCross
      Originally Posted by faceblogger View Post

      Why do we need to use IE? Those who still use IE deserves the consequences
      Have you checked your web sites' stats for browsers? My visitors are predominantly IE users. Should I not care about their experience on my sites because I think IE is garbage?

      I hate IE. Or, at the very least, I have strong negative feelings about it. Used IE for about 2 weeks back in '95, then switched over to Netscape 1.0...

      I resent sites that force me to use IE, (like Paypal Manager).

      BUT... my customers use IE, so I will continue to make my sites IE friendly. However, I still reserve the right to b***h about it.

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  • Profile picture of the author jasonmorgan
    It's still in beta testing. If it has problems, report them to the IE9 dev team, not bitch and moan about it on an IE forum.

    I'm all about that bass.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ken Durham
    Sounds like more work. We might not use IE, but our customers do.... :confused:

    yes, I am....

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    • Profile picture of the author markv
      Thats exactly right. Those of us who own websites will still have to check that our customers using IE9 will be able to view our sites properly once it has finished beta testing.
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  • Profile picture of the author ArgusTargus
    I too don't trust IE that much, and I find Firefox head and shoulder above the rest. The ability for addons are just so amazing.... I kind of wonder whether Apple got the ideas for iPhone apps from Mozilla???? Anyway, unfortunately when you use windows some of the calls it makes to the internet requires you to install Windows Internet Explorer, and you can't get away from not installing IE. ;-(
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  • Profile picture of the author brandonline
    TQ for the tips, i`m used crome it`s super faster
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  • Profile picture of the author LetsGoViral
    Any self-respecting geek will never use IE. Don't you know? IE is for your parents.

    I tend to stick with Firefox myself, although it seems that Chrome is even faster.
    Time of thinking is over.
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  • Profile picture of the author brandonline
    question- there is any info about top browsing in the net?
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  • Profile picture of the author faysal969
    Thanks for your post.

    I never use Internet Explorer.

    Generally I like to use Mozilla Firefox. But now a days it is doing some problem. Some tiles it crashes.

    Beside this I like Google Chrome. It is perfect for browsing.
    Learn SEO, Affiliate Marketing, CPA, and Make Money Online !!!!!!!

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  • Profile picture of the author jasonmorgan
    That is interesting in the second link that Chrome is eating away at IE's lead in market-share, while FF holds steady.
    I like chrome a lot. Big window, no fluff.

    If a website is built correctly it's going to look nearly identical on all browsers. You run into problems with amateur web designers who pimp out their sites with the latest css3 junk and only test their work on FF.

    But it does show that IE is the last browser a marketer should ignore and should honestly be the browser a site is optimized for. If your site works with IE it will most likely work with all browsers where the reverse is far from true.

    I'm all about that bass.

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    • Profile picture of the author Sandor Verebi
      Originally Posted by jasonmorgan View Post

      ... IE is the last browser a marketer should ignore and should honestly be the browser a site is optimized for. If your site works with IE it will most likely work with all browsers where the reverse is far from true.
      Hi Jason,

      That is not a negligible aspect, I think. There are many people who use IE yet. Consider which browser is preferred by your audience. You are building your sites to them, not just for yourself.



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  • Profile picture of the author seasoned
    The SICK thing is that MS wants to take over the internet. Two of their actions towards that goal are:

    1. Tie IE into windows, so windows users have to have it.
    2. Provide methods that use IE, and encourage developers to use them. This doesn't use a standard API for IE!

    So sooner or later, you will likely have to upgrade to SOMETHING. Maybe v10 will be better.

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    • Profile picture of the author scrofford
      Originally Posted by seasoned View Post

      The SICK thing is that MS wants to take over the internet. Two of their actions towards that goal are:

      1. Tie IE into windows, so windows users have to have it.
      2. Provide methods that use IE, and encourage developers to use them. This doesn't use a standard API for IE!

      So sooner or later, you will likely have to upgrade to SOMETHING. Maybe v10 will be better.

      Um, this has been going on since the start of the internet and Microsoft. Every copy of Windows comes with IE and Microsoft has always encouraged developers to use it.

      Upgrading to the next version of IE is fine...if you don't like it then don't use it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Rodman
    CHROME rules.
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  • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
    I actually switched to using IE (version 9) for a short while, and didn't mind it, overall. Much better than previous versions. I'm back to using FireFox again, though, as I'm just more accustomed to it, and like all the add-ons.

    The only issue I had with IE was that the Lenovo Thinkpad fingerprint-scanning software I use to input all my passwords and such seemed to function a tad slower in that than in FireFox, and occasionally required me to refresh a page twice before it'd pop up.
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  • Profile picture of the author steve1343
    google crome is best are mozilla
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  • Profile picture of the author Trinidad
    how about IE8? I usually use have it on my default win 7 program
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    • Profile picture of the author alwaysready
      thanx about the information , but i'm not using it at all , i don't find it the best browser so i just keep it in case . thank you any way
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    • Profile picture of the author bareket57
      Originally Posted by Trinidad View Post

      how about IE8? I usually use have it on my default win 7 program
      Internet Explorer8 is far from perfect (it doesn't show a lot of webpages the way it should - the graphics all jumbled up etc.). However it's MUCH better than Internet Explorer9! I also have Internet Explorer8 on my Windows7. My default browser is Google Chrome and that is - as others have said above - much better!
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  • Profile picture of the author EliteIM
    It must have been ages since I used IE. Mozilla and even Google Chrome are far better options.
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  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    I've been a dedicated Firefox user for many years. The only time I use IE is on the rare occasions I have to run Microsoft Silverlight which (thankfully) isn't very often.
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  • Profile picture of the author Patrick
    IE is nothing but a big headache in every aspect.
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  • Profile picture of the author stanislavlem
    Hey, thanks for notice.

    I also had problems with Internet Explorer previously and that's why I switched to Mozilla.

    And it works like a charm
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  • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
    I started using Chrome now. But still firefox rocks when it comes to special addons.
    I am using both now ☺
    Hate IE.
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  • Profile picture of the author chennaibeatz
    Firefox is updated and it is always the best for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author masterofinternate
    That's the reason why I avoid IE. I don't feel comfort using IE.
    Generally Firefox service is the best. I use Firefox for SEO stuff and Google Chrome for Browsing. I think both are Awesome.
    Anyways...Thanks for your warnings.

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  • Profile picture of the author RaptorGabe
    Firefox is the best for IMers, hands down (whatever hands down means ) but like has been stated multiple times here our customers do use IE because they are idiots errrr not as internet savy as we are. You def need to be able to check your sites in multiple browsers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hlatky
    Personally, I use Chrome.

    But, in regards to other people using IE, it might be because they don't know any better.

    Microsoft Windows still dominates the market and IE comes installed with it. I don't think my parents even know that there are options other than IE and they both use the Internet everyday.
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  • Profile picture of the author K_tir
    Firefox is great but Chrome is by far the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author vishalduggal
    Firefox is launching version 4.0 in February to gain the market share again.
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    • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
      Originally Posted by vishalduggal View Post

      Firefox is launching version 4.0 in February to gain the market share again.
      Yes, indeed.

      I installed the 4.0 beta the other day, and it was very nice. I had to "downgrade" though, because my "fingerprint scanner" plugin kept spitting out errors with it, and I'm so accustomed to using it for logins and such that I can't live without it anymore!
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  • Profile picture of the author johnalex157
    I did install ie9 and still using it.. no problem at all.. its slow.. i do agree..
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  • Profile picture of the author lloydenterprises
    i Use Opera! I think its way faster than firefox or explorer, and it has less glitches.
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  • Profile picture of the author Online Bliss
    You are building your sites to them, not just for yourself.
    If I have to test my work on another browser I will scream
    Chrome better be the last one.
    Unfortunately IE developers feel they have to upgrade so many times
    and each version is more messed up than the last.
    But like someone pointed out, some of our customers use IE. :confused:
    You've got it Made
    with the Guy in the Shades!
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  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    Is that what's causing my CPU to struggle?

    Rotten thing. I know the trouble I will get rid of it and go back to IE7

    Thanks for the tip.
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  • Profile picture of the author spearce000
    Here's another good reason BBC News - Microsoft warning over browser security flaw . In fact, it's a good reason not to use any version of IE at all !
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  • Profile picture of the author weatherforecast
    Great thread . Thanks a lot. Internet explorer 9 sucks. Anyway i use firefox , IE works bad .
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  • Profile picture of the author tfos4941
    By the look of it I am the only person on here that uses IE. I love it, had loads of problems with Chrome surprisingly and not a big fan of firefox. IE8 is the one for me!
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    • Profile picture of the author hilaryaustin
      i wonder how this IE department are developing this browser I mean its another useless output from them. Why don't they listen to user feedback's and suggestions being emailed to them. Rather than implementing things that are not helpful and compatible for usage.
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    • Profile picture of the author Manuelcrc
      It sure sounds like fire. I also prefer firefox or Opera. The few times IE has worked better for me is when accessing my school's ePortal.

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      • Profile picture of the author M Thompson
        I used to use firefox, but found it getting more unstable with each upgrade so i switched to chrome, can't imagine ever going back..

        Opera is a non starter as it's got lots of security issues , I don't use IE apart from with those stupid programs that insit on opening an i.e browser widow.

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  • Profile picture of the author Merle Hans
    Personally, I use chrome for browsing because its much faster than firefox...on the other hand, firefox has a lot of useful plugins for use.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Shazia Mirza
    I also read somewhere on the net that Internet Explorer 9 is not up to par with state of the art security. So be careful while you surf!
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  • Profile picture of the author mygold
    every version of IE are seriously user unfriendly. I generally use Mozilla Firefox and Comitbird for faster work and out looking of Google Chrome attracts more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eko Ventures
    I haven't touched IE in years, made the move to firefox and never looked back - then I started using chrome about a year ago and haven't touched firefox since .
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  • Profile picture of the author donnan
    My computer fan had really been going wild trying to keep the system cool. I never realised why it got so constantly working hard after I installed IE9.

    After seeing this post I immediatly unistalled it and wow, my computer fan I can hardly here anymore, plus my system has speeded up dramatically.

    Seems another great unfinished product from the star's of mayhem. Minisoft.
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