Quick Way To $50k This Month
to you. Don't worry. It's not only possible it's really
pennies compared to the infinite possibilities there are
to generate income online.
My THEORY is that most peoples (Including marketers)
minds still haven't caught up with the power of the
Anyone who thinks about a "recession" mind hasn't
caught up with the power of the internet.
You think economic times can really stop you from making
a measly $50k per month online? Honestly.
The only reason you can't make $50k this month is
because of your limited mindset (PERIOD).
Forums like this are good to find gems, but as I find the
average marketer on here have severely limited minds. no offense.
I had a very limited mind to. Hell at one point I just wanted to make
$200 per day.
Now that I look back, it was me focusing on just $200 per day
that made me struggle to make that.
In my mind I was programmed to think you have to struggle
online before you made it big. Going from $2k - $5k- $10k - etc... per
But the truth is you can go from $2k this month, to $20k the next month
to $50k, to $100k per month the next.
Now that sounds crazy right? Thats what I use to think.
But then once you really embody that you are only limited by your concepts of
So in essence what you're doing is taking a limitless resource like THE INTERNET
and putting a cap on it. When you focus on just making $5k per month, and thats
your goal, then you're going to struggle and Journey to make $5k per month.
Me and my partner have been doing really extensive study into
the mind/spirit and how it relates to building a business.
I guarantee you, that once you say set a real goal of making
$50k this month. A few things will happen. (It happens for everybody)
I personally like to ask the question, "How Can I Provide $100k worth of
service and value."
Doesn't really matter how you phrase it.
Anyways once that happens you will begin to get some great
inspired ideas. And those ideas will generate at least $50k if
So the million dollar question is, why don't you
implement the ideas that pop into your head?
Well for most people its a combination of Self Esteem / Limited Thinking
You may get the idea to go offline and start targeting small businesses
and helping them get online.
Now that will make your $50k this month.
Usually you'll find that right after that thought is the objection
"But I don't know enough about Internet marketing to help a business"
"I'm not smart enough"
"I haven't generated enough income online yet"
"I haven't struggled enough and built myself from the ground up"
Or 1 million other things that stops you dead in your tracks.
Then after the objection thought, the excuse mechanism kicks
"I don't have enough resources to do that"
"The owner probably wouldn't talk to me anyone"
"I'm so busy I don't have the time".
Usually it goes like this
Great Idea - Objection - Excuse - Excuse - Excuse - New though/end of idea
Here is some reality for that ass...
If you were to keep asking yourself why, why not, and "Who said" after every
objection and excuse you'll find that executing that idea starts with
taking the first small step. Which leads into the next step, than the next.
It may just be picking up the phone.
I've found the biggest battle in making $50k in a month (online/offline)
really has nothing to do with generating traffic, building a list, or writing
sales copy.
The biggest battle is breaking out of the limited mentality box that you
see all over marketing/business forums, blogs, and other marketers.
Just because someone says you have to struggle for 6 months to
get to $50k per month doesn't mean it's true.
Most people limit themselves to the same terrible formula for making it
"Big online"
Squeeze Page - Sales page - $27-$97 product.
Of course selling a $27 product it's going to be hard to make $50k per month.
So ask yourself why the hell are you only selling a $27 product?
You should have at least at $1k consulting program in whatever niche
you're in.
In fact I would even say $5k. Again I find the problem isn't that you can't
find people that will gladly pay $5k for your services.
The problem is you don't believe your services are worth $5k.
But you have to realize you don't set the worth on your services.
You estimate it, and the customer has the final say.
(As a tip always under-estimate the value of your service)
Get out of the small limited box most struggling marketers are closed into.
Writing Articles
Submitting Blog Posts
Posting on Forums
Selling $47 ebooks
None of those things are going to get you to $50k this month. And personally
it takes to much energy.
I'll give you an example.
I'm in the music production niche'... When I started I just had an
ebook for sale. Then it graduated into an audio an ebook course.
Then it graduated to an ebook/Audio/Video course.
But at the end of the day I still could only charge $67-$97 bucks.
I'd have to sell alot of courses every month to make $100k per month.
Now Multi-platinum producers COME TO ME, to help them.
How much more can I charge a famouse multi-platinum producer
than someone sitting on the couch with the 9-5?
Here's where my revelation came. I could have started off
going after multi-platinum producers in the from day one.
What I'm teaching them I could have taught them when
I first started.
But my limited mindset told me that I had to do it the way
everybody else on forums etc... tell me to do it.
Now I realize that the resource we call the internet is
INFINITE and you don't have to limit "Internet Marketing"
to ebooks, squeeze pages, and blogs.
So if you want to make $50k this month, start by writing
it down, and when that great idea pops into your head,
just tackle it without delay.
Think outside of the box.
Due to the amount of people this post touched me and my partner
decided to create a few (FREE) No strings attatched videos to
help you grow your business.
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Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
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Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
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Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show
A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.
Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show
A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.
Coming soon for all you IM junkies... The Internet Daily Show
A Secret to Success: Making serious money online or offline is not complex unto itself - we're the ones who complicate it. Simply sell them what they are already buying.
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