HELP: YOUTUBE ACCOUNT TERMINATED with no warning! What can I do? What did you do?

66 replies
One of my main Youtube accounts with lots of videos that brought me traffic was suspended a couple days ago with no warning!

Here is the email I got from Youtube...
Regarding your account: XXXXXX
The following video(s) from your account have been disabled for violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines:
  • XXXX XXXX XX XXXX XXX - (XxxxxXxxxXxxx)
Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the termination of your account.

The YouTube Team
This was my first warning. Youtube said (above) that they would disable or terminate my account if I got another warning in the next 6 months...but they already suspended that entire account! I read their terms and have no idea what I possibly could have done that was violating them! :confused: Seriously. I sent them an email by clicking the 'Reply' button to their email but don't know if they got it or will bother responding.

Has anyone had a similar experience, and if so, was there anything you were able to do about it? Any idea's for how to get my account back will be greatly appreciated.
#account #suspended #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author magentawave
    I don't know about it being "banned" but it has been disabled. I just watched a video on Youtube about how Google sometimes disables Youtube accounts because they think you are violating copyright laws. The thing is that I own the website I feature in my Youtube videos and IF that was the problem, then had the numbskull from Youtube/Google bothered to check out who I am in my Youtube account then they would also see the same contact stuff on my site. Never mind the fact that my Youtube account was/is using a domain email address for that same site (
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    • Profile picture of the author mhdeaton
      what did you do ?
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    I hope you kept backups of your videos? If not, why?

    Never ever trust a third-party with all of your business content.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author DeborahDera
    What actions have you already taken to get in touch with YouTube? Have you emailed them, called? Are you sure you were disabled and not hacked?

    Originally Posted by magentawave View Post

    One of my main Youtube accounts with lots of videos that brought me traffic was suspended a couple days ago with no warning!

    Here is the email I got from Youtube...
    Regarding your account: XXXXXX
    The following video(s) from your account have been disabled for violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines:
    • XXXX XXXX XX XXXX XXX - (XxxxxXxxxXxxx)
    Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the termination of your account.

    The YouTube Team
    This was my first warning. Youtube said (above) that they would disable or terminate my account if I got another warning in the next 6 months...but they already suspended that entire account! I read their terms and have no idea what I possibly could have done that was violating them! :confused: Seriously. I sent them an email by clicking the 'Reply' button to their email but don't know if they got it or will bother responding.

    Has anyone had a similar experience, and if so, was there anything you were able to do about it? Any idea's for how to get my account back will be greatly appreciated.
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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Originally Posted by mhdeaton View Post

      what did you do ?
      I already said that I didn't "do" anything and have no idea why they suspended my account based on their terms. After seeing a video from someone else on Youtube on how their account was removed and what they did to get it back. I'm thinking maybe they thought I was infringing on someones copyrighted material...and I wasn't because it is MY material and MY website that I was discussing in the Youtube videos.

      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      I hope you kept backups of your videos? If not, why? Never ever trust a third-party with all of your business content.
      I sure hope so but I'm not sure yet. If not then these were the only things I don't have backups for...aaargh!

      Originally Posted by DeborahDera View Post

      What actions have you already taken to get in touch with YouTube? Have you emailed them, called? Are you sure you were disabled and not hacked?
      I replied to the email they sent me (I realize they probably won't respond to that). I also started the process on disputing what they did from their site somewhere. Apparently they will send me an email explaining why and what the urls were that were removed. I could speed up the process if I knew the youtube urls but I don't.
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  • Profile picture of the author julesw

    i've had exactly the same thing happen 2 days ago for 2 accounts, i got the same email as you saying one strike, and saying one video would be removed - it was a sales type video linking to my product (in hindsight that maybe pushed their guidelines too far) the rest of the videos were tutorials and family vids.

    But when i checked, the accounts were totally banned, and any embeds of course come up with an error message that account has been banned.

    I emailed and and got one email back referring to 1 account saying apologies for inconvenience it should be resolved, went to the account and it's still banned.

    They make it hard to contact them and seems like they are in a muddle!

    WIN my Lanparte Smartphone or GoPro Gimbal! Get Ready Get Steady! Watch my Video Here:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3372614].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Bill_Z
    Same thing happened to one of my accounts, one warning and then banned. Emailed them, no response. I made another account but now I host all videos on my sites and use YT just for traffic. Was a huge PITA took me almost 2 weeks to recover, had over 200 vids on that account.
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  • Profile picture of the author Phoenyx
    Hi there.

    I took a read through the community guidelines and they had tips about staying out of trouble on youtube, which is strange. There are no clear cut guidelines other than playing nice, not spamming, making sure the content isn't adult restricted, violent, or shock videos etc.

    The only thing I can think of, after reading through all that, is that someone flagged your video and youtube agreed with them. I hope you get it all sorted out though, and that it was all a misunderstanding. Just keep trying to get in touch with them, they have to give you specific reasons why they acted that way.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author patrickhurst91
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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Originally Posted by julesw View Post

      I emailed and and got one email back referring to 1 account saying apologies for inconvenience it should be resolved, went to the account and it's still banned. They make it hard to contact them and seems like they are in a muddle!

      How long ago did they suspend your account and how long did it take for them to respond to your email?

      Originally Posted by Phoenyx View Post

      Hi there.
      The only thing I can think of, after reading through all that, is that someone flagged your video and youtube agreed with them. I hope you get it all sorted out though, and that it was all a misunderstanding. Just keep trying to get in touch with them, they have to give you specific reasons why they acted that way.
      Good luck
      Youtube specifically said somewhere I read that they don't automatically suspend accounts due to other people flagging your vids. They say that a human at Youtube will review your account before suspending it. You said: "They have to give specific reasons why they acted that way." Well, not necessarily. Google is notorious for doing stuff with no explanation whatsoever.

      Originally Posted by Chris Kent View Post

      Now I have several accounts spread across several proxies. I still have a cluster around only a few accounts and I pray they don't get banned. I need to create more!
      What do those "several proxies" do for you? Do they make it seem you're using a computer with a different IP Address?

      Originally Posted by patrickhurst91 View Post

      So I signed into youtube today and I got this message when I logged in "Your account has been permanently disabled." I have no idea how this happened. I checked my e-mail and received no response from youtube as to why they disabled my account. Anyway, my question is, is there anyway to get it back and if so, how do I go about doing so? Thanks!
      I watched this video and did what he said to do. Hopefully it will work for both of us.

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      • Profile picture of the author magentawave
        I got the second email today from Youtube saying that my Youtube channel/account has been terminated. This time (unlike the first email from them) provided the url of the "bad" video so I was able to do everything the guy in the video above said to do. Now I will wait... :confused:

        Here is what their second email said:

        Thanks for your email. Your "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" account has been found
        to have violated our Community Guidelines. Your account has now been
        terminated. Please be aware that you are prohibited from accessing,
        possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts.

        Penalty 1:

        Removed for violating our Terms of Use on 02/13/2011.
        Please see YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. and
        YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

        YouTube staff review flagged videos 24 hours a day, seven days a week to
        determine whether they violate our Community Guidelines. When a video or account is brought to our attention we investigate and take action if

        We are unable to provide specific detail regarding your account suspension
        or your video's removal. For more information on our what we consider
        inappropriate content or conduct while using YouTube, please visit our
        Community Guidelines and Tips atYouTube - Broadcast Yourself. and our Help Center article at General Policy Enforcement - YouTube Help.


        The YouTube Team
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3384649].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author magentawave
          UPDATE: Well, Youtube totally terminated my account and I never did hear back from a human. Honestly, and I'm being genuinely sincere about this, I still have no idea what I could have possibly said in my videos that would have violated Youtubes TOS. If you click on a link for one of my videos (a Youtube link), there is even a message by Youtube saying that this was a "scam" or something. This is outrageous and smells of defamation of character because over-delivering and excellent customer service after the sale of my products has always been of paramount importance to me. I'm not a litigious person, and don't have the money to sue them even if I was, but I'm hoping some attorney with lots of time on their hands will sue their asses off for the same thing so at least Youtube will have to give warnings and specifically say what it is that doesn't follow their rules so corrections can be made.

          It was mid February when first I posted this and I was wondering if anyone else was able to get their Youtube account back?

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        • Profile picture of the author scrofford
          Originally Posted by magentawave View Post

          I got the second email today from Youtube saying that my Youtube channel/account has been terminated. This time (unlike the first email from them) provided the url of the "bad" video so I was able to do everything the guy in the video above said to do. Now I will wait... :confused:

          Here is what their second email said:

          Thanks for your email. Your "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" account has been found
          to have violated our Community Guidelines. Your account has now been
          terminated. Please be aware that you are prohibited from accessing,
          possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts.

          Penalty 1:

          Removed for violating our Terms of Use on 02/13/2011.
          Please see YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. and
          YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

          YouTube staff review flagged videos 24 hours a day, seven days a week to
          determine whether they violate our Community Guidelines. When a video or account is brought to our attention we investigate and take action if

          We are unable to provide specific detail regarding your account suspension
          or your video's removal. For more information on our what we consider
          inappropriate content or conduct while using YouTube, please visit our
          Community Guidelines and Tips atYouTube - Broadcast Yourself. and our Help Center article at General Policy Enforcement - YouTube Help.


          The YouTube Team
          To me this seems all like typical Google crap. They can't give you specific details regarding your account suspension? Then they shouldn't have suspended it if they didn't know why they were doing that in the first place!

          I would put my videos on my site and just not depend on YT. It doesn't seem worth the hassle. I'm really beginning to dislike Google. Sorry that happened to you.
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          • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
            Originally Posted by scrofford View Post

            To me this seems all like typical Google crap. They can't give you specific details regarding your account suspension? Then they shouldn't have suspended it if they didn't know why they were doing that in the first place!

            I would put my videos on my site and just not depend on YT. It doesn't seem worth the hassle. I'm really beginning to dislike Google. Sorry that happened to you.
            I'm beginning to dislike them too.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3947712].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author SShip
        Youtube specifically said somewhere I read that they don't automatically suspend accounts due to other people flagging your vids. They say that a human at Youtube will review your account before suspending it. You said: "They have to give specific reasons why they acted that way." Well, not necessarily. Google is notorious for doing stuff with no explanation whatsoever.

        YouTube does disable your account because people flag without explanation without checking it. Here's a recent example: YouTube SUCKS! Won’t Fix False Flagging Problem | Home Business Success Training by Devon Brown
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3938438].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thegotoguy
    Did it have a check box on the notice or email that you got saying that you understand that you were in violation and that you also acknowledge that a future violation could result in banning your account?

    I play guitar and sing, and I made a video of me doing cover song. And believe it or not, I got a violation for that. It was ridiculous, but I had to check a box in a YouTube notification accepting the violation and acknowledging that if I got any more violations, they'd suspend my account.
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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Nope. I was never warned before they shut me down. In their email they told me I have received one warning due to violating Youtubes "Community Guidelines" and I'll get my account back in 6 months.

      Originally Posted by thegotoguy View Post

      Did it have a check box on the notice or email that you got saying that you understand that you were in violation and that you also acknowledge that a future violation could result in banning your account?

      I play guitar and sing, and I made a video of me doing cover song. And believe it or not, I got a violation for that. It was ridiculous, but I had to check a box in a YouTube notification accepting the violation and acknowledging that if I got any more violations, they'd suspend my account.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3938253].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Been there...done that.

      In my case, competitors reported my videos in order to get me banned.

      Tried fighting it but eventually realized that my time ($100 per hour) was
      worth more than duking it out with those morons at YouTube.

      You can try getting your account back but don't hold your breath.

      Just more of Google's holier than thou attitude towards marketers. They've
      appointed themselves God of the Internet and until somebody comes along
      and kicks their ass into the next galaxy, this kind of crap isn't going to stop.

      And before anybody even goes there, nothing about my videos was in any
      way a violation of their stupid guidelines. They were all original instructional
      videos made by me.

      Oh, and for those who are getting the impression that I hate Google with
      a passion from the tone of this reply, you'd be dead on the money.

      They can kiss my skinny ass.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3938270].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author magentawave
        Thanks, and I forgot to mention before that two days after telling me that I'd get my account back in 6 months, with no specific reason as to what the hell the warning was about, I got another email from them saying that it had been "terminated" and that I am to never open another Youtube account. Did you end up opening another Youtube account?


        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        Been there...done that.

        In my case, competitors reported my videos in order to get me banned.

        Tried fighting it but eventually realized that my time ($100 per hour) was
        worth more than duking it out with those morons at YouTube.

        You can try getting your account back but don't hold your breath.

        Just more of Google's holier than thou attitude towards marketers. They've
        appointed themselves God of the Internet and until somebody comes along
        and kicks their ass into the next galaxy, this kind of crap isn't going to stop.

        And before anybody even goes there, nothing about my videos was in any
        way a violation of their stupid guidelines. They were all original instructional
        videos made by me.

        Oh, and for those who are getting the impression that I hate Google with
        a passion from the tone of this reply, you'd be dead on the money.

        They can kiss my skinny ass.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3938334].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
          Originally Posted by magentawave View Post

          Thanks, and I forgot to mention before that two days after telling me that I'd get my account back in 6 months, with no specific reason as to what the hell the warning was about, I got another email from them saying that it had been "terminated" and that I am to never open another Youtube account. Did you end up opening another Youtube account?

          I'd rather not answer this question in public.
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnSchoemann
        YouTube Terminating- Make Money Online Accounts. As you probably heard this weekend, YouTube terminated thousands of Make Money Online Accounts.

        Here is my take on this: As Internet Marketers we need Youtube for the traffic it generates to our sites, and to those of our clients. Youtube has become an indispensible part in all traffic g...eneration strategies. The other Video sharing sites don't even rank close to Youtube when it comes to page views and potential traffic funneling to our web properties.

        I don't think we, as Internet Marketers should take YouTube's DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACK (Yes, I call it a denial of service) on our channels lightly.

        We, "The Make Money On The Internet" crowd play a huge part in the training, coaching and education of people who ultimately become key customers for the top 10 Companies on the Internet.We "The Make Money On The Internet" crowd teach people how to make money on eBay. We teach people how to make money on Google. We teach people how to make money on Facebook. We teach people how to make money on Youtube. And Yes, We teach people how to make money on the Internet.

        We are directly responsible for the billions of capital that goes to the top Internet and Tech companies on the NYSE and the NasDaq. Yes, I am freakin mad! It is people like you me and the millions of other entrepreneurs who got Youtube, Google, Facebook, EBay, Yahoo, Amazon where they are today.

        We, the small time entrepreneurs are responsible for the Billions of dollars that they make. We are the driving force behind there rising stocks. We! We! We! Not corporate America! I am totally Freakin Pissed
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  • Profile picture of the author UMS
    I hear to many youtube horror stories like this.

    Bottom line is to always ensure that you host your videos in at least 2 different locations, eg: Amazon S3 and your webserver.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fernando Veloso
    Ahhh the good old "lets all flag his videos" and terminate his account.

    Dude, I had an account with some videos, all of them with unique content:

    > my voice, my words, my music, MY pictures.

    Then one day KABUM and the account was gone.

    I searched here and someone told me about a bluefart forum, an exact thread where the scheme was detailed.

    So...let's all flag his videos, no one in Youtube will check it, and account terminated.

    Funny world huh?

    PS: No point in asking for your account back, it seems the monkeys on the other side doesn't read that well.
    People make good money selling to the rich. But the rich got rich selling to the masses.
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  • Profile picture of the author Itsbob
    happened to me. sucked. theres not much u can do, the flagging system is seriously flawed.

    my videos dont rely much on subscribers so i got vlads mass utube when i get kicked off again (only a matter of time im sure), ill be back on utube within the hour. I wish people would focus on making their own business better rather then trying to destroy everyone else..
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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Hmmm, its very interesting to read that a Youtube account can be flagged by a-holes or competitors and then terminated by some idiot at Youtube because I think that is what happened to me.

      One of my happy readers sent me a long detailed email describing exactly how he made money doing what I teach and how much money he made doing it. I got his permission to post his unedited email on my blog because it was really good content. I had this one bitter loser that kept leaving comments on my blog saying that what I teach can't be done and isn't legal, etc., etc. He NEVER even read my stuff either, yet he still insisted on bitching about it. Since I know my stuff has worked for hundreds (based on real testimonials I get), I went ahead and published his comments and point by point very nicely and tactfully went through each one to counter his objections. A week later my Youtube account was terminated. Go figger.

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  • Profile picture of the author thegotoguy
    @magentawave That sucks. YouTube must have revised their methods of handling these types of issues. They probably also disabled your videos as well. So now your account is useless until they lift the suspension. I think you are stuck for now. So I'd create another account and play strictly by the rules and use it for the time being. Just be careful. It sounds like just anyone can report a violation, whether they can prove there is one or not. That's not cool! Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author thegotoguy
    It was probably flagged for abuse. Someone or multiple people may have considered it an abusive argument. I believe you were trying to prove your system worked and allow him to speak his mind. But it was taken out of context by some random viewer(s). Either way it still sucks. I guess from now on, I'm not going to reply to YouTubers who leave racy or hateful comments. I'll just delete them and avoid going through what you are dealing with.
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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      I had lots of views on my Youtube account but few comments, and certainly nothing of an abusive nature from me or anyone, and no arguments ever. It was one post out of tons on my blog that this one guy commented on and was being a dick. You know, real negative and bitter and sitting there sucking his thumb for all the crap life and others had done to him. Probably an alcoholic. And like I said before, he wasn't even a customer of mine. By the way, I just looked up the date I left my last and very long point by point rebuttal to his negative comments and it was exactly a week later my Youtube account got dumped.


      Originally Posted by thegotoguy View Post

      It was probably flagged for abuse. Someone or multiple people may have considered it an abusive argument. I believe you were trying to prove your system worked and allow him to speak his mind. But it was taken out of context by some random viewer(s). Either way it still sucks. I guess from now on, I'm not going to reply to YouTubers who leave racy or hateful comments. I'll just delete them and avoid going through what you are dealing with.
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  • Profile picture of the author thegotoguy
    That sucked. Maybe the violation they are accusing you of is a mistake. Have they replied to you at all?
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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Yes, but nothing from a human. Its just non-specific mumbo-jumbo about "violating their Community Guidelines."

      Originally Posted by thegotoguy View Post

      That sucked. Maybe the violation they are accusing you of is a mistake. Have they replied to you at all?
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  • Profile picture of the author musicaltouch
    It is almost always copyright infringement. Some times it may be the music, the photos, even trademarked terms.

    I would consider multiple accounts and contact them with a question.
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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      I have tried contacting them multiple times. I just tried again today. There is no way it could be copyright infringement in my case because I own all the content myself - including the site I was featuring. And that was/is obvious because that Youtubes account email address used my domain email address. Now, if they think it was copyright infringement, or whatever, then the cool thing would be for them to f-ing tell me EXACTLY what they think the copyright infringement was. But nooooooo, they say nothing specific. Its like dealing with some faceless dork from a big corporation or a government employee.

      Originally Posted by musicaltouch View Post

      It is almost always copyright infringement. Some times it may be the music, the photos, even trademarked terms.

      I would consider multiple accounts and contact them with a question.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3938912].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author thegotoguy
    I agree with @musicaltouch You should contact them and be very kind and simply ask them what your account was in violation of. Don't be negative. Because you'll eventually get your account back in 6 months. So just ask them to prove their side of the story. They should be more than happy to clarify what the violation was. Then you can offer a rebuttal.
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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      I have been "kind" with them and have simply asked them what I was in violation of...numerous times. I'm not sure I will get my account back in 3 more months because the second email I got from them said my account was "terminated" and I was to never open another Youtube account. And yes, I did kindly reply to that email too, but I get nothing specific from them...ever!

      Originally Posted by thegotoguy View Post

      I agree with @musicaltouch You should contact them and be very kind and simply ask them what your account was in violation of. Don't be negative. Because you'll eventually get your account back in 6 months. So just ask them to prove their side of the story. They should be more than happy to clarify what the violation was. Then you can offer a rebuttal.
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  • Profile picture of the author thegotoguy
    I know! It's so frustrating. I hope you eventually get it figured out. Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Patton
    It could be a copyright infringement or like stated above someone flagged your video with dummy accounts, I would just try to contact them. I hope you get your account and videos restored. Good Luck!
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    • Profile picture of the author RedWaterDub
      I had my youtube account terminated for posting a video that promoted a clickbank product which boasted to have a system for winning at sports betting...I know dumb of me eh?

      So they said it was a breach of community guidelines spam scam and all that...and they were probably right.

      Thing is why didn't they just remove it and give me a warning?

      I was new to affiliate marketing at that stage and just picked that product I was guilty but it was an honest mistake. I was only really experimenting with the process didn't really pay much attention to the product was just a test...the video wasn't claiming anything at all...ALL IT SAID "WAS GO TAKE A LOOK AT THIS WEBSITE" blah

      Don't you think that termination was a bit harsh ?

      Don't I deserve a warning?..I thought it was 3 strikes and you're out?

      Man I feel really violated...I think it really unfair. I have tried explaining it to them but always get the same answers everyone else has said above..


      Thanks for your email. Your "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" account has been found
      to have violated our Community Guidelines. Your account has now been
      terminated. Please be aware that you are prohibited from accessing,
      possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts.

      Penalty 1:

      Removed for violating our Terms of Use on 02/13/2011.
      Please see YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. and
      YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

      Is there anything i can do?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3941514].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author magentawave
        Why didn't they just tell you to remove the offending video? Cuz that is the way they roll. Hey, at least in your case you know why they terminated your account. Me, I still have no idea. What can you do? Scroll up this pagee and you will see a Youtube video that shows you how to grovel and beg with Youtube... like I've been doing, to no avail.


        Originally Posted by RedWaterDub View Post

        I had my youtube account terminated for posting a video that promoted a clickbank product which boasted to have a system for winning at sports betting...I know dumb of me eh?

        So they said it was a breach of community guidelines spam scam and all that...and they were probably right.

        Thing is why didn't they just remove it and give me a warning?

        I was new to affiliate marketing at that stage and just picked that product I was guilty but it was an honest mistake. I was only really experimenting with the process didn't really pay much attention to the product was just a test...the video wasn't claiming anything at all...ALL IT SAID "WAS GO TAKE A LOOK AT THIS WEBSITE" blah

        Don't you think that termination was a bit harsh ?

        Don't I deserve a warning?..I thought it was 3 strikes and you're out?

        Man I feel really violated...I think it really unfair. I have tried explaining it to them but always get the same answers everyone else has said above..


        Thanks for your email. Your "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" account has been found
        to have violated our Community Guidelines. Your account has now been
        terminated. Please be aware that you are prohibited from accessing,
        possessing or creating any other YouTube accounts.

        Penalty 1:

        Removed for violating our Terms of Use on 02/13/2011.
        Please see YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. and
        YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

        Is there anything i can do?
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  • Profile picture of the author Chess
    What i think happens is they give you a strike for one video, then immediately scan your other videos, find 'violations' then just can the whole acct. after that. Total B.S.

    In the future, never have all your videos on one acct. Get other YT accts. and spread them out. If one channel get's 'canned' for B.S. reasons, then you haven't lost everything and still have other acct's active and running.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3944070].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Hmmm, that may be exactly what happened because like I said before, they first said my account was "suspended" for 6 months and then came back the next day and said it was "terminated." I sent them a few messages yesterday and all of them came back with autoresponders saying my account was terminated and don't open another Youtube account ever again. So I'm going to give up on that account and move on. Too bad too because I had a great name for that account.

      Originally Posted by Chess View Post

      What i think happens is they give you a strike for one video, then immediately scan your other videos, find 'violations' then just can the whole acct. after that. Total B.S.

      In the future, never have all your videos on one acct. Get other YT accts. and spread them out. If one channel get's 'canned' for B.S. reasons, then you haven't lost everything and still have other acct's active and running.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3944613].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RedWaterDub
        Hi Warriors,

        I just got this message from google:

        Hi there,

        Thanks for your email. The video you posted was in violation of YouTube's
        Community Guidelines as reported by users and verified by the YouTube

        Accordingly, the ability to post new content to YouTube from this account
        has been disabled and will not return until two weeks after you
        acknowledge the message within your account. Please review the YouTube
        Community Guidelines and refrain from further violations, which may result
        in the termination of your account(s).

        Additional non-video penalties may be recorded in your account at

        What does that mean? How am i supposed to acknowledge the
        message in my account if I can not access my account?
        coz whenever I try to get into my youtube account it re-directs me to a
        "unable to access google product" page??????

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3945229].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author magentawave
          I recall getting the same email and feeling frustrated because I couldn't "acknowledge the message" in my account too! I wrote back and of course never got an email back telling me how to do that.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3945273].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author RedWaterDub
            its given me hope tho...there must be a way to do it or they wouldn't have said it?
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  • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
    This seems to be happening to a lot of people. I know Vince Del Monte said he was having this same problem. I think Google is on a mission to take down anything that has to do with marketing. They are trying to make any free methods of marketing less effective so everyone will use Google Adwords to get traffic. At least that's my opinion. I was doing some research the other day and noticed that since the big update Google has stopped sending traffic to most of the other video sites except for one. Can you guess which one? Yep, youtube. The one that they own. Google is full of crap.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3947706].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      You may have a good point there about Youtube doing this to shut out business stuff.

      P.S. I just sent you a PM Heather.


      Originally Posted by H.Miller View Post

      This seems to be happening to a lot of people. I know Vince Del Monte said he was having this same problem. I think Google is on a mission to take down anything that has to do with marketing. They are trying to make any free methods of marketing less effective so everyone will use Google Adwords to get traffic. At least that's my opinion. I was doing some research the other day and noticed that since the big update Google has stopped sending traffic to most of the other video sites except for one. Can you guess which one? Yep, youtube. The one that they own. Google is full of crap.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3950888].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author magentawave
    Your story is almost identical to mine except that I never got any indication that someone may hacked into my account like you did. Also, I didn't realize that we, as the "owners" of our Youtube channels, were responsible for the content of the comments that others leave...and could be terminated for that! I still have no idea why my account was terminated. In my case, and I swear I'm not the paranoid type, I'm beginning to think that a competitor flagged my account.

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    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Okee dokie there "WhoIsBenjamin" and thanks. :confused:
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      • Profile picture of the author PCRoger
        I got the email reply fro WhoIsBenjamin but the post does not show up.

        I agree with him to a point, and always have promoted owning my own web real estate, but let's face it - our own will never compete in ANY SERPS let alone GOOGLE like YouTube does.

        also, it's beyond them being what we know they are, it's defamation of character and more.

        Track your affiliate sales back to the ARTICLE or WEBSITE that generated the sale. CBSaleTracker

        I was making money in days with the 4 Day Money Making Blueprint

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4068976].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JR Rich
          A friend of mine simply creates multiple accounts and posts no more than 20 videos per account. That way, getting an account banned/terminated will not bring his business to it's knees in one Google/YouTube action.

          The interesting part of how he creates his YouTube accounts to avoid the same IP trail is to drive around town tapping in to the free wifi services available at hotels, coffee shops, and the like.

          Also, he never uses free Gmail or Yahoo email accounts for verification. He always uses "throwaway" email addresses on his own hosting/domains.

          If you're going to play in the Google/YouTube world, you've simply got to protect yourself from the arbitrary decisions/actions that dealing with monumentally huge and faceless bureaucracies necessarily entail!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4080539].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author magentawave
            Yes, I think that is the way it should be done.

            As far as using different IP addresses...

            Does he only do that when he first creates the Youtube account? Or does he have to use different IP addresses whenever he uploads something? Also, I assumed they would capture your computers IP address??


            Originally Posted by JR Rich View Post

            A friend of mine simply creates multiple accounts and posts no more than 20 videos per account. That way, getting an account banned/terminated will not bring his business to it's knees in one Google/YouTube action.

            The interesting part of how he creates his YouTube accounts to avoid the same IP trail is to drive around town tapping in to the free wifi services available at hotels, coffee shops, and the like.

            Also, he never uses free Gmail or Yahoo email accounts for verification. He always uses "throwaway" email addresses on his own hosting/domains.

            If you're going to play in the Google/YouTube world, you've simply got to protect yourself from the arbitrary decisions/actions that dealing with monumentally huge and faceless bureaucracies necessarily entail!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4082747].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author JR Rich
              He only uses this method when creating the account.

              Your computer's IP is based on wherever you're connecting from (coffeehouse, motel, etc).

              Besides, you can just create your videos at home and then upload them from your favorite restaurant or coffeehouse. Keep the IP's shifting in other words.

              Originally Posted by magentawave View Post

              Yes, I think that is the way it should be done.

              As far as using different IP addresses...

              Does he only do that when he first creates the Youtube account? Or does he have to use different IP addresses whenever he uploads something? Also, I assumed they would capture your computers IP address??

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4082796].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author onlinemarket01
      This happened also to my account two days ago:-(. I think we cannot do anything about it, just have a back up file of your video always.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4068996].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author PCRoger
        I'm going to try my state Attorney General. Meanwhile, I'm uploading videos to Facebook, but Zuckerberg has his issues also.

        Originally Posted by onlinemarket01 View Post

        This happened also to my account two days ago:-(. I think we cannot do anything about it, just have a back up file of your video always.
        Track your affiliate sales back to the ARTICLE or WEBSITE that generated the sale. CBSaleTracker

        I was making money in days with the 4 Day Money Making Blueprint

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4069010].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JohnSchoemann
          Originally Posted by PCRoger View Post

          I'm going to try my state Attorney General. Meanwhile, I'm uploading videos to Facebook, but Zuckerberg has his issues also.

          YouTube Terminating- Make Money Online Accounts. As you probably heard this weekend, YouTube terminated thousands of Make Money Online Accounts.

          Here is my take on this: As Internet Marketers we need Youtube for the traffic it generates to our sites, and to those of our clients. Youtube has become an indispensible part in all traffic g...eneration strategies. The other Video sharing sites don't even rank close to Youtube when it comes to page views and potential traffic funneling to our web properties.

          I don't think we, as Internet Marketers should take YouTube's DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACK (Yes, I call it a denial of service) on our channels lightly.

          We, "The Make Money On The Internet" crowd play a huge part in the training, coaching and education of people who ultimately become key customers for the top 10 Companies on the Internet.We "The Make Money On The Internet" crowd teach people how to make money on eBay. We teach people how to make money on Google. We teach people how to make money on Facebook. We teach people how to make money on Youtube. And Yes, We teach people how to make money on the Internet.

          We are directly responsible for the billions of capital that goes to the top Internet and Tech companies on the NYSE and the NasDaq. Yes, I am freakin mad! It is people like you me and the millions of other entrepreneurs who got Youtube, Google, Facebook, EBay, Yahoo, Amazon where they are today.

          We, the small time entrepreneurs are responsible for the Billions of dollars that they make. We are the driving force behind there rising stocks. We! We! We! Not corporate America! I am totally Freakin Pissed
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4075032].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author supreme

    To Get the Best Forex Traffic Buy Forex Solo Ads for the highest return on investment

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4068965].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author magentawave
      Thanks! One of my videos titles did start with "Make Money" so that explains why they dumped me. At least now I know their reason.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
    Originally Posted by PCRoger View Post

    Here's my story, just happened to me Sunday:

    R.I.P YouTube?

    Like I mentioned in a private forum I belong to, at least someone like will point you to a SPECIFIC violation and give you an opportunity to make amends and resubmit.

    Roger, that's pretty much my story as well. My business YouTube account
    was banned quite some time ago. I assure, nothing I did was in violation.

    Having said that (and hating them more than any entity on Earth) what
    they do is legal until somebody with authority says it's not.

    Hopefully, that day will come soon.

    Just don't hold your breath.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4069058].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jake Gray
    Looks like you aren't the only one!

    By Harlan
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4069061].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JohnSchoemann
    YouTube Terminating- Make Money Online Accounts. As you probably heard this weekend, YouTube terminated thousands of Make Money Online Accounts.

    Here is my take on this: As Internet Marketers we need Youtube for the traffic it generates to our sites, and to those of our clients. Youtube has become an indispensible part in all traffic g...eneration strategies. The other Video sharing sites don't even rank close to Youtube when it comes to page views and potential traffic funneling to our web properties.

    I don't think we, as Internet Marketers should take YouTube's DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACK (Yes, I call it a denial of service) on our channels lightly.

    We, "The Make Money On The Internet" crowd play a huge part in the training, coaching and education of people who ultimately become key customers for the top 10 Companies on the Internet.We "The Make Money On The Internet" crowd teach people how to make money on eBay. We teach people how to make money on Google. We teach people how to make money on Facebook. We teach people how to make money on Youtube. And Yes, We teach people how to make money on the Internet.

    We are directly responsible for the billions of capital that goes to the top Internet and Tech companies on the NYSE and the NasDaq. Yes, I am freakin mad! It is people like you me and the millions of other entrepreneurs who got Youtube, Google, Facebook, EBay, Yahoo, Amazon where they are today.

    We, the small time entrepreneurs are responsible for the Billions of dollars that they make. We are the driving force behind there rising stocks. We! We! We! Not corporate America! I am totally Freakin Pissed
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4074995].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Serendipitous
      Regardless what everyone thinks, you post on YT, they own your ****, not you.

      Everyone should move to Blip.TV. I've hosted videos there for 5 years and I've never had a problem. You own your own content too.
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    • Profile picture of the author SShip
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  • Profile picture of the author WDM
    that seems pretty miserable. luckily i haven't had any trouble with them yet. But I always have multiple backups on my webservers, computer / disks, and other video sites. Good luck in the future magentawave
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  • Profile picture of the author sarakelly72
    My youtube account was also ban and I think we can not do any thing . Now I have created another account.
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  • Profile picture of the author bobbydiraag
    That happened to me..

    You can,t mess with youtube(google)..

    But I did keep my videos backed-up and just started again..
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4082982].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ben Gordon
    Apparently, YouTube doesn't like internet marketing. Many internet marketers on YouTube scam and offer non relative offers to YouTubers which are innocent victims getting trapped inside and buying along with spending, thousands of dollars on worthless products.

    You just have to make sure that you aren't advertising something straight up, keep your cool and always make sure you follow the YouTube TOS.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4083026].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by Ben Gordon View Post

      Apparently, YouTube doesn't like internet marketing. Many internet marketers on YouTube scam and offer non relative offers to YouTubers which are innocent victims getting trapped inside and buying along with spending, thousands of dollars on worthless products.

      You just have to make sure that you aren't advertising something straight up, keep your cool and always make sure you follow the YouTube TOS.
      Yes remember back to the days of youtube when it was just you, your thoughts and a camera. lol.

      oh how the time changes, as soon as thing get big online, they go mainstream and the advertisers come in. lol. Kind of loses its nostalgia
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4083573].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author liquidice04
    Well the only thing you can do is contact them and hope that they will restore the account. Explain your situation... It is funny how the flag system works, If you want you can hire an army of micro workers and tell them to flag a video of your competition and ban his entire account...
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