My 17 year old SECRET WORD guaranteed to bring you money whenever you want it...

by gjabiz
45 replies

The secret word. The word that brings you all the money you want. Anytime. All the time. Everytime.

Since I can't wait for someone else's magical word... I will give you mine. Right NOW:


Make em, make money.

See? Simple stuff. Been pretty much saying the same thing for the last 17 years (actually even longer off line).

Doesn't much matter HOW. Hows comes and goes

Face to face. Simple, easy, swee!, Put your TV on porch with a FOR SALE sign on it, wait for someone to stop and give you money for it. OH? You live in the country? ebay, craigslist, local classified ads will help you sell the TV.

Want to make a little money? Make a few low cost TRANSACTIONS.

Want to make a LOT of money? Make a lot of higher cost TRANSACTIONS.

Want to make a lifetime income? Make the same TRANSACTIONS over and over decade after decade.

See? How simple can it be.

So, YOU, Guru at the top of the mountain who charges 2000 bux for your magical "method"...which may or may not work for an extended period of thanks, I'm too lazy to climb that mountain (and way to cheap)...

OR YOU Educated Guru, with more smarts than all of us thanks, I'm too dumb for that, after all, I'm just a simple minded guy. Glad you got your Ph.D. I've got a "certificate of authenticity" hanging on my wall...

All I know is, over the last 40 years, I've made hundreds and even thousands of TRANSACTIONS. Online and off.

Face to face. Remote Direct Methods including TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Newsletters and maybe even telepathically (hey, they called me out of the blue wanting to buy, what else could it be?)...

Sell your TV, make a few bux.

Sell thousands of TVs (Sony) make bigger bux.

Be a drug using whoremonging entertainer ala Charlie Sheen and get paid millions...the TRANSACTION being his contract.

It ain't rocket surgery, brain science or even difficult to understand (how could it be because even a simpleton like me gets it)...

YOU want to make more money? MAKE more TRANSACTIONS.

Really, the HOW and the details are all within your control, but knowing WHAT you want to do is Square One of making money.

Although, I am looking forward to secret words that have more power than the one I've been using for the past 40 years to feed my bulldog.


PS. If you are looking for a guru at the top of the mountain, please stop in my little general store at the foot of the mountain, where I'll sell you some maps and tools for your foolish, uh, I mean, arduous journey to obtain the wisdom from the Highly Educated and Highly Vocal. I promise the maps are genuine...I even give you a certificate of authenticity.
#bring #guaranteed #money #secret #word #year
  • Profile picture of the author Shane N
    Excellent point... Without TRANSACTIONS, there is NO MONEY!

    I am off to go make some more transactions...

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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisWater
    Way to keep it simple!

    The best thing to do, and I agree with what you said, is to keep all of your methods as simple as you can.

    More 'simple' transactions = easier money
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  • Profile picture of the author grannywriteswell
    I just loved the way you wrote your post gjabiz and would confess my secret word is "thank you". I find that helps me get plenty of transactions with people who keep coming back for more of the same - repeat transactions if you will.

    But I just loved the thought of you at the bottom of the guru mountain selling your maps and guides - really precious and put a smile on my face

    So thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Although, I am looking forward to secret words that have more power than the one I've been using for the past 40 years to feed my bulldog.
    A 40 year old bulldog?
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin_Hutto
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  • Profile picture of the author wanna-succeed
    What else am I supposed to do to make money? Pray?...

    No sig, good day m8...

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    • Profile picture of the author zoeguy
      Originally Posted by wanna-succeed View Post

      What else am I supposed to do to make money? Pray?...
      I believe that is STILL a working method, won't cost you much to implement either...
      My two rules for success: 1. Never tell everything you know.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3383358].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Aj Wilson
        Originally Posted by wanna-succeed View Post

        What else am I supposed to do to make money? Pray?...
        Originally Posted by zoeguy View Post

        I believe that is STILL a working method, won't cost you much to implement either...
        Just gotta use the right keywords
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  • Profile picture of the author Fun to Write
    There's something that comes before the transaction and that's providing something that people want pay money for.

    Focus+Smart Work+Persistence=Success

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    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Originally Posted by Fun to Write View Post

      There's something that comes before the transaction and that's providing something that people want pay money for.
      Money is ONE means of exchanging value. You in this example is the general you, not the specific YOU as the replyer to OP.

      To have a TRANSACTION, there does need to be an EXCHANGE of VALUE.

      Simple example. Neighbor is willing to pay 100 bux to have her windows washed OR she will give you an almost new TOTAL GYM her son left in her house and is in the way.

      IF you need money, you'll take the $$$

      But, if you want a Total Gym OR if you want to sell it on craigslist or ebay for maybe 200 or even 300 dollars, you may take the gym.

      This goes to PERCEIVED value. Market value says a new Total Gym could cost several hundred dollars, a used one on eBay or craigslist may sell for a couple of hundred or less, and this is DEMAND value.

      There is a whole sub-culture (of which I am involved in) which uses BARTER for TRANSACTIONS, it doesn't use MONEY.

      Those familar with the Kyle McDonald "one red paper clip" story (google if not) know that things can be traded or EXCHANGED as well as services, promises or products.

      So, you don't need something people want to buy or spend money just need to have something people WANT. And from there, you can create your own TRANSACTIONS.

      As for this whole thread being "obvious"... well, my reply is you haven't THOUGHT enough about what a TRANSACTION is and how they take place. It is not as obvious as you may think, or else more people would be doing it and there would be a lot less frustration and failure around here.

      IF most WARRIORS began with the TRANSACTION as the foundation of their money making efforts, they would readily see the faults, problems and troubles so many product launches or WSOs have which are inherent in trying to scale things up or to build a sustainable business.

      So many want to write an ebook, for example and some HAVE...but you still need to know how to sell it, including the technical parts, like uploading, taking payments, delivery, customer support, etc.

      But if you build your business on a well thought TRANSACTION process, where you know your customer's wants and needs and what they may be willing to exchange instead of money to get what you have to offer...then you can begin to build something that lasts for decades.

      Just some food for thought...


      PS. And regarding old Spot, my bulldog, I now feed him plant food. He's been pushing up daisies for many a year now...HA!
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    • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
      Originally Posted by Fun to Write View Post

      There's something that comes before the transaction and that's providing something that people want pay money for.
      Well sure you do. I always thought that the reason I have had some success online had to do with my philosophy or point of view.

      The OP was just expressing his point of view of how to make money online or off. I have in effect used this "transactions" idea to grow my directory business over the last two years. I did this by buying or creating a new directory every few months. More transactions. Now I plan on offering a press release creation & distribution service, and offer it to my directory clients. More transactions.
      Signature ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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    • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
      Originally Posted by colinph970 View Post

      Am I alone here - in being totally confused?
      Yes... I think so... lol

      If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by wanna-succeed View Post

        What else am I supposed to do to make money? Pray?...
        Originally Posted by colinph970 View Post

        Am I alone here - in being totally confused?
        I agree. If this is new information to anyone reading this thread then I don't think they should really be on this forum. Next you'll be telling us to lose weight we need to stop eating and exercise?
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  • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
    Aw man, I was hoping the magic word was something a simpleton like me could understand, but it turned out to be three whole syllables. I don't get it. Translation, please?

    I really do get it. :^Þ

    Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3385115].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Originally Posted by Dennis Gaskill View Post

      Aw man, I was hoping the magic word was something a simpleton like me could understand, but it turned out to be three whole syllables. I don't get it. Translation, please?

      I really do get it. :^Þ

      Work Man Work.
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  • Profile picture of the author clever7
    I like your style!
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  • Profile picture of the author LetsGoViral
    That kind of goes without saying, doesn't it?
    Time of thinking is over.
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    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Originally Posted by LetsGoViral View Post

      That kind of goes without saying, doesn't it?
      No. It doesn't.
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      • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
        What's obvious to me is that a lot of people that seem to think that everything is obvious are obviously glancing over the obvious, thinking that they obviously know the obvious thus missing out on something that should be be obvious.

        I like your like your posts gj man, keep them up.

        Unlike the other thread with the word...

        I don't see hypocrisy in your sig.

        obviously...I like that

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  • Profile picture of the author Tom L
    How about this one... TRAFFIC

    because without TRAFFIC who are you going to do TRANSACTIONS with
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    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Originally Posted by Tom L View Post

      How about this one... TRAFFIC

      because without TRAFFIC who are you going to do TRANSACTIONS with
      Is not email a part of Internet Marketing?

      ONE email to the right prospect could be worth tens of thousands of dollars, so, if you think that ONE email is traffic, then, yea I agree...

      otherwise, traffic has nothing to do with TRANSACTIONS. Traffic is one of those speedbumps for people who don't see the much bigger picture and as often as not get stuck in "you must do this" type thinking. You only need traffic, IF your Transaction depends on traffic...not my cup of tea, thank you very much

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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    How about OXYGEN. Everyone needs OXYGEN in order to live. If you don't have OXYGEN than you can't make any TRANSACTIONS.
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    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      How about OXYGEN. Everyone needs OXYGEN in order to live. If you don't have OXYGEN than you can't make any TRANSACTIONS.
      it doesn't make you any money...only keeps you alive (which is a good thing, but irrelevant to the OP).

      A Transaction is an exchange of value between two entities. Oxygen is a personal thing.

      So, although it is a force for sustaining life, again, unless you are selling it as a product or something related to isn't the "secret" word that gives you money (if that is what you want) any time you want it.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dino F
    This is deep stuff.

    But, maybe sometimes we really need to remember and to get back to keeping things simple.

    Even that simple.

    You actually gave me a great idea that I am going to implement right now. So thanks for that
    Hey don't look at me... I'm just cleaning here.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3389672].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author CR
    It's another take on
    "Don't rush for gold... sell shovels!"
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    • Profile picture of the author st271
      My 17 year old SECRET WORD guaranteed to bring you money whenever you want it...

      I'm very confused by your thread title.

      You say you've been making transactions for 40 years so why is this a 17 year old secret word? And why do you say "transactions" is a secret word?

      Also, why is it guaranteed to bring you money whenever you want?

      I really don't get it :confused:
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3390033].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
        Originally Posted by st271 View Post

        My 17 year old SECRET WORD guaranteed to bring you money whenever you want it...

        I'm very confused by your thread title.

        You say you've been making transactions for 40 years so why is this a 17 year old secret word? And why do you say "transactions" is a secret word?

        Also, why is it guaranteed to bring you money whenever you want?

        I really don't get it :confused:
        It took me 23 years to figure out and understand how important the concept of a TRANSACTION was to my business efforts.

        It is as much a secret word as any secret word...such as abrakadabra used by magicians.

        It's one of those out in the open "secrets" people trip over, much like a 100 dollar bill laying on the ground which people jump over to pick up two shiny pennies.

        I'm sorry to have caused you so much confusion.

        Transactions is a secret word that has many layers to it, and when you are able to see the work in all it's implicatations and to take whatever you can infer from it...then it reveals it's magic to you. Understanding what a transaction is, is only the beginning, then going throught the process BEFORE you even initiate the "real" transaction can show you the pitfalls and the stumbling blocks of so many money making programs.

        It is guaranteed to bring you money any time you want IF you set up your transaction to do so.

        One of my students just bought and sold an alto sax. He went into the transactions with the idea of making money. He bought for 60 and sold for 120, doubled his money in a few days (could have done it faster, but he fiddled farted around against my advice).

        So, if you want money now, today...then you would simply bring about a transaction, such as I illustrated in the OP, sell your TV on the front porch, or on eBay, craigslist or wherever.

        If you want to make money with your eBook (for example) create a promotion and put the promotion in front of the right people (ones who may be searching for such a product) and have the right offer in place and make a transaction.

        Anytime you want money, make a transaction.

        The kind you make is entirely up to you. Is it really magical? Only if you also believe in unicorns and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow.

        Again, my aplogies for causing so much confusion in your life.

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        • Profile picture of the author WillR
          Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

          It took me 23 years to figure out and understand how important the concept of a TRANSACTION was to my business efforts.
          You're kidding, right?

          Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

          Anytime you want money, make a transaction.
          Man, you should write a WSO on this. This is break-through stuff. I had no idea...
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3395237].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
            Originally Posted by WillR View Post

            You're kidding, right?

            Man, you should write a WSO on this. This is break-through stuff. I had no idea...
            You're welcome.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3395413].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Originally Posted by CR View Post

      It's another take on
      "Don't rush for gold... sell shovels!"
      Sure, selling tools to miners is a good idea. Then, once the gold is out of the ground, it can be turned into all kinds of useful things, including trinkets of jewelry even.

      A TRANSACTION involves an exchange.

      The exchange is an AGREED upon exchange of value.

      Value can be money, although it doesn't have to be.

      To determine how much money one wants to make, they could begin with understanding what is involved in their transaction, and from this building block, they can then construct a toll position where they get paid whenever someone wants what they have.

      It's NOT a take on selling shovels to miners, it's a whole way of looking at what a person is doing to make money...and it eliminates much frustration and saves a lot of time for those who care to delve deeper into the subject.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    I agree. A transaction is the basis of any economy. An economy is where people exchange goods and services with a coincidence of wants. I want money, you want my service. We make a deal/transaction.

    Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000
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    Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3393075].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author donhx
    Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

    One WORD.

    The secret word. The word that brings you all the money you want. Anytime. All the time. Everytime.

    Since I can't wait for someone else's magical word... I will give you mine. Right NOW:


    Make em, make money.

    "Nothing happens until someone sells something."
    Quality content to beat the competition. Personalized Author Services
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3395249].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author interestingindeed
    Ahhh, truth in comedy... how refreshing. Thanks for that.
    Originally Posted by gjabiz View Post

    One WORD.

    The secret word. The word that brings you all the money you want. Anytime. All the time. Everytime.

    Since I can't wait for someone else's magical word... I will give you mine. Right NOW:


    Make em, make money.

    See? Simple stuff. Been pretty much saying the same thing for the last 17 years (actually even longer off line).

    Doesn't much matter HOW. Hows comes and goes

    Face to face. Simple, easy, swee!, Put your TV on porch with a FOR SALE sign on it, wait for someone to stop and give you money for it. OH? You live in the country? ebay, craigslist, local classified ads will help you sell the TV.

    Want to make a little money? Make a few low cost TRANSACTIONS.

    Want to make a LOT of money? Make a lot of higher cost TRANSACTIONS.

    Want to make a lifetime income? Make the same TRANSACTIONS over and over decade after decade.

    See? How simple can it be.

    So, YOU, Guru at the top of the mountain who charges 2000 bux for your magical "method"...which may or may not work for an extended period of thanks, I'm too lazy to climb that mountain (and way to cheap)...

    OR YOU Educated Guru, with more smarts than all of us thanks, I'm too dumb for that, after all, I'm just a simple minded guy. Glad you got your Ph.D. I've got a "certificate of authenticity" hanging on my wall...

    All I know is, over the last 40 years, I've made hundreds and even thousands of TRANSACTIONS. Online and off.

    Face to face. Remote Direct Methods including TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Newsletters and maybe even telepathically (hey, they called me out of the blue wanting to buy, what else could it be?)...

    Sell your TV, make a few bux.

    Sell thousands of TVs (Sony) make bigger bux.

    Be a drug using whoremonging entertainer ala Charlie Sheen and get paid millions...the TRANSACTION being his contract.

    It ain't rocket surgery, brain science or even difficult to understand (how could it be because even a simpleton like me gets it)...

    YOU want to make more money? MAKE more TRANSACTIONS.

    Really, the HOW and the details are all within your control, but knowing WHAT you want to do is Square One of making money.

    Although, I am looking forward to secret words that have more power than the one I've been using for the past 40 years to feed my bulldog.


    PS. If you are looking for a guru at the top of the mountain, please stop in my little general store at the foot of the mountain, where I'll sell you some maps and tools for your foolish, uh, I mean, arduous journey to obtain the wisdom from the Highly Educated and Highly Vocal. I promise the maps are genuine...I even give you a certificate of authenticity.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3395512].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author satrap
    I dont get it, how is "transaction" a secret word?...
    60 Awesome Ways to Make Money Without a Job
    Check out my blog Survey Satrap featuring honest reviews of paid survey sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author gjabiz
      Originally Posted by satrap View Post

      I dont get it, how is "transaction" a secret word?...
      Sad to say, for today...

      You either get it

      or you don't.

      But, I'll be back...

      and offer a post on how to think about ideas, even single secret words (so they are productive), even those twisted and shielded in jest

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  • Profile picture of the author Sarah Bosen
    I get it. I totally see why you would want to keep things simple

    Its really unfortunate that not everything is simple, and it would be easier if making transactions were simple.
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    • Profile picture of the author oneplusone
      I understand the OP, I think a few of you have written it off as "flim flam" which is a real pity.

      There's a lot of depth to what he's saying, it just requires an open mind.

      Donald Trump said something similar a few years ago at the Learning Annex.
      'If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.' Vincent Van Gogh.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3395698].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author paulie888
        Originally Posted by oneplusone View Post

        I understand the OP, I think a few of you have written it off as "flim flam" which is a real pity.

        There's a lot of depth to what he's saying, it just requires an open mind.

        Donald Trump said something similar a few years ago at the Learning Annex.
        Exactly, by focusing on the root cause that will bring you additional money (transactions) it tends to strip away all the unnecessary and oftentimes imaginary barriers, hurdles and complications that stand in the way of increasing your revenue (via more transactions).
        >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Profile picture of the author thosewiseguys
    I came to this post a boy...

    ...and left a man.

    Thank you gjabiz.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3395684].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
      I posted in the #30 post about overlooking the obvious to some of the smart ass know it all's that have shown up. Never overlook the ...ahhh read the post.

      I've seen the OP's posts before and they are almost always informative and entertaining.
      But hey if you know it all, what can anyone do?

      But if you do want to be a wiseguy this is the way to do it.
      Originally Posted by thosewiseguys View Post

      I came to this post a boy...

      ...and left a man.
      Either way you meant it I laughed my a** off...
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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    This thread comes after Harlan had a word to tell us, but, didn't come through.
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  • Profile picture of the author bravo75
    What a great bit of writing.
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  • Profile picture of the author TelZilla
    It's a crying shame that a large number of people on this forum are not ready for this bit of truth. But of course, like yourself, it took me a number of years to learn it too.

    Awesome post.
    Don't get so wrapped up in making money that you forget the important things in life.
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