My 17 year old SECRET WORD guaranteed to bring you money whenever you want it...
The secret word. The word that brings you all the money you want. Anytime. All the time. Everytime.
Since I can't wait for someone else's magical word... I will give you mine. Right NOW:
Make em, make money.
See? Simple stuff. Been pretty much saying the same thing for the last 17 years (actually even longer off line).
Doesn't much matter HOW. Hows comes and goes
Face to face. Simple, easy, swee!, Put your TV on porch with a FOR SALE sign on it, wait for someone to stop and give you money for it. OH? You live in the country? ebay, craigslist, local classified ads will help you sell the TV.
Want to make a little money? Make a few low cost TRANSACTIONS.
Want to make a LOT of money? Make a lot of higher cost TRANSACTIONS.
Want to make a lifetime income? Make the same TRANSACTIONS over and over decade after decade.
See? How simple can it be.
So, YOU, Guru at the top of the mountain who charges 2000 bux for your magical "method"...which may or may not work for an extended period of thanks, I'm too lazy to climb that mountain (and way to cheap)...
OR YOU Educated Guru, with more smarts than all of us thanks, I'm too dumb for that, after all, I'm just a simple minded guy. Glad you got your Ph.D. I've got a "certificate of authenticity" hanging on my wall...
All I know is, over the last 40 years, I've made hundreds and even thousands of TRANSACTIONS. Online and off.
Face to face. Remote Direct Methods including TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Newsletters and maybe even telepathically (hey, they called me out of the blue wanting to buy, what else could it be?)...
Sell your TV, make a few bux.
Sell thousands of TVs (Sony) make bigger bux.
Be a drug using whoremonging entertainer ala Charlie Sheen and get paid millions...the TRANSACTION being his contract.
It ain't rocket surgery, brain science or even difficult to understand (how could it be because even a simpleton like me gets it)...
YOU want to make more money? MAKE more TRANSACTIONS.
Really, the HOW and the details are all within your control, but knowing WHAT you want to do is Square One of making money.
Although, I am looking forward to secret words that have more power than the one I've been using for the past 40 years to feed my bulldog.
PS. If you are looking for a guru at the top of the mountain, please stop in my little general store at the foot of the mountain, where I'll sell you some maps and tools for your foolish, uh, I mean, arduous journey to obtain the wisdom from the Highly Educated and Highly Vocal. I promise the maps are genuine...I even give you a certificate of authenticity.
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